whats the best gaming controller ever made?
Whats the best gaming controller ever made?
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My dick for her to control.
This has to be a joke, even my niece who's 3 years old can hold a controller
Im guessing shes trying to turn it on
A Keyboard and Mouse.
Xbox 360's? Only held it once, but holy shit it felt super comfortable. It just fit in my hand so perfectly.
the dpad is pretty bad on that
Easily the Gamecube
who is she?
No contest. It's the Fairchild Channel F controller. It pushes and pulls. It twists and turns. It even has room for eight directional control. All of this control gives you by far the definitive version of Pong.
um thanks for helping?
Yeah so what kind of fucking idiot doesn't even know how to turn of a controller? Gotta be a joke
Xbox Elite controller is the best 1st party Xbox controller ever made, comfort wise. Units used to fail a lot, and I don't know if they ever fixed that, though. If they haven't, it's not worth the asking price, but if they have, then it's an investment that's totally worth it.
The furry degenerate is right
made by the guy who did the xbox controllers
Anyone have the full video?
Who is this and why should i give her my controller
She's the perfect wifey material for me.
I bet you believe it makes you a better gaymur too huh?
i want to strangle the life out of you, but you would probably enjoy it you flithy pig
I agree woth you user!
>no dick pic
>no how to take a screenshot
you can't forget the classics
I don't think it's synced, so it isn't coming on, maybe the cable is loose
going to have to agree with you on GC controller even with your shit taste in fetish artists, although my hands are a bit large for GC controllers now. Switch Pro Controller is a bit large for my hands, but that's mostly because of how far the handles extend out, so going with that since it suits my physiology best
Not at all. I just believe that it's the most comfortable Xbox controller that MS has ever made, and that, thanks to the ability to customize it, you should be able to set it up to where it is the perfect Xbox controller for you, as an individual.
Is it possibly to use the Switch Pro Controller on PCs yet?
I've read that you can sync the joycons to a pc, so I assumed that you can bluetooth your pro controller to a pc, but I think that the usb port on the controller is still only for charging
>perineum prostate stimulation
pretty sure its one of the controllers with custom buttons that you need to program first
> Joost will never play with your prostate
Women are trained to act stupid which makes the fact that they are kind of stupid even more annoying
animal crossing gamecube
passion pit - gossamer
i dont really listen to passion pit anymore but i loved that album when it came out and whenever i listen to it i smile and remember happier times
that d pad looks pretty interesting..
Made me kek for some reason.
Wii U Pro for that battery life.
It's amazing. Like magic.
i really wish theyd revive the GC-controller, adding a few more buttons
GC was a godsend compared to the N64, and better than the old controllers like the NES, SNES, Sega, etc, simply because it wasn't flat, but the only game that controller ever felt good in my hands with was Resident Evil 4. Other than that, I found it to be pretty bad (although better than the Wii mote).
Well, I loved that thing in every game I can think of. N64 is overrated imho - sure it was fine for lefties, but you had completly useless/hard to reach buttons on the left/middle side.
SNES/NES were fine at that time, since you didnt need more buttons, but you are right about that. GC wins all for me. I'd use it today, but unfortunatelly its missing a few buttons (compared to a PS3: L1, R3, L3, Select).
The great thing about the gcc wasn't just the fact it was flat, its because it was so goddamn intuitive. especially the right thumb side and the upper controlstick on the left!
I preferred the sony design best, as it felt like the natural evolution from the SNES controller. That said, as of now, if I could use any controller on any system, the Elite controller would be the one I would choose.
That is just a damned fine controller.
Keyboard + Mouse or PS4 controller depending on the game
>inb4 someone posts n64 controller
I love the n64 but that thing is honestly an abomination of a controller
>I love the n64 but that thing is honestly an abomination of a controller
>PS4 controller
make sure to use the touchpad, else itll be as useless as sixaxis
Man I love the design of that dpad. Does it work as good as it looks?
Who the hell asks for a turn to play Pokemon?
You talking the round one? Yeah, it's great for fighting games, or any game that could require rolling the dpad from one direction to another. That said, if I'm not playing a game that requires something like that, your thumb can get a little lost just going by feel, so there are times it is appropriate to swap it out to the regular D-pad. Both work well, and it's nice to be able to change it out on the fly as you need to.
Adjusting the triggers and the bumpers are also nice, as there's nothing wrong with a hairpin trigger on a shooter, but on a driver, you want the long pull. The back bumpers are great for button combos, or switching out L3 and R3 if you need to.
>tf you will never get a toothy bj from joost
A point of contention about those controllers, considering they cost 150. For the price, there's shit that isn't there that absolute should be. There is no reason for it to not come with Lithium Ion batteries for that price point, for example, but they just throw you 2 duracells. Also, for that price point, one could reasonably expect Bluetooth so that you could play on PC wirelessly. You will need to purchase a separate adaptor for that, however, so if you want wireless on PC, get ready to throw down another 30 bucks.
As it is, I would say the controller is worth 100 bucks new, presuming they ironed out the issues of joysticks getting pushed in and the bumpers failing. It's still a good quality controller, but at a price point as high as 150, they really are lacking a few things to make this a perfect controller (which is what a 150 dollar controller should be).