MFW back down to #3 on the server for achievements.



>Sanic isn't a ninja for the movement speed boost
>Knuckes doesn't appear to be a monk
You had one job

>tfw your friends abandon you and either transfer servers or quit playing altogether
>tfw you end up making a good friend who ends up being your gay erp partner even though you're generally not into that stuff

what the hell happened to my life

The Heaven's Ward were a cool villain group. It also might have been interesting to see Thordan join the other three Alliance leaders.

I just noticed Tails.


What's ERP endgame like?

Are you actually me?

Same happened to an FC I was in. The leader and seniority all transferred to Greg cause they had trouble raiding in Exodus. They just kinda packed up and left overnight and left me the FC mansion which I sold

I think they all ended up splitting up onto different servers.

Out of all the jobs, which has the most stylish weapons?

Bard has the best final step relics imo


I really love Sindri Lux (the strongest white mage weapon before the expansion hits), but overall, I'm just a big fan of wizard staffs. So black and white mage for me. Rapiers and katanas are also pretty interesting, so maybe my opinion will change when I see Stormblood.

DRG, NIN, and DRK in my opinion

WAR has some fun axes at the end game but there's a lot of fucking copy/pasting going on from level 1-50 and all of the grand company axes look like penis (at least the Maelstrom ones do which is odd because LIMSA IS THE FUCKING MARAUDER'S HOMETOWN)

>DRG, NIN, and DRK in my opinion

My niggA. I gotta say the PLD relic looks amazing too

>tfw like basic-looking armor and weapons
>most of the time just wear a dress

Why are BRDs/SCHs always the worst players in PUGs?

My worst experiences have been with WARs.

Low skill floors compared to other jobs. SCHs can just pull out Eos and call it a fucking day for healing in casual content, for example.

Because they forget they have an esuna and they never use mage's ballad
lmao fairy autoheal

Seeing a WAR spam Overpower in expert roulette while I'm playing Foes for a both casters with big dick dps makes me want to fucking die

from my experience the worst is usually me

>want to finish the last of the story
>dont want to make people in DF deal with my shittery
>go back to crafting

>worst healer isn't WHM
>worst tank isn't PLD
>worst dps isn't SMN

In terms of player base, PLD is probably the best tank, unfortunately.

What's wrong with WARs spamming overpower?

Do you mean they don't pull enough to justify it or that they don't keep maim up?

The few SMNs I see in DF are consistently pretty good and PLDs tend to be safe bets (as in they won't fuck up tremendously). WHMs are usually the best of the three but that's not saying much in DF.

As in they spam it and nothing else for the entire pull or until they run out of TP

maim into overpower is the most damage efficient thing to do on 3+ targets, and at 4+ targets it's still better at 0 TP. what else is he supposed to do?

By "nothing else" I think he might mean they don't use maim.

I think this is an excellent and memorable weapon design!!!

Ignore the potato.

>nothing else
As in no CDs or making an effort to regen TP with equilibrium

Oh, so they are just lazy assholes then.

ok, yes, they should try and at least push oGCD abilities.

>It also might have been interesting to see Thordan join the other three Alliance leaders.

He would have been the least morally-objectionable of the four.

The first step to getting better is recognizing that you're bad. Just realizing that puts you ahead of most of the community.

do it for him

>you will never have one of those cups

You'd be surprised how fancy and complex a book can get.

>tfw your book flies off

>Been subbed for three months
>Only played for like a week

I wish I had friends in this game

>Still haven't finished a single relic weapon. I kinda wanna just delete everything relic related from my journal and inventory

Don't give up. Ganbatte!

Why DO all those people even wanna do a relic weapon. The questline isn't fun, it's not connected to doing anything that registers as fun, the reward is pretty terrible and everyone else has it, when Yoshi suggests people make more relics as content I have a feeling both he and his audience are 100% serious on this.

What's the goddamn appeal?

In my experience on Chaos it's been BRD and NIN.

Those fuckers couldn't find their way out of an AoE even if they were locked out of the fight.

Which fc?

Was it new wheels order?

>reward is pretty terrible

Look, I'll give you everything else, but the weapons are literally BIS simply based on being able to pick stats. Whether the reward is worth it is entirely different than the quality of the reward.

>came back a month ago to play through HW in prep for stormblood
>decide I actually want to make my relic to 275
>gindy as fuck even with a ton of nerfs to the questline

God damn 70+ dungeon runs for just umbrite is not fun. Then all the other crap to get. God the time to do it but after doing all my other goals that grind feels worse than AP grinding in wow.

And a couple people in my FC are working on their 3rd relic...

That hasn't been true since Diadem 2.0.

Thee quest lines just suck is the problem. The idea of having a weapon that grows with you and gets stronger from your acomplishments is a rally neat concept.

Just yea.... grind lore, grind sand, grind fates, grind dungeons, grind old primals. I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything rather than just being dragged through the land of tedious.

It be nice if it was more along the lines of beat this boss a certain way (like wow acheivements) or just do x amount of different fates for variety experience. A little grind is acceptable. but not this crap.

So like what, since a month ago? Statement is still true for most content while relevant. Stat allotments on both tome and Alex weapons can be far from optimal. That also doesn't take in to account you may actually literally never ever see the optimal version of your Diadem weapon because, fuck you, rng.

>What's the goddamn appeal?
When you've run everything a million times, starting a relic (or several) is just something people do to try and desperately stave off boredom.

There are people who still want them for being BiS (aside from Diadem, but nobody is going to fucking to that), but most people don't care about that. It's just something to do.

>the weapons are literally BIS
Wrong, move on.

One anima weapon to completion is worth the most achievement points of any chain of related achievements.

I'm going to become number 1.

>Ignore the potato.

Nonsense, refrain from the hateful rhetoric and take pride in your race.

Potatoes need to be baked

Gotta post Nero's reply. The bantz is pretty good in this game.

Sup, how are things at SomethingAwful? You guys still collecting furporn?

Most likely. They were infiltrated by furries and goons. The guild is now a mix of goons and lgbt apologists.

>Potatoes need to be baked

I'd like to see you try, Mr. Meanie-head!

Meme race that attracts the most insufferable cunts I've ever had the pleasure of playing with. Take your irony, shove it up your ass and go join roegadyn's ironically shirtless homo club.

We of the large male roe club don't want the fucking potatoes either

These are some mean looking Lala maids.

>Meme race that attracts the most insufferable cunts I've ever had the pleasure of playing with. Take your irony, shove it up your ass and go join roegadyn's ironically shirtless homo club.

O~hohoho! We are the financial backbone of Eorzea. You need us more than we need you, silly-willie :^)

>Every lala edit ever

Yeah, thanks for buying those cash shop outfits. Whatever could Yoshida do without your financial aid.
He might even be unable to rent a castle or two this time.

>tfw picked PLD because I like sword and board
>that depressing realization that it's the most braindead out of all the tank classes due to it's simple rotation and doesn't really require much

I switched to DRK recently. I guess PLD isn't outright bad because it's damage mitigation is the best (unless it's magic) compared to the other two.

What sucks is leveling up my PLD retainer again to DRK after I hit 60.

Jokes on you Warrior actually has the best mitigation out of all three tanks

they just never have to use any of it because they're always offtanks

>tfw come to gridania
>come to market
>to retainer
>Same cat is still fucking dancing there
>tfw Odin
You guys told me it's a dead server without any erp dark fantasy.

>ishgardian hooey

what's a server where people are running around at all hours? No one is in the low level areas on any server ive tried

shit's lonely

Is there any difference between job and class retainers? Except relic weapon of course.

there's generally not that many people running around low level areas anywhere

There's no reason to group for anything but instanced content until level 50+ anyway

Be fucking honest. Don't hide it. Have you ever jacked off while waiting in the duty finder?

I mean some of you fucks probably have to wait for 45 minutes to get a group.


why fap when you can use that time to level gathering classes?

I'm basically a chronic wanker, so yeah I have /d/ open during queue.

Generally I find a location with some provocative floor tiles and sometimes I do end up jacking off.

For DoL retainers, is gathering the only stat that actually matters for them?

Of course, but only late at night because usually my queue time are only 1 to 5min long.

So theyre the best weapon you can reliably obtain, big difference. How many diadem weapons have you seen in game?


>that anti social guy in your fc who says nothing

I'm that guy and I'll never be kicked hehe

>tfw European

>tfw european on NA data center

>still no way to get old artifact gear without grinding for antique gear


>Run into enemies to taunt them with Flash
>The effect goes off after they ran behind me
>Step out of marker on the ground
>Get hit by the damage anyway after 3 seconds

Don't we still get a pretty long downtime too? iirc we're down for like 12 hours at least

Oh yeah found it. All data centers are down for 24 hours

AST since their weapons become pearlescent disco balls

It's now on the west coast, it's gonna be suffering.

Daddy of Light subs where?

I like to think that 80% if not, all of the content on /d/ is provided by FFXIV players in partnership with /vg/. It makes a lot more sense that way.

One moment you're queuing for Expert, and another moment, you're squeezing one out to girls shaped like cubes. I can't imagine it getting any better than that. I wonder how people with fetishes like that operate.

>there are people who kill animals every day and feel nothing about it
psychopaths all of them

>on NA servers

Not that i dont want you guys around or anything, but why subject yourself to this

>Live on west coast
Yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Because I have american friends and they invited me to play with them.

No? The fuck? Where am i supposed to cum? I dont want my fuckin spunk all over my desk or office chair

My comrade. I started a solo FC and got it to rank 8 by myself in like 3 or 4 days. Pretty fucking comfy not having your chat go off every 5-10 minutes because people can't shut the fuck up about irrelevant retarded shit.

I have several friends overseas that play on american servers so if I want to play with them I don't have much of a choice. Plus, there's generally more people around as well.

It's not so bad actually, between the servers being close to the east coast and me having a pretty fukken great internet connection I have barely any noticeable latency. That may change now though when they move the servers.

Ah, well, im lucky to live on the west coast then