No one is hyped for this?

No one is hyped for this?


>western FG


No this is not tekken 7

Do you know where you are? Thats not a japanese game.

I figure the only people excited for this are casuals and SonicFox because it's another game he can rake in money from

fuck no

>smash 4 customization issues
>day 1 DLC for entire fucking characters
>NRS in general

>le super heros

>preorder for darkseid!
>pay $100 for costumes!
Fuck off, I'll by the "everything edition" for $40 in a year.

no pc no buy

The First Injustice was alright, but it feels like they have doen absolutely nothing to try and make this game look interesting

>poison ivy
>captain cold
>doctor fate
>gorilla grodd

>gear system is dope as fuck

It's gonna be pure kino.

I'm worried that the more rigid controls than typical of fighting games is going to make dealing with zoners (almost the whole cast) a nightmare.

I am, my boy flash got an upgrad and actually looks fun to play

>Swamp Thing

I have never cared for DC or comic books in general, so this game has no appeal to me. I'll just be playing Tekken 7 when it comes out.

considering that MKX is the only fighter in the market worth giving a fuck about? Yes I am

I got some neckbeards to pay for my ultimate edition, so Ive got it preordered. Looking forward to maining ham ham, deadshot and swamp thing

I'm maiming Grodd, Scarecrow, Catwoman and Aquaman.

How the fuck do they explain someone like Harley or Green Arrow going up against Superman or The Flash?

>rigid controls
What does that even mean?

They're probably going to keep using those super power pills.

I dunno, i just feel like NRS' games are a little more...failing a better word, stiff? I dunno, it's just what I've been experiencing.

Not really in to netherrealm fighters, most people aren't, but they always buy a spot at Evo


yeah the characters in NRS fighters never really move around much in their footprint on the screen. Their body parts never stray too far from their idle animation area of movement, and it just makes them look weird when they attack, or are being hit. Like the games have always looked like this since the first mortal combat, but the feet staying planted in place while getting punched and the upper body jiggling around. It's never looked that good.

>most people aren't

A lot of people are. MKX sold the most out of the entire MK franchise.

It's only you contrarian faggot weeks who hate it.

MK is one of the only fighting game franchises I like since its actually designed for a controller and its difficulty is all inside the game and not outside like your average finger twister le fighting stick piece of shit game

That and unless it's a Super or X-Ray, attacks typically feel a little muted. I watch a combo video of a SuperGirl savaging a Atrocitus and I can't not notice the "oof ouch aw geez" nature of his response to being hit.

Meanwhile in most other fighters they look like they're being hit by a truck and the impacts of attacks are really crunchy. I won't doubt the quality of NRS' games, but I'm just not feeling it on the visual/audio aspect.
I say this with full intention of getting it.