
Who's up for a 3x3 thread?

The topic: What was the first game you played on each of these?

Your picks do not have to be the first game you got for each system (maybe you played the game at a demo kiosk, event, or even borrowed it from someone).
If you never played a game on a certain system, then feel free to leave it blank or maybe put the first game you -want- to play on it.
It doesn't matter if a game is exclusive, got ported, or was a multiplat release just as long as it was the first game you played on a particular system.


(posting my plebeian shit next post)

Some of the names got cut off.

Shadow Warrior
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Nintendo Land
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Some Need for Speed
This was over 20 years ago, dunno. Maybe Oregon Trail in black and white.


Filled out your shitty """""3x3""""" OP.

MGSV (bought my PS4 on TPP launch day)
None on 3DS, Pokemon Pearl if you wanna count the ordinary DS
probably Bejeweled
wouldn't have a clue what I played first when I was a kid but it would've been some edutainment shit my parents got me

what an interesting answer lol

just for kicks:
PSX was Rayman
PS2 was WRC2 (bundled with the console)
N64 would've been Goldeneye
XBox was Halo CE
X360 was Ace Combat 6 (whole reason I switched away from Playstation and honestly not worth it)
PS3 was MGS4 (got onto that console well after its heyday)
SNES was Donkey Kong something or other - I don't really remember, it wasn't my console, only played it for an afternoon

Don't feel like making an actual 3×3.

Probably SFV. I don't remember.
>Wii U
Don't remember. Probably 3D Land.
Don't remember. Probably Angry Birds
Don't remember. Probably the SF4 port.
Don't remember. Probably the shareware version of Doom

I just shut down my computer so I don't really feel like turning it back on and shit just to do this.

Persona 4 Golden
>Wii U
Smash 4
Pokemon Y
Don't care enough to remember
Same as above
Either one of the older Unreal Tournaments or Serious Sam

>I don't remember
>I don't remember
>I don't remember

My brother got Dragonball Xenoverse
Bloodborne technically got Battlefront that was bundled in got refused to download that shitty waste of space
Dont own one and probably never will
Don't own one yet
>Wii U
Smash 4
Pokemon X, my brother got Y for his 3ds
>some rpg game with really shitty touch controls. Didn't take itself too seriously and was Korean. Zenonia I think?
Dont own
Shit, I dont fucking remember that far. I think trouble in toyland? I remember a 3D dinosaur game that was really cool

Forza Horizon 3
Infamous: Second Son
WipEout 2048
Zelda: BotW
>Wii U
Mario Kart 7
Rayman Jungle Run
fuck if I remember, they're all shit
Diablo 2

This list is very, very misleading to my actual tastes.

>some rpg game with really shitty touch controls. Didn't take itself too seriously and was Korean. Zenonia I think?

Probably. It looked like this right?
We were actually okay with this once.

Don't worry, user.
At least you didn't buy them, right?

Hyrule Warriors
Pkmn Sun
Jazz Jackrabbit

Nah, I own all those systems and games.

I'm just a total fucking weeb in reality.

>total weeb
get out

I bought it for Raiden V. I played Forza Horizon 3 on a demo unit.

Not applicable
Quake shareware is the first I remember probably not the first though.

Batman Arkham Knight
Last of Us Remastered
I have never touched a Vita.
Breath of the Wild
>Wii U
Nintendo Land
Super Mario 3D Land
Sonic Runners
Jetpack Joyride


Dragonball Xenoverse 2
Never played on a Vita

Don't have a Switch yet
Nintendo Land
Pokemon X

The Battle Cats
Cookie Clicker
Counter Strike Source

Bayo 2 on emulator
Snake knockoff I think
Quake 2

By first game on PC, does it have to be IBM-compatible (in which case Alley cat) or can older PCs be included? (At which point I'm pretty sure it was some text prompt verb guessing "education" game on a Commodore PET.

Haven't played anything on the newer systems tho.
If you don't count my modern PC gaming rig (which I mostly built since simulators benefit from a faster processor) the most recent console I played anything on was the Playstation 1, Crash Bandicoot.

No Xbone, No PS4, No Vita, No Switch, No WiiU, no 3DS, no iOS, no Android. Though of all of those I'm sure some of the games I play WOULD run native on Android, given the amount of Unix games I've played.

None, but technically I could count that car game that is also on Windows 10
I think Bloodborne. I do not own one but I played bloodborne over friend's place.
Again, don't own one. Must have tried a little senran on it or something I guess.
Zelda, obviously.
>Wii U
Mario Kart 8, and worth getting the console for.
Virtue's Last Reward.
Worth getting the console for (because fuck vita etc. Dodged the 3DS bugs for most part too)
Too many plus I do not count as competent game platform anyway.
Same deal even though I played a lot of games when I had a iPod Touch.
I would say when I seriously got a PC and started playing with it it would been World or Warcraft or HL2.
I mean honestly it probably WAS Doom in my school or something but I would rather count first things I got when I got a PC and started overriding my consoles with it, until it would all backfire and now I have like 17 fucking consoles or something.

Man, a lot of people seemed to have played this.

Pretty shit 3x3 from me t b h and I played street fighter on the normal 3ds


XBone: None
PS4: GTA 5
Vita: Senran Kagura SV
Switch: BOTW
Wii U: None
3DS: Pokemon OR
Android: None
iOS: None
PC: one of the Sierra point and click adventure games, can't remember much about it other than that fucking logo ;_;

Xbone is a meme at this point after Scalebound being cancelled.

weeb with shit taste 0/9

Gravity Rush
Zelda: BotW
Mario Kart 8
Monster Hunter 4
FE Heroes
Frog Minutes
Mario's Game Gallery

Why is it all new consoles?

Xbone - Cuphead
PS4 - Titanfall 2
Vita - none
Switch - fuck the Switch
WiiU - Mario Kart 8
n3DS - Bravely Default
Andriod - Out There Omega
iOS - fuck Apple
PC - Command and Conquer 1995


Here, beyond the Switch and maybe the PS4 I doubt I'll play any of these consoles/games so I just threw in what looked the most interesting to me.

Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
New Super Mario Bros. U
Not sure. Possibly Super Mario 3D World or if there was a New Super Mario Bros. game for 3DS then that
The Simpsons: Tapped Out
Not sure, maybe Chip's Challenge

