>cat meat
Cat meat
>clown meat
We're doing rejected Fallout companions, right?
I hope they killed that cat
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Nigger, you ever been in a catsplosion
No. I'm not a cunt to cats. That cat taught that child an important lesson.
Kid obviously wasn't raised to respect animals.
Some animals just can't be helped. Girlfriend had a cat that used to be the nicest cat, but then she started getting real mean to anyone but her. Would constantly hiss and swipe at you if you walked by. So one day when she went to work I grabbed the cat, held it between my legs, and choked it out. I put her under the couch and curled her up so she was sleeping. Girlfriend found her a few days later, sad day, etc.
New cat is cool though.
>raised to respect animals
He's like 3.
>That cat taught that child an important lesson.
Still you cant let it get away with that cats are diamond dozem
nah nig
raised not to be a little bitch nigga shit cat got him good all fucked up
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I have a 2yr old and even she knows better than to punch a cat in the face
And he's learned a valuable lesson about not acting like a twat.
t. baby
It's obviously a fake story, smart guy.
Why would people lie to me?
you are true hero
Nah it's true. I fucking hated that dumb cat.
>can't take it in because of course girlfriend would look in shelters for it
>it'd be cruel to just dump a domesticated animal outside in the winter
Didn't have much of a choice.
Word, he should've checked himself before he wrecked himself.
I used to abuse the shit out of neighbor's dog when they went away on trips.
Don't know why, but I just immense pleasure from making yelp and whine.
Can't imagine I could get away with doing that to a cat though. Thing would claw my eyes out.
cats don't belong outside in any season
they're trespassing vermin
I've seen that pasta in another thread.
Or you could've take it to the fucking vet and see if it needed medication. Some cats develop these things, it isn't just because the cat is an asshole.
You don't belong outside then
Sasuga edgelord.
boohoo my birbs ):
I think the trade off was fair, if it happens again unprovoked. Cats gotta go.
wew lad
>pay a vet to look at a cat that may very well have been triggered by some seemingly miniscule event and turned into a cunt
>or fix the problem myself
Not like it matters. We have a new cat that's a couple years old now and it's been great. I have him doing tricks, and he gets to sit outside with his leash on nice days. Loves our daughter too.
I get the feeling that kid isn't going to live long.
You can tell from that cat's body language that it felt threatened and defensive long before the kid hit it.
Kid likely came in and started throwing a massive tantrum on the bed where the cat was likely just trying to chill out on.
Cats are normally pretty chill with kids. Even young kids. Even my old 18 year old cat, (when he was still alive), was fine with them and kept his distance if he thought they would mess with him. Surprised me really. Cats can be weird with change but he took it in his stride.
Was always proud of that cat. I miss him greatly.
cats are assholes, i LOVED my cat but the trouble he caused me was too much so i had to treat him well for 16 years and he died of old age, i miss you my dude
>tfw you know it's fake but you're still mad
>then you're even more mad for being mad about something obviously fake
fuck you user you're the worst
Kinky scrotum bitch
Cats hold grudges though so I doubt that cat ever got near that kid again. At least for a while.
You know something's wrong when the board is beginning to look like a fucking youtube comment section
The kid was being forced by the parent to keep hitting the cat in the original video, I love how you idiots keep trying to put blame on either one every time this shit's posted.
damn right i don't, why can't i be a pampered indoors human
i really wanted to see the ducklings wander down to the lake...
Why does it have to be fake?
They deserve whatever they get. They are the jews of the animal kingdom and likely consume a large amount of forskins from other species' young when human are not looking,