Desktop thread?

just made this puppy, rainmeter + wallpaper engine

Left screen.

Didn't have have three monitors


Right screen.


what the fuck am I reading

Hi Sup Forums this is my desktop

is this the new desktop thread
video games freaking suck btw

Shouldn't have bothered.

>no hat wobble, flarhgunnstow, or Tayne
Shittiest desktop ever.

what the fuck, take that back


I need something new & good.



NOW tayne i can get into

>tfw to smart to attend lectures

Don't lewd the dragon bro

cute not lewd
and shes my gf

it's cute not lewd

Yeah, I heard there are better like a few years ago, got lazy & then forgot.

Givvus a sauce on that doujin

There is nothing wrong with 2.2.1 version.

upload your shit faggot



it rotates between all the party members

on wallpaper engine? sure.

you need to be over 18

dam owned

>that rare occasion where my current wallpaper is actually Sup Forums related

I like video games!

Is this also the battle station thread?

I'm so fucking sick and tired of the photoshop



is that right monitor ultra wide? what size?

Yes, it's 25 inch I wanna say, It's actually smaller than my other monitors but I wanted an ultrawide bad and didn't have money for a bigger one at the time.

will any of you be my gf (male)?

but thats gay


reporting in with whole battlestation

i hate you

>That fightstick

how do i get that retro skin for win 10

Nice wallpaper

>using a fight stick

might as well be using adderall and TAS

heres the start button. the rest can be answered with google
please tell me why with detail ;)

i'll tell u when u grow up

Not that user but my dtick looks similar. I'm just waiting on some art for it and it'll be done.

hueing at 1080p


very nice, what art are you putting on it?

tell me the name/author when its upload pls senpai

Had to compress, meh.

I'm not 100% sure yet, the art will probably be blue/pink as well though. I might try and photoshop some sort of hotline miami-like mountainscape for it.

>Mona Fan !!lrzuS2Aonjj
literally who

usually I'm in tech support/music threads, forgot to drop the trip for this thread, sorry. Was in the Micomsoft thread earlier.

i dont care

>bright colorful shit everywhere
>smarties colored keyboard
>random low quality amazon cloth posters featuring stolen art arcade stick covered in memes

Really initializes my mainframe


its uploaded i think. one is "celeryman" the other is "oyster" id recommend turning off the sound because i just used a screen cap of the interactive paul rudds computer website

Then why did you ask?

first day here?


No, I've been here, trip and without trip, for the last decade. You replied mere seconds for no reason. i mean I know summer starts earlier each years, but jeez, you take the cake.

didn't read this

ukelele is my gf's and the squirtle is a pillow case i bought from the artist. the rest is warranted.

Probably not, but you definitely clicked on it.

didnt read

Too lazy to desktop, have a home screen instead

didn't read

that's a fucking top kek reply.

didn't read

Can I get a free (You) too, senpai?

But you clicked!

didn't read

I don't mind anime homescreens but at least try to use some subtlety man

I'll give you a (You) fampai

did you just assume their gender?

But u clikced tho.


this thread sucks im out

didn't read.

^mad she isnt getting yous

But I gave you 3. 4 now.

you didn't read.

can i have some yous pls

didn't read

you can have one from me

main monitor

sure here you go

display tablet monitor


didn't read

dont reply to this post or else

flibbety floppame you can't stoppame


It's more subtle than most of these desktops, that's for sure.

I just really like Ene, and having a great phone wallpaper of her seemed appropriate.

Plus, this.

>he posted it again