FPS genre is decaying

>FPS genre is decaying
>no redeeming games in ages

How do we save shooters?

And don't give me any of that Bethesda "Quake" trash

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What do you consider to be good FPS games?

Revive CnC Renegade and WolfET

embrace realism and have rifles actually able to kill in a single shot, or able to disable individual body parts.

Tribes: Ascend and T:2
Halo: CE



fuck no, the less realism the better

just play arma

That planetside review that dropped the other day was some god tier shit

>halo ce

How can you like those games and not like Quake?

I want a new Stalker game. I also want the second part of Underhell.

They already revived CnC Renegade, it died after a few months

I know. Feels bad man

Port the original Halo trilogy to PC
Port ODST to PC
Port Reach to PC
Kill 343 Industries

Quake is honestly too barebones

I understand how it grandfathered most multiplayer shooters nowadays but Quake clones permeate the market, look at Reflex, Tokikk etc. and how they all failed

Games should move beyond the Quake formula

We could have had a fucking amazing game with Planetside if it were not for Smedley.

Current trend seems to be dumbing everything down to the point that anyone can pick it up without having to think too hard about it, and give players a few simple abilities so that once every half a minute or so even the shittiest player can get a few free kills.

Except make it multicultural, and don't let them choose loadouts or weapons or anything else that requires people to learn very much about the game. Just give them skills so they can get free kills.

The FPS genre already got saved with Rainbow Six Siege

Childhood is when you want a new STALKER game
Adulthood is when you realize any new STALKER game could not possibly live up to any expectation and will probably worse than the originals seeing as 90% of who worked on SoC and CoP is gone

FPS need to embrace the arcadey age again. Shooting a guy in the face needs to become fantastic again with exaggerated craziness. I want to shoot someone point blank with a missile launcher than then use the empty gun as a bat.

escape from tarkov.

I wish Siege was less of a twitch shooter honestly

I just want decent SP FPS games.

The people who worked on CoP were different than those that worked on SoC though. And you can see what garbage the people who actually worked on those games are making at other studios. I think it could work. I at least want it to happen.

This EFT will probably be the go to game for realism autists along with squad.
And all shitposting aside. Battlegrounds is alot of fun if you have a friend to play with.
I thought it was going to be some twitch meme tier snoozefest but I was wrong.

What, you want the game to slow down time when you pop around a corner and you see an enemy waiting for you?

it was fan made
it was brown'n'bloom while original renegade was colorful
can't tell anything about the gameplay though

I think many fps games moved beyond the arena fps formula. Just about none of the mainstream fps (if you could consider TF2 to be mainstream) lacks any traces of Quake.

I personally think fps games should be more like Quake, as in faster movements and gameplay. Maybe not as fast as Quake itself, but when I play more newer fps right after I play Quake, it feels way too sluggish and unresponsive.

I'd be okay with the Metro team making another Stalker game.

Literally No Man's Tarkov

I am aware, that's why I said that both teams are now gone, probably the artists and writers too since Sergei went fucking ape shit

Metro sucks compared to Stalker. That's kind of my point. A lot of people at 4A worked on SoC and yet they go and make Metro. And then some of the CoP team go on to make Survarium. That's why I think even with a new team a new Stalker game still has a chance of being good.

>can't tell anything about the gameplay
So you literaly didn't play it
Thanks for completely invalidating your own opinion

I will never understand why people want modern/historical settings instead of CUHRAZY futuristic settings.


>WW2 is an in-demand multiplayer FPS setting

People are so fucking boring. Standard-issue peashooter rifles over rocket launchers? 9mm SMGs over railguns? Crothety old trench guns over flak cannons?

The problem is that the FPS community has shit taste. You're absolutely right

>FPS featuring criminals against police
>Handguns are by far the most common weapons
>Shotguns and rifles are much less common but realistically very effective
>No automatic weapons
>Realistic ballistics and cover penetration
>Shots to an arm or leg impede your ability to move, shoot, and handle a gun effectively
>No HUD, ammo can only be seen by checking the magazine and doing brass checks
I want this

Jokes on all the people that arent playing Survarium i this day and age, you are the cancer that's killing the FPS genre by not supporting games like RO2 and Survarium. Everybody is complaining the FPS genre is dead but you rather play the yearly iterations of EActivisoft and Friends than forming tight communities around games that matter.
Dirty Bomb has 1k players, Survarium 200-300, RO2 is dead, Day of Defeat/s/remaster has no players.
TF2 is horseshit.

sour grapes. Its really good, lives up to expectations even with barebones content.

unofficial, looked like shit, that's DOA right there buddy. The fact it died that quick confirms my point

I at least like projectiles going through people better than explosions everywhere. I also don't like enemies flying all over the goddamn place though most of my experience of that is games with shitty physics causing it so maybe I'd like it more if it was intended and done well. Though you can do projectiles going through people in the future so I don't really mind the setting but I don't want every weapon to be a different kind of exploding weapon.

>Metro sucks compared to Stalker.
I disagree.
They're very different games with some similarities.
But both metro games really nailed the immersive parts.
Pushing through a swamp wiping mud of your gasmask felt fucking gucci.
And the gunplay in metro is a gorillion times better than any stalker game.

I'd just change the perpetually rocksteady ADS and ability to spin in circles at top speed without losing sight picture at all

>How do we save shooters?
Have their main platform be something where the primary method of input isn't unresponsive tiny sticks.

TL note: you can't

Maybe Escape from Tarkov is for you

Titanfall 2


if u play overwatch after qc comes out you have a slim boner and a small dick but if you play qc then you have a fat boner and a big dick

u know its true

To bad 5.45x39 is about as effective as 9mm in that fucking game.
They really need to do some tweaking to intermediate calibers.

>It's your everyday DayZ clone
Maybe, you should go kill yourself?

>my mobafps is better than their mobafps

Unofficial, Got endorsment by EA, looked great That's why everyone flocked to it in the opening week.
The reason it died is because they fucked with the game and map balance and the lack of new, fun maps and ways to customize and make your game/server in the way you want it to gameplay wise

So just shut your fucking stupid mouth you stupid redditor, just because you saw some youtube videos doesn't mean you know shit

This game is wank, overly complex mechanics and inputs don't make for a good game. Survarium is far ahead in terms of fun yet realistic gameplay than Escape from Sanity

>what is doom

dirty bomb is a good game. did they ever get an anti cheat though?

>Most disappointing game of 2017
>Morons who like the name and not the game latch on to it to appear cool

Maybe you should go back to rebbit?

ar15 has been the testbed for a while.
The gun is good but the ammo is extremely overpriced and they are only running generic ammo instead of the myriad of ammo types AK and even pistols enjoy.

It was worse before trust me. Nowadays i occiationally take my AR15 with me for night runs

Ironic, don't you find?

>I don't know what i'm talking about the post
Maybe you should follow your own advice?

A single player FPS with no replay value and gameplay that revolves a maximum of 12 monsters at a time in an enclosed arena?


They ragequit Nexon and now they do their own thing, worth coming back to but it still needs at least 1 year for it to become perfect. Sadly with the massive flood of games every year and people's attention span of a fish it will most probably never break through.

>let me move these goalposts real quick

Yep, sums up the game nicely. Hopefully SOE/DBG sells the IP to someone who gives a shit. Also, that reviewer used to go to Sup Forums, [NOGF] was the /vg/ outfit

Haven't played for a while but I mite get into it again.
Watching gameplay I get the impression that 7.62x39 is really fucking powerful atm.

I could ask you the same question, seeing as you spout your opinion before looking for facts, in true redditor manner

Not him but that would make Siege good, and Ubisoft dont make good games so its impossible

>standard fps controls
>intuitive stance change controls and lean

>overly complex

maybe the game is not for you? I can tell you're not old enough to even play it since instead of admitting you didn't like it you act like everything you don't enjoy is dogshit.

18+ website.

stop making them for joypads.


Halo x Planetside

planetside but with warthogs and banshees.


you may steal this, Devs.

So far it is pretty nice, it has some really good ideas, like changing your movement speed with mousewheel, having animations for unlocking/opening/breaching doors, weapons jamming, dropping your magazines on the ground and having to pick them up again.
Everything is really slow, which makes players think about every move, clearing rooms, it's really tense.

Trying to escape a raid when fully packed with equipment is always thrilling

yeah SKS is gods gun atm. Hard to control but 1-2 hits kills everything unarmored. Expensive tho, especially magazines which run 5k a pop

Hey man, just because it was an above avarage shooter that trampled its non existant competition doesn't mean it's the saviour of FPS
Look at the OP again if you forgot what the thread is about

whats your ign, let's do a run together sometime

is this game just pvp or is there AIs in any form?

>"oh shit user is right, better accuse him of something to cover up my shit taste"

Thats you, you tasteless ape.

Reminder that ArmA players are autistic mouthbreathers that like to pretend they in da army and most likely use delta sp33k irl to order their mcfatburger.

>Hello welcome to McDonalds drive thru' what would you like sir?
>M'am i would like to make contact with your direct chain of command did you just assume my rank is Sir? You will adress me as Sir General yes Sir.

Check out this homo
Did you get diddled as a kid?

As it should be.

pvp and some AI sprinked in there as well. They're adding pvp only mode soon too

Destiny 2 will save the FPS genre

Escape From Tarkov is a pretty good looking Unity game.

T. arma3 is one of my all time fave games and online was fun until /a3g/ died and tryharding fag chair operator groups survived.

Thankfully there are some good SP ops

Holy fuck that 6.8

whats the AI, monsters/zombies or other humans?

>a bunch of russians make a more impressive looking and better feeling realistic shooter than Bohemia Interactive, with the fucking Unity Engine.


Escape from Tarkov doesn't have zombies

They still sell better than any shit we grew up with, homo. They're not going to make any big changes for at least 5 more years.

I don't think you're reading that correctly.
Are you going to drop the "5.56 was designed for wounding" meme next?

Im not defending him but if you Think Tarkov is anything close to intuitive you are in for a bad time.

humans with shotguns and pistols. It's a third faction. They're gonna add environmental hazards too at one point.

You can also play as the ai faction.

low wages, long work days and vodka for lunch.
t. work in russian game company

Maybe you should join BromA then

It's a shooter.
Arma is not.

We need SWAT 5.
Or just wait for Escape from Tarkov.

It is. And I'm not in for a bad time as I've had the game since first alpha admission wave. I really like the controls. Better than arma and deeper. Way better than dust.

Clearly 5.56 goes deep enough to kill and makes good would, 7.62 is more powerful round, goes in deeper (for good or the bad) and makes a larger wound.

>"5.56 was designed for wounding"
It is, like any other bullet, what the fuck?


>It is, like any other bullet, what the fuck?
all bullets are designed for since the very beginning has been to fly through air and put holes in things far away

Arma's engine is absolutely fucking rubbish tier dogshit.

It literally does nothing well. The only thing you could argue is well done is the modding capabilities, but you could do that with any inhouse engine.

I mean just look at the god damn animations. Its fucking awful. I would take anything over it, even something like Wildlands.

The problem is not the controls themselves but the execution, i played the alpha for a bit and it gave me the same clunkiness vibes that Raibow Siege has. Too much happening and the focus is more on the environment than the multiplayer and gameplay interaction section.

Some ARMA servers/clans are legitimately hilarious.
I've seen ones where the sergeant makes other players do ingame PT for fuck's sake.

Yea, so wounding things in far away, in other words