sorry, Sony-kun.
Sorry, Sony-kun
And the Switch may become a success. May.
Bot things won't happen though.
They can't keep getting away with it!
For what? Oh wow, the company that does a lot more than vidya is making bank. The sky also continues to be blue, minds continue to be blown.
that means they've been failing for decades.
funny because their movie wing is about to go under.
it's odd how sony ggers worship a mindless corporation.
>tfw nintendogaf mods deleted my thread
Anyways, Sup Forums is always fucking wrong.
Is Sony, dare I say fucking BACK?
>"sony is nothing but playstation"
end your're self
>Entire movie division hinges on the success of a fucking emoji movie
>s-sony is doing great you guyes! PS5 when?
>Salty nintendo drones
Sorry, but maybe sony will never die :)
Probably propped up by PS4 sales right? Sony's movies are fucking dogshit.
>374848129 here
>Looks at my PS3, PS4 and newly purchased Persona5
You literally defended the Emoji movie with your only excuse being "h-heh, Nintenbros dissin' muh Sony"
Neck yourself nigger.
I don't particularly like Sony's games, but it's nice to see Sony doing well. Their R&D department did a lot to advance science during he 80s and 90s, so hopefully they'll be getting back on track.
>S-Sony movies are shit!! D-Delete this! Sony isn't making a profit!!
Seething nintendo cuck getting worked by big daddy sony.
PS4 is a good console.
The emoji movie will single-handedly end Sony as a company however.
Screencap this autist.
...Why are you actually defending the Emoji movie though? That movie is so dead in the water even the trailer makers know it by having the Meh Emoji be the narrator.
Why i screen cap that? I'm not a seething nintendo cuck drone.
Why are you actually upset that sony is doing good for themselves? Is it because the switch is going to be a massive failure?
Why are you assuming I'm upset about a company's success when the bigger issue is that you are ACTUALLY standing your ground in the Emoji movie's defense?
It's more like the cancer that Sup Forums created. Never forgive, never forget, this place didn't make it easy to comfortably enjoy PS3 games. Now the fact others live in eternal misery while Sony based players are used to it, is glorious.
>PS4 is a good console.
Nah, but PS5 has potential. They can remaster/port all their best games from PS4 + new games.
> a fucking emoji movie
Bait or...? I know Hollywood has been creatively bankrupt for decades, but I refuse to believe they would try to sell a movie that's nothing but wacky faces.