gas the trikes edition
gas the trikes edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>skip tutorial
>go to tutorial system anyway
>all the free shit is still there
The game is too fucking easy. Killed a mothership and 3 fat REDACTED fucks with this. Sold all the cores to tri-tachyon, got 800k I have no idea how to spend.
Why the fuck don't we go to /vg/ already?
Hey, I'm not being hostile or anything, but how come you guys aren't on /vg/? Did the game get a new update or did you guys get booted off /vg/?
I'm just curious.
Not enough exposure, threads die quickly.
It'd be fine if the OP didn't deliberately make these threads to bait the mods. Two threads over sixteen hours is hardly grounds for all discussion being removed from Sup Forums.
Well people say it's because threads don't get enough exposure there, as if marketing it was the purpose or something. Even though we did have dozens of maxed out /vg/ threads a year ago.
Stop that unless you really want to go to /vg/.
Try warning beacons, wrecked motherships are loot boxes.
What's the point if the money is so easy to make? Devs need to tweak unshielded drones, they're too easy to kill right now.
I think they're supposed to be easily killable. The spoiler faction is harder. Besides, if you know what to do money is always easy, besides trading.
What's in the beacon systems? I've gone inside some and only found minor hostiles. Do they even have a base?
>15 threads, most of which didn't even reach 10 posts
woaaah.... it's like the next katawa shoujo....
Yellow beacons have only some frigates, orange are tougher and red ones need entire warfleet.
Yellow beacons are loot fields to get your feet wet. If you go to red beacons however, be ready for war!
Cheers, have not run across any red ones yet, Oranges do sound familiar. I'll give oranges a spin. Are the ships worth it? I'm good scrap/credit wise (and i'm driving a phase destroyer so i just need support ships and carriers)
You can't get the ships. You can get their wings though and those are damn good.
>15 threads
>9 out of them have hundreds of replies/are maxed out, only the very first one and the newest ones are different because by that point everyone has already played the shit out of the game and lost interest in talking about it
>"most didn't even reach 10 posts"
Just can't imagine how embarrassingly fucking stupid you must be to be unable to count to ten.
I guess making a /general/ OP is too much work.
Getting more Drovers is never a bad idea.
What do I do with all this money? What ships should I be getting at this point?
How do I get more captains?
Woaaaaah... 9 whole threads over the course of a fucking month! WTF! Mods need to ban this RIGHT NOW!
Hit me up when you bother to actually make a general instead of passive-aggressively trying to get the threads killed on Sup Forums. Bet you're the kind of faggot that replies to retro threads with
Ahahahaha, oh wow.
They're in the same section that you get missions from, they'll be an NPC listed as Mercenary Captain.
Don't ask me
300 is less than you think if you expand fast.
Keep in mind those 9 threads were preluded by several blatant marketing generals on Sup Forums as well. Like the ones we've been having for the past week. It's not /vg/'s fault if people don't give a fuck about the game. You don't need to force it. Or do you? Do you not get paid if you do it in /vg/?
Can someone make a faq pastebin for the eventual /vg/ op?
The question I've seen the most in the last couple days was how to get a good start in the game.
How do you support a fleet that size? Bounty missions?
Yeah, I'm also astroturfing for fucking freeware roguelike devs while I'm at it.
Quick tips off the top of my head
Stay in the system untill the Cong bounty runs out, farm some pirates, get a few support ships.
If you start with the Wolf (Which you should), get a Phase Lance, it's quite effective at overloading shields, and absolutely murders unshielded targets (drones, and such). It consumes a lot of flux but the wolf allows you to reposition in and out of combat to vent and poke easily.
Doing 40-50k bounties with 3-4 ships is pretty safe, if you have enough ships to shield you while you vent.
After you've farmed money you can pretty much do anything else you please.
So you do get paid even for /vg/? Then there's zero reason not to go there. Shoo!
>newfag bumps thread he wants gone
Marketing on Sup Forums where most of the posts are about sharing cracks would be the biggest fucking waste of money of all time.
Anyone else get some weird flickering when flying around? It doesn't interrupt gameplay but is completely random and annoying.
What are some good systems for salvage? I only find crappy shuttles and broken frigates
There are several bug reports about that, you're not alone.
I'm just helping you give it exposure like you want. I'm a nice guy a like that. At the same time I want you to stop breaking the rules to suit your agenda. Because, again, I'm a nice guy.
Yeah, marketing in one of the biggest gaming communities would be just awful. Terrible idea. And no pirate has ever bought a game they tried via piracy before. Good points, good points.
Where do I find out what a goddamn Dummy Key is, I can't start 0.8. Also crack seems weird. Please help a nigger out
The surplus of money from wAIfu core hunting so I could waste a good chunk on nice Capitals the Perseans were able to provide.
Core systems are handmade, but everything else is procedurally generated, so you just gotta go and try your luck.
Dummy key = random string. You just have to type something, it doesn't matter what, because if you don't try the crack will crash SS
>oh my god people are making threads about a beloved game that just got its first update within 13 months what the fuck
Here I'll bump the thread just for you, and I'll make sure to make a new one when this one dies
Can I even buy cruisers without comission? I mean, I can salvage with my destroyer armada alright, but that's just a question of prestige at this point.
Very good, fellow marketer. We need to stick together and advertise Alex's game as best as possible. No matter what.
So I install 0.8, type some random key, get the message it doesn't work and then I move the crack files to the dir?
Really? You think it would be a wise business move to PAY people to post in Sup Forums? For an unknown unfinished niche game? When it's not even on Steam where it could get much more sales for cheaper investment?
I'm completely overwhelmed by the amount of weapons there are
Are there some handy guidelines to which ones I want to put on x ship class or something like that
Look for them at black markets or make independents like you, they have 2 military markets with good stuff (Nortia in my save had 2 Conquests)
Also have Java 7
Somebody needs to compile weapon guide in a pic
>I'm completely overwhelmed by the amount of weapons there are
Don't be. Most weapons are shit and there are a select few god tier ones that you're looking for.
>java 7
What year is this
Try them out in the simulator to get a feel for them. And yes, most of them are shit.
>all those cores
Holy shit how
Depends on a role you want your ship to fulfil. Generally, kinetic damage is good against shields, so something like railguns is used for opening rounds of battle. Explosive is good against armor, so when the shields are down you can shoot mortars or harpoon missiles. Fragmentation is good against unarmored hull, so it's mostly shit, but missiles and fighters have no to almost no armor, so fragmentation weapons are good as point-defence. Energy weapons are good against everything, and there's a lot of uses for them.
Actually, yes, it would be an excellent business move. And the fact you're implying otherwise makes me seriously question your general intelligence. It would take some fucking spectacular mental gymnastics to argue that continuously advertising a commercial game on a site with hundreds of thousands of visitors every single day who are already interested in the hobby, is a bad business move. At the same time I don't think most of these marketers even get hotpockets out of it, they just do it because they're retarded.
I'm sorry for being so retarded lads but I haven't got a fucking clue where to drop and drag the files of the crack - because it just says 'com', 'META-INF', 'zzz' and has a log4j file. I did just install Java, but can't open it with that.
>Condor shoots 3 pilums, uses fast missile racks, and vents after 1 missile is out
This fucking triggers me to no end.
>Go on a massive Survey/Salvage haul after stocking up 2000 Supplies & Fuel
>Come back the ship I wanted (Legion BattleCarrier) isn't for sale anymore by the only high end military Independant market in the sector
>Maxed my Independant relationship to boot
>Literally like 30 AI cores left.
>Considering just joining a faction since none seem to be outright hostile with Independent.
>interested in game
>go to buy it
>asks to put credit card info into some shady site that looks like it's from 1997 and also requires your home address and phone number
This is why piracy still exists
Finally got it. What fighters should I use?
I love dual khopesh for maximum rockets, but they're not that effective against REDACTED shits because they're too fast.
REDACTED Combat Stations, that's how.
They're tough as fuck tho.
Like needing several capital ships, or laughably cheesy as fuck ships to take down.
Small ballistic:
>Light Needler
One of two KE guns you want, this one's got a little more range but worse anti-armour pen.
Second of two KE guns you want, less range, but better DPS and accuracy.
>Light Assault Gun
Only sensible option for small HE, but don't try to use it cruisers and better armour.
>everything else
Medium ballistic:
>Hypervelocity Driver
For when you want KE damage with 1000 range, also has some EMP damage.
>Heavy Mauler
Basically best medium HE dmg dealer.
>Heavy Autocannon
For when you can't find HVD or need to spare points, good weapon.
>Heavy mortar
Not-completely-rubbish HE option.
Best PD in the game.
>everything else
Big ballistic:
>Storm needler
Why is shit weapon so costly? Least range, but at least will wreck shields
>Gauss cannon
Bigger HVD
>Mark IX Autocannon
Bigger HAC
>Mjolnir cannon
Best big ballistic in the game, also get EMP damage
>Hellbore cannon
Was once one of the better weapons, now it's meh
>Hephaestus assault gun
Bigger Assault Chaingun, but not as shitty as it.
>Devastator cannon
PD? Wut? Use it as HE shotgun or something
I know this is bait, but quit being a nigger.
BMT Micro has been around for LITERALLY two decades.
They're based out of Silver Lake, North Carolina.
Askonia and Eos Exodus have independent military markets
Khopeshes are the best against big ships since they can't dodge. Also talons are OP against smaller ships.
THere was a mega link with crack applied already, one file you need to replace in starsector-core
Yeah, you also end up paying something closer to $20 than $15 because the price they list on the site doesn't include tax.
I've bought a lot of games online before but that's a first.
Dominator with twin devastators kills smaller ships in seconds. Devastator Cannon is like that endless rocket bug from earlier versions, but instead it destroys all rockets in its path, and damages armor considerably.
>site that looks like it's from 1997
>BMT Micro has been around for LITERALLY two decades
hey called it
I'm not saying it would be stupid to do for every game, I'm saying it would be stupid to do it right now for this particular game. When a game is released, when it's on Steam and when all the other cheaper way to get exposure have been used, then yes it's a good idea. But even then, why pay people to do so? It would only require a dev to create threads once in a while.
Thinking everyone who makes threads for an indie game they like are paid shills is conspiracy theory at best. This is not Sup Forums during elections, these people don't have money to throw at problems.
It's kinda disappointing that it doesn't have Reserve Deployment.
fuck off
This. At least rename it to Admiral, you fucking cockmongler.
Probably some alternative income company started by some well off ass from back in the day.
Oh great, not only I earn less money because I don't live in the USA, game is actually costlier because fuck you, that's why, with Muricans not including taxes.
Steam's been around since 2004 and has never asked for my home address though.
Why can't this just be on Steam? Or Gog? Or even Itchio
>we don't want to give valve any of the money for hosting the servers
well good thing thepiratebay servers are free then
Dagger/Tridents > Khopesh if you want bombers that can deal with frigates.
I have my Moras run Claws, Warthog and Khopesh since my Drovers do well with Longbows and Daggers. Might change out the Warthog for something durable that can pressure shields since constant EMP damage is beautiful.
Because it's not finished. It will get on Steam eventually.
Link to the mega? I feel like I've got an old one. It's not working at least, I keep getting the prompt voor CD-Key activation.
Can you have sex with officers in this game
There: Also it will work because I cracked it, I play with it and the only reason it doesn't is because you've done something wrong
If only Steam had a program of some sort where you could pay for games still in development.
Some way to provide... early access to the games... hmm
It would be especially useful for games like this i.e. niche games that very few people know about. Advertising this way is cheap and reaches a ton of people that otherwise would've never even heard about the game.
>why pay people to do so?
>why give very few people some peanuts to advertise your game to an absolutely massive crowd and in return gain a lot more peanuts yourself?
user please. I'm not sure what to even tell you when you ask shit like this. It's seriously baffling.
>Thinking everyone who makes threads for an indie game they like are paid
I already told you I think most if not all are unpaid. But they still explicitly do it to market the game.
Does Steam treat kindly games with long development period?
The instructions are weird. You don't have to enter any key at all just copy the cracked java file to the starsector-core folder and launch the game.
And aren't people always complaining that all games now somehow release in Early Access? Isn't that a good thing that for once, one dev decided to try and wait to release a completed game?
There's no rule against how long something can be early access.
Sup Forums is for video games, to talk about video games you like user.
I know this is baffling to a newfag fuck like you.
But not everyone is shilling, people just want to talk about a guy that's been around for years. That just recently got a major update.
Talk about the game. Or fuck off and be filtered.
If you don't try to enter random key game crashes after cracking. Well, at least for some people, so do so before whining it crashes.
You say that but I'm still getting this "Fatal: com/fs/util/C" note from Java.
The reason this guy doesn't put his game on Steam is because he knows he would get thoroughly and rightfully blown the fuck out for being a lazy incompetent dev. He just wants to be in his safe space surrounded by people who worship him.
Yeah. For example Darkest Dungeon was in early access for like an entire year. Very positive reception. It all depends on how satisfied you can keep people.
The problem with that shit is you get most visibility the day you're added to steam if you manage to break into the popular new releases list then you immediately fade into obscurity for the next 4-5 years until your game is finished and it's actually good, but by that point it's so old and buried there is no way you could possibly get recognition for it ever again unless some famous steamer picks it up and says "hey remember that one indie game people were playing five years ago? It's actually done now and it doesn't suck" and then you might get a slight bump in popularity.
It's far better to just wait until your game is actually done and then put it up on steam only when it's in it's best possible state.
They didn't wait to release their game, they're asking for $15 to play a beta build of it. I personally have never had a huge problem with early access, but if you're going to do it, don't make me go through some shady site that has all my identifying info as required fields, just do it through any of the marketplaces people use for games.
huh well so far no crash for me I guess I'll do that if it does then
Shit, meant for:
>not liking vulcan cannons and the 400 fragmentation dps
It's like you want to slowly chip away at the hull, not shred it as soon as an opening is made
Can someone please tell me why 0.7.2a-RC3 runs as smooth as butter with a thousand mods, but 0.8a-RC19, without a single one, crashes with a null pointer exception when I click on Play Starsector? I don't fucking get it.
Fuck, forgot about vulcans. Yeah, they're the best PD, but I don't get so close to use them offensively
Goddamn I had some old mod installed in the files somewhere, my bad cheers mate.