Games that are too damn short, but otherwise 10/10?
Games that are too damn short, but otherwise 10/10?
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Ori and the blind forest
Zone of the Enders 2
Zone of the Enders 2.
A game being short isn't a bad thing. If a game is simply enjoyable to play then it can have infinite replay value, which makes the short playtime a good thing (since you can just start playing it and finish it within a single evening whenever you want to).
What am I even looking at?
Metal Gear Rising
thats not food, its a treat. you'd be lookin like a lame lookin casper motherfucker if you ate nothin but this shit
Mirror 's Edge
Shadow of the Colossus obviously
Dragon Quest 7
Really, how many fights with Orochi did you want, 9 or ten?
Okami seemed to drag on a bit after Oni island
Luigi's Mansion.
That game is like 2-3 hours too long already.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
imagine the smell
pikmin 3
This game was a pleasant surprise. Especially each time some NPC call bullshit on the story
Heart & Slash
How the fuck do you make a brawler roguelite with THREE (3) levels?
Enslaved odyssey to the west, crypt of the necrodancer.
desu it's the perfect length, and the challange maps are just perfect
Full Throttle.
amazing fangames. any of them.
>"holy shit this even surpasses the originals"
>"oh my god they included this thing the devs cut out"
>"oh lord yes all my dreams are coming true"
>game ends after 1 hour
>balls so blue they could pass as sapphires
why do the diamonds in the rough always have to be so small?
it probably smells good since it's supposed to be edible
>amazing fangames. any of them
So none?
I want to stick my dick in that dessert
is there anything Sup Forums won't stick their dick in
Too scared to follow a link posted by a Slav?
A woman.
>mfw getting to the postgame of Prism
The game was so fucking good but because of Nintendo's corporate shlong we'll never get a complete version.
Ground Zeroes
I had jack shit for money growing up so I had to search thoroughly for freewares and such, and as a result found quite a few great proof-of-concept fangames and even finished (but short as shit) ones while scavenging for new stuff. If you don't know any that's your own fault for not trying to find them. AM2R is a bad example given it's quite well paced with a decent ammount of content, but knowing the dev got shafted hard before he could add more things to the game still gets me upset
CoD 4
Hotline Miami
>Very easy Megaman Zero clone
>Playable even if you don't know how to read Japanese
>Plays good with KB+M or Controller.
>Doomed to be in development hell because the sole creator went MIA two(three?) years ago
It was an odd game, but one I enjoyed. It actually took me about six hours to fully beat what was available (fuck that final boss, holy shit). Shame it will never get finished.
Spelunky (the old one, not the XBox one)
>Infinite replayability
>If you play it "right", you're done in like 10 minutes
>If you play it casually and don't fuck up somehow, it ends after half an hour
Infinitely replayable half an hour.
Bunny Must Die
>Metroidvania, but good
>Boss fights can be hard if you're not on the ball
>Actual game is like 3~ hours long, if you don't die constantly
Short and sweet, but it could've gone on longer. I know there's that new game after beating it, but I don't count that. The main game is what counts.
Small indie games that are actually good always end up dying off or being too short.
I mean come on, just look at it
Ace Combat Zero
>If you don't know any that's your own fault for not trying to find them
I can't find them if they don't exist. I have yet to play a fangame that is good, let alone better than the original.
That sonic demo is the closest, but being better than modern sonic isn't really an achievement.
probably doesn't smell like much until you eat it. it's cold and has a sugar and gelatin glaze.
I bet you can't sexualize this
>no, you're wrong because the one you listed doesn't count and the one I listed myself doesn't count either despite being exactly what you're talking about
that's some olympics worthy goalpost vaulting user. Merry Gear Solid 1-2 are short and sweet, so how's that? but let me guess, you don't like them so they doesn't count, right? also that's not even mentioning canned fangames with great promise like the chrono trigger remake
Android pussy
It's so fucking satisfying to see something get crushed by this shit.
Halo ODST.
The only complaints i've ever seen about it was that relative to it's length it should have been cheaper or how they wish it was more of a tactical shooter, but i've never heard anybody have actual criticisms of the game itself. Has one of if not the best atmosphere's and soundtrack's in the entire medium as well:
Breath of the Wild
>fucking done
you're on to something here
Does "too short" include if the game simply lacks content in the world? In addition to too short a story, of course.
Anyways, Infamous: Second Son if so.
try sticking your dick in it and see what happens
jumping flash series
Captain Toad
>turn it off
>rub dick up and down through the steel
>the cold gives you shills and gets you even harder while the small gaps between each part are small enough to not pinch your skin but big enough for you to feel every single one as you flop about, massaging your dong
>turning it off
this here
imma stick my dick in that
Merry Gear Solid 2 is far better than it has any right to be.
It's got tons of voice-acted Codec conversations and everything, and it even sounds like the actual actors.
>old Spelunky
Muh nigga.
Jak and Daxter.
I keep searching for the camera guy in the reflections, but I never find him
Now before you start shitting all over it just ignore the fanbase which is a terminal cancer, take it with a pinch of salt, be an open person (and take into account it's a monster world, not a human world thus the rules and culture is much different) and it will be one of the most enjoyable games you've ever played. Short, yes. Graphics are pretty bad, but then again the developer can't draw worth shit and I think he had someone help him, however he is highly skilled and talented musician (you will realize that when you listen to all the music in the game, it's unique and memorable).
It's pretty shitty at start, but gets much better once you get past the Toriel.
I thought the "undertale is good" meme had ended.
The music is all over the fucking place and the battles not being 60FPS actually hurt it.
Pirated the game with no regrets since he's a faggot.
Was fun though
>CoD 4
This. Single player campaign is elder god tier (all COD:MW games have great campaigns too) and fairly short.
Also that Arcade Mode is fucking awesome.
>pc indie pixelshit
>locked framerate
Because it actually is a good game. Not the best game in existence but still a very good and unique game.
In a way, all of Plat's licensed work, but this especially
my negros
I see what you did there.
He hired some guy to do music
Beyond Good and Evil
Fucking this. ZOE2 just kept throwing new shit at you every level itwas a constant surprise. Then it ended.
For me Mystical Ninja: Starring Goemon is 10/10 regardless of being too short. The only reason it feels too short is that the map feels like it misleads you with more content than is actually there and the final dungeon is over too quickly.
I love MNS:G but it never felt too short to me.
Look at actual shmups, they don't play at sub 60FPS.
some Frog satirical cartoon and the character only appears in this one scene
I just want more adventure. There are areas in it that feel really unused. Like the dessert and the hill area with the tree room on top. You just quickly grab some batteries and then get out.
Love the game too but the ending areas just feel slightly unfinished compared to the rest of the game leading up to festival temple.
It's some French animation, I cannot remember the name. Anyone?