Post when Sup Forums was BTFO

Post when Sup Forums was BTFO

Did Splatoon sell more than 300k copies?

It sold 4.76 million copies, and the sequel is doing extremely well in preorders.

/r/'ing that compilation mocking Bloodborne rumors before the game was anounced.

Bloodborne and Breath Of The Wild are the two biggest embarrassments Sup Forums has suffered. Literally never will never recover.

>Breath of the wild

I will never understand why people like Splatoon.
It looks so fucking boring.

>It looks
Try it my judgemental user. It's fun

It's not a movie user, it's a video game.

But I don't like any FPS games. Why would I like this one?

It's fine to not like it. I find racing simulators to be ridiculously boring, but I understand that others enjoy them.

It's not an FPS game. It's different from every other shooting game out there and that's why it's so fun.

>169 pre-orders
>Doing extremely well
Wew lad.

>The PS3 was going to bankrupt Sony and a PS4 would never exist
>The Wii U was going to destroy everything this gen
>Persona 5 was to be exclusive to either the Wii U or 3DS
>Project Beast either didn't exist or had no chance of being an exclusive, which later turned into "Bloodborne is going to be shit"
>MGSV was going to redefine action games
>Overwatch was going to commercially underperform, which has since turned into "Overwatch is gonna die any day now!" threads almost daily since launch

anyone have screenshots for all the hate nuDoom had before release?

No one really cares about BoTW. Bayo 2 made Sup Forums more salty

>it ended up selling more than bloodborne
That's the fucking best part

1 point = 1000 preorders

Those numbers are likely in the thousands

>Ghost Recon Wildlands is going to bomb!
>For Honor is going to bomb!
>Horizon Zero Dawn is going to bomb!

And they're the 3 top selling games of 2017 so far

>Autistic Nintendo game for children outsold a more niche, mature game.
What a fucking shock.

>No one really cares about BoTW

Objectively false.

>Bayo 2 made Sup Forums more salty

But you're very much right here. Nothing will even come close to touching the asshurt that Bayonetta has caused in general.


>anything i dont like is autistic

>Objectively false.
Breh, go look at the /vg/ threads. It literally went from 200 posters to 40 posters in 8 hours. Considering the game has only been out for a month, that is horrible.

other than sales that screenshot is very honest though


and yet they are all absolute garbage

GTA V on PC.

>Doing extremely well
Wew lad

>judging a game's popularity through fucking /vg/ of all things

> A fun reinvention of the shooter genre is autistic
I don't understand why any of you people are here. Go be joyless elsewhere.


That's tons of preorders and there's still 89 days to go.

We've been having multiple BotW threads up at all times for about two months now, why would anyone go to /vg/?

In japan, dumbass. It's not counting pre-orders in general. For Japan, that is really good.

Your anger is showing

Not an argument.

>threads that doesn't even gets 100 unique posters unless it's a b8 thread.

>battlefield 1 will barely sell because if I'm triggered by a black guy on the cover then everyone else must be triggered too
>battlefield 1 sells extremely well

And you can't have a battlefield 1 thread without some Sup Forumstard storming in bitching about muh realism

It's been 2 months and people talked more about BotW than Persona, Horizon or any other game in 2017. No matter how you see it Nintendo won.

How can Nintendorks recover?

never take Sup Forums seriously just post your memes and move on

Haha, it won't sell 300k or else i'll eat a bag of dicks, isn't it?

>No one really cares about BoTW

And there it is folks!

shitposting about how you want to sniff a fish's ass isn't discussing the game
don't even try to flip this around, persona threads are not the same
now claim it anyway you robotic drone

>It's been 2 months and people talked more about BotW than Persona, Horizon or any other game in 2017. No matter how you see it Nintendo won.
Sorry, but everyone alreay moved on to persona and already forgotten about that shitty open world game, BoTW

It's sort of sad people now deny people loved BotW and how much shitposting it caused. Sorry, bro, but Nintendo won game of the year and defeated Sony's entire library with one game. (Again.)


No one cares about BotW anymore. Everyone interested in it has played and beaten it and moved on. No one will remember it a month from now

There's 20 fucking threads every day which routinely hit over 300 posts. Mostly from salty Sup Forumstards in-denial.

I've played it on my brother's switch and it was nothing special. I mean I'll admit it's better than your average open world game.


>Have a ps4 and a Switch
>90 score game after 90 score game falling into my lap for months now
>people still shit posting about both on Sup Forums.

>Persona 5
>Darksouls 3 DLC
>Splatoon 2 coming in a few days

>one console/PC only shitter flase flaggers ruin every thread about every game because its not on their perfect waifu system.

I hope this meme dies some day.

>Sup Forumstards

>Not an argument
Not an argument

>No one will remember BotW a month from now

It will still be talked about 20 years from now consider it has more perfect scores than any other game ever released.

The ass sting felt by Sup Forums will reverberate for the ages.

>20 threads
>nintenbros replying to the same threads over and over and barely gets 100 unique Ip's

The biggest zelda thread right now is 5 hours long with only 85 posters

>Botw is the harbinger of a way of thinking that will change Zelda forever
>No one will remember it.

That faggot Gladium kept spamming threads for the first week after Nioh released about how it had apparently tanked. It later ended up selling a million across two weeks, becoming the highest selling Koei Tecmo game since the merger.

It's not fucking fair, this was supposed to be OUR moment, and they... those fucking cheaters... THEY FUCKING RUINED IT!!

>No one will remember it a month from now
Yeah, just like nobody remembers Ocarina, right? Oh wait...

>really good

Never said it was.

Whatcha gon'do when those awards start rolling in? Can I get you some ice for that ass?

>Star Wars Battlefront will flop!
>sells over 15 million copies

Why is Sup Forums so retarded?

>Laughing when preorders are considered foolish by a good chunk of the fanbase and far more will be buying it on release.

I got cataracts just trying to decipher that fucking image.

Thank god I found this thread, I was thinking about going fishing tomorrow.

Why do nintenbros get triggered so easily? Like I said, BotW is already forgotten and no one will remember it when Red Dead Redemption 2 comes out

And then the PS4 went on to barely outsell the WiiU. Left was right.

Wait Red Dead 2 is still happening? Took em long enough, jfc.

>Like I said, BotW is already forgotten
See you when it wins game of the year! Haha

People actually think this. Sad!


This tbqh

Back to fucking loser bitch

>souls game on a ps4

I feel sorry for you

switch/pc/ps4 masterrace




I have a pc too, I played Nier and darksouls on pc

>loser bitch

Says the loser

Stay triggered

>kiddie multiplayer shooter sells almost 5 mil
wow. Guess that's what lack of 3rd support is like

Stay salty, user

Sup Forums on election night was a fucking goldmine.

Every MMO too.

People were generating salt in WoW and FFXIV too

Some of the best times I've had memeing it up. I had no net at my place at the time and was at my dads and then back home when the results were "in" and I was in happy laughter tears listening to CBC say how Trump won.

However now it's just simply business as usual and nothing has changed but it was fun while it lasted


Why do people falseflag over console shitposts?

Console wars have been a thing long before shit posting for reactions was this common. It's only going to get worse since video games are the most accessible hobby and you're always going to have high schoolers and other genuinely stupid people posting their opinions

There's DLC coming out in a few months, you ignoramus.

>Cease and Desists and censorship out the ass
In fact every time Sup Forums sends a card it always backfires on them.

Literally something reddit would do.

That "comparison" doesn't even make sense.

It has a 100% attach rate.
Mario kart doesn't come out until the end of the month. Even then, most new switch buyers are buying it.

It's going to sell another 3-4 million in April.

Nintendo games always outsell Sony's games. What don't you understand?

difference is. Sony's chinese games aren't first party and they fall into the niche category.

Why buy a PS4? When you can play them on PC?

Yea bro ill just buy persona 5 and nioh on my PC!!! Thanks I had no fuckin idea it was out on PC, good thing you told me they are totally on PC.

There are a lot of reasons to pick a PC over a PS4. Sheer number of exclusives, the price of steam sales, the humble bundles, mods, and that stuff is just off the top of my head.

But that doesn't negate the fact that many of the Sony Exclusives (or hell, just the shit excluded from the PC in the past) are fine games.

Compared to what?

>12k people preordered a reskin of SF2

SF5 has literally driven people mad.