ITT: Games that peaked in the first installment

ITT: Games that peaked in the first installment

bonus points if tasteless plebs get triggered by your choice


Good choice OP. I know people like DR2, but I think it's pretty mediocre compared to the first game.

Holy shit so much this.

>mechanically poor
>no combo system
>little to no variety
>escorting is broken
>dialogue system is retarded

The sequels were much better games. Only thing cool about the first one is the fact that it's set in a mall.




Monolith was terrible with sequels for some reason

>mechanically poor

>no combo system
Stop talking. This invalidates everything else. The combo system killed Dead Rising. It made it so the only good weapons you could find were combo weapons instead of just having fun weapons scattered about.

This. The darkness's story with the twists were good. The second paled in comparison. I think the second had better gameplay tho.


>b-but user there's no co-op

DR2 is almost as good as DR1

the only thing holding it back is the difficulty
DR2 is way easier
the snipers are very annoying though


Delete this.

The story and characters were leagues better

The only game that arguably is better is 2, it improved on most of the things over 1 but didn't remove anything that made the first game great

3 onwards the characters are terrible and the game just relies on le funny combo weapons and the psychopaths are no longer clever parodies but LE MUSCLE TRANNY :D LE FAT SCOOTER LADY :D LE DICK CANNON GUY :D

And in 4 they removed them completely and butchered the best MC in the series

>mechanically poor
>Dead Rising 1

Have you even seen Crowbcat's video? It's objectively a mechanically superior game to Dead Rising 4

The first game is just so god damn interesting from a design perspective.

When I want to play the first Dead Rising I have to go play the first Dead Rising, when I want to play any of the sequels I remember the plethora of games that do everything that they do better.

Interesting and imperfect >>> Generic and polished
>mechanically poor
What the fuck is this even supposed to mean? It had a more mechanically interesting save system, a more prevalent time limit to contend with, a greater degree of experimentation required in order to be effective in combat, and a mechanically sensible item degradation system.

All of which created a unique gameplay loop where you'd have to "go shopping" for new items every time you went out to "hang out with friends" (ie. save survivors) and have to deal with the "overbearing and fast paced time constraints of modern living".

It was a hilarious and unique perversion of the American consumerist lifestyle in game form, and there really hasn't been anything quite like it since.

System Shock
Ghost Recon
Also this

>say stupid shit
>people call you out on your bullshit
>lol they're so triggered xD

I honestly can't understand how people think Seeds of Evil is a better game.

Just Dark Souls, it's like the rest of the games tried to recreate the magic to no avail


The fact that anybody even disputes this is embarrassing.

I always forget about this, such an amazing game. You don't see FPS's with great stories much anymore.

If we're going to exclude Demon Souls (which you must be if you're following the thread theme properly) and Bloodborne I agree.

To this day, I maintain that Jak and Daxter is not only the best game in the series, but the only one worth playing.

Thats... what Just Dark Souls means

Came to post this


Mass Effect.

T2 does certain things better like enemies not being total bullet sponges and better gunplay in general but that's pretty much it. T1's level design shits all over T2's.

beat me to it.

Halo 2 was arguably better than 1


But 2 was better in every way.

This is wrong, lost chapters beat this.


The music alone in 2 was such a shock to me as a kid with how harsh and rough the actual sounds were in comparison to X, and that was just on starting the game

dude wtf is wrong with you?

My man, best game I had on the xbox.

Did you play GUN? That was a pretty good Western for the Xbox as well

GUN was shit compared to Red Dead


Devil May Cry
Ninja Gaiden ignoring revisions/enhanced versions


Thank you. Was going to say this and Dead Rising.

Good taste.

DMC had the best design and atmosphere but you can't deny there is better cuhrazy in the series


Combat Racing was tons of fun tho.

Jak 1> jak 3> jak 2
Agree first one was the best 3 was pretty good too jak 2 was in worse the series.

I haven't played the first one, but The Darkness 2 is so fucking retarded. It's like the epitome of a console shooter. Very short, extremely cutsceney and shooting is augmented with superpowers. Then you got the online mode that uses original voice acting and maps but is just a poor man's L4D.
The only saving grace of the game is the top tier waifu, really. That was also the only part of the story that had ANY kind of build-up before things started exploding.

You forgot to put a 3 in that pic.

I distinctly remember all of my friends ranting and raving about Jak 2 when it came out, but it always left me thoroughly underwhelmed.

The moment Jak opened his edgy mouth, I knew it was all over. It was clear that Naughty Dog wanted the "too young to play GTA" audience with that one, but all I wanted was a comfy platformer.

That's likely the publisher's responsibility ( Warner Brothers ).

In a way, I agree. 2 and 3 go a completely different direction so I'm not bothered. Still a good trilogy.

It's been a rocky ride for the series.

I think that's because people started complaining about "cinematic sequences" in fps games and there's more of a focus on kill rooms and arenas these days with story taking a backseat.

Anybody who posts Halo is wrong.

This is accurate. I got halfway through Jak 2 as a kid and never looked back at the series until recently when I played the HD collection. Jak 3 has the better world and story where Jak 2 only really shines in the level design, which gets annoying when you realise you have to go back to every location 3 times.

the sequel expands and improves almost every aspect
especially the survivor AI

the only thing the sequel lacks is Frank, which they fixed in 2.5 anyway

Guerrilla is pretty good game, but yes, I played the whole saga just a year ago and got shocked how fucking good the first one is. It's Half Life tier, wish I have played in its time.

Second one is trash, didn't even finish it. And didn't understtod the plot or the actual point of the game. And Armaggedon... I don't even remember that game at all, just thea I had to install a mod to change the FOV or it would be unplayable.

Guerrilla was fun as fuck, a very well designed sandbox

cuhrazy means nothing to me without the best punching bags.


nope, only combat thanks to the use of both hands simultaneously.
everything else from story, characters, level design, atmosphere etc was better in the first

I think Red Faction is better than Half Life personally and I played them both back when they were released. Very similar style of game.

2 was trash. I played all the way through it and don't remember much at all apart from the first level that was on a demo disc and a really annoying subway level.

Guerrilla I have but haven't played much of. From what I hear it's meant to be good.

Armageddon I thought was alright. Not the best game ever but I had fun with it and was actually excited about it at the time too. Bought it day 1 I think. I liked that they went back to a linear story with linear levels.


Max Payne


Dungeon Keeper