Its that time again

Its that time again

>favorite game ever
>deepest secret

>sonic unleashed
>I fucked a friends mom when I was 19

>Half-Life 1/2 fuck you I love both equally
>I crossdress and desire to be a girl abused by her horrid boyfriend.

>I've taken the virginity of 7 girls

>taken the virginity of-
How is this a secret? What were they, a bunch of 12 year olds?

>any of the 10 perfect games on the gamecube
>i stick things in my ass on the reg without lube

Your secret is like 60% of the boards secret m8

Ehh, yeah your right. I also want to be someone's pet, like pet fucktoy


Does anyone know if there is any kind of games that let you do stuff like that? I thought about just creating one myself in LOVE2D but I lack the motivation.

I am not one of the 60%, so unfortunately i have no answer for you

>gothic 2
>I paid for a whore but didn't fuck her

I am emotionally unstable

Also I never hold hands, kissed, flirted and ofc am a virgin

2 of them were. Yes. I was 13 at the time though. 4 others were Arab girls who were promised to fiances. I'm pretty sure they are dead by now.

Damn dude, they probably were stoned to death

Thank you for doing your part for your country

>Diablo 2
>I have a literal voice in my head talking to me

>Metroid Prime
>I plan on killing myself later this year

What does he say?


Mostly my name. Or just says hi. Or says something about what I'm thinking about.

If i don't do it this year i will eventually do it, sooner or later.

Some people just weren't supposed to exist, man.

I was literally born in the wrong planet.

So he's a friend then.

Ive sucked some cock and secretly want more

Yeah. Could be a lot worse.

Tell him I said hi

Your voice? Or does it sound like someone else?

How was it? was it good or did you both just awkwardly fuck? tell me the details fag

>Killing Floor
Accidentally shot my pet turtle thinking it was some rat messing around midnight

Missed the shot, but the bullet ricocheted and he was hurt for a month or so

>Super Hang-On
>an older boy forced me to rub his dick when I was 9

>New Vegas
>I don't drink because the one time I had alcohol I sent three strangers too the hospital and got myself a broken hand and a black eye.

Holden is that you?

>resident evil 2
>my father is a drug addicted that used to abuse me and my mom until he was forced to leave

>red dead redemption
>i felt up a female friend of 15 years at a party and i regret it every single day


Story time

>Silent Hill 4
>Nobody but me and my parents know that I've been born a chick/am a post-op tranny

Okay, I did. No response though.
I mostly hear the voice in the evening when I'm going to sleep but I'm sure they'd respond. It's 11 AM here now.

Not my voice but it's slightly different each time.

What the fuck, man? You hear a rat and your first instinct is to shoot at it? You deserved to hurt your poor turtlebro desu.

Tekken 3
I spent a year befriending someone I absolutely hated, after getting his trust I planted drugs in the back of his car, then called the police the next day telling them there was a reckless driver who seemed intoxicated. They found the drugs and he went to prison, he didn't have many close people to him so he entrusted me to take care of his things most importantly his Chevy Chevelle SS. Which after jumping through some legal loopholes and him signing shit without looking made it registered in my name. I cut all contact and moved to another state to study in college.

... why?

Look man not even him, but just don't. Don't even postpone it, just never do it, you'll thank me later. Dob hasn't killed himself so you shouldn't either, I dunno how bad things are but surely you are better off. Stay strong fag.

what did he do to you

Poor turtlebro :(

Because I wanted his car.

Good on you, user. Stay strong.

Don't you want to see the rest of the new star wars though?

that's schizophrenia dude, get that treated before it gets much worse

And you're okay with essentially destroying another life for that?

Wow, that's a dick move

>I paid for a whore but didn't fuck her
what did you do? why didnt you fug her?

Final Fantasy 8
I broke a "friends" nose by kicking him in the face while he tied his shoes and he still doesn't know I did it to this day because he can't remember the entire night.

>Dynasty warriors Gundam 3
Not as addicting as other games but love it the most
>molested as a teen


>dwarf fortress
>Working the exact same job I was eight years ago.

Can we get a guy from /o/ to confirm if it was worth destroying a human life for?

Yup, I wanted it. And I get what I want.

It's a shit story cos I don't remember much from it. what I do know is my ex girlfriend broke up with me because she was scared of me for it, and that people stopped offering me drinks real quick at parties.

>Super Metroid
>Some weeks ago I feed one of ""my"" cats with rat poison. That cat is not really mine. My ex-gf, hosted temporally that cat... 4 years ago.
That fat, lucky bastard survived.

I see. Does getting what you want bring you peace?

Insulting drivel. You have no right to judge whether or not someone should end their life.

It's been like this for 4 years. I think I'll be fine, the voice has never been never malicious. I'm not a friendless neet but truth to be told, it's comforting that it's here and I don't want it gone.

Pleasure actually.

literally the joker

>friend was going off to college
>it was like 2-3 hours away, plus traffic which sucked (california traffic is hell)
>he forgot some personal items, as well as his gaming stuff, and hard drives he kept media on
>when his mom got back she got a call from my friend saying he forgot stuff
>she was pissed off, came over and begged for me to do it
>i accepted because she seemed desperate, and i couldnt leave my nigga hanging without his stuff
>do it, come back 9 hours later and tell her i made the drop
>she thanked me to an incredible degree, seriously never felt this praised
>offered to make me coffee and a sandwich since i told her i didnt eat all day
>accept, she makes it, we sit down and chat a bit, tv is on with the news and i link topics from there to not make it awkward (some fag on Sup Forums taught me this trick years ago, bless his heart)
>she gets closer, hand on my thigh, whispers in my ear
>"i really....really appreciate what you did for me today, i want to show you something..."
>initiates and handles the rest; takes my hand and guides me to the bedroom
>we fuck

Thats the gist of it really. Wasn't really awkward at all which is very surprising in retrospect. Never told anyone this though

>I've always had the urge to suck a cock but I don't think I could ever actually go through with it

wait 5 years, smoke a lot of cigarettes then kill yourself.
right now you're body should be in good condition take it to the cleaners before dumping it.
save up and kill yourself on a drug binge its how i plan to go out.

I just got a blowjob, never came and went limp before I fucked her.

Ow. The edge.

Idk, some people may be able to speak from experience.

I know I've been close to ending it all before because I was beyond convinced I was always going to be in pain, but I didn't and while life is still hard, I've managed to have really nice moments despite it all.

Not at all worth it. This guy is a sociopath and/or autistic.

you really need to talk to a doctor dude

>i sucked a dick once and it was pretty good but i was drunk and i kind of regret it because it was my first time with someone i didn't know but i'd probably do it again

>I also want to be someone's pet, like pet fucktoy
Get in line

>Super Metroid
>I'm going to fail my final year at university because I just gave up on life and never bothered doing my final year project

Megaman X
I got so into crossdressing after certain innocent at first circumstances that I pretty much wear girl clothes 24/7 at home and don't have even one even one pair of male underwear left. It's gotten to the point where I've considered start taking hormones to fill in my clothes better.

Fair enough. I must warn you though, if you keep going down this path unapologetically, it will end up destroying you. I pray you mend your ways before then.

Isn't there a site for all registered Chevy Chevelle SS's? Like, a public database to find the drivers and whatnot? Curious.

>I lost my virginity to a 45 year old mom/coworker in a bathroom while at work when I was 18

>Nier automata
>I've considered rapping to vidya lolis

Dew it

Yes. About all US cars, but its not public, i think.

>bloodborne/dark souls
>I sucked cock and lost my virginity at the age of 8 and Im a guy

>Etrian Odyssey III
I was holding my little sister when I was 16 and she was 1, I was walking and accidentally bumped her head onto the wall and I think that might be the reason she grew up autistic.

Right, I forgot caring about people is a no no here, guess wanting people to stay alive is a bad thing, maybe if I go full edgelord/nihilist and tell him to kill himself that would work far better.

thanks for the concern user

>metal gear solid
>my life is boring but i want a cute femboy trap to fuck, thing is, i want a loyal one. I want him to love him so that i can love him back. I would feel hurt as fuck if i trusted my love to someone that just likes to get abused by everyone and cares not about specially me.

>I live a pretty good life with my loving GF and our cat I have to constantly try and give a fuck about anything

>>I sucked cock and lost my virginity at the age of 8 and Im a guy
pls say more

nah, it takes a shit ton more then that

not to mention if she has actual autism that's in her genes, it wouldn't be brain damage

>Gabriel Knight 1
>I'm a complete sexual deviant, girlfriend is my mistress and I am her total bitchtoy, including but not limited too spending an entire day on my knees, jerking off for other guys amusements and using a buttplug in social settings, like family visits. But at least I'm not a cuck.

>>favorite game ever
Lost Planet 2
>>deepest secret
i have a misshapen look to my penis because of a slightly botched circumcision that i was forced to have.

>Demon's Souls
>Sup Forums made me gay when i was 16-17 and i'm getting gay married to my fiance next month, fuck you Sup Forums i could have been a happy normie

If I were you I'd move to the country with your gf and spend all day just playing vidya, hanging with animal bros and sexing your gf.

>jerking off for other guys amusements
>Not a cuck

That's massively relieving actually, thanks user.

>i could have been a happy normie
You are not tricking anyone here.

>Firing a gun indoors
>In your own fucking house
You might be retarded

She doesn't fuck them. I jerk off for them on webcams. WE don't even met them. Come on, I'm a bitch but not a cuck bitch, we both think that fetish is shit tier and complicates relationships.

You're not saying what you are because you care about them. It's completely self-serving. You don't know anything about their circumstances. A person has a right to end their life whenever they see fit.

>I have a literal voice in my head talking to me
are you saying this isn't normal? because I had a voice in my head since I was a little boy and always thought everyone would have the same

>Chevy Chevelle SS
Can't blame ya,bro!

I didn't enjoy it if thats what you're getting at and the way I am now Im worried that if I ever see that guy again I'll probably beat him within an inch of his life

Are you my fiance?