Finish BioShock

>finish BioShock
>meh, it was okay, if only it had better gameplay

>start BioShock 2
>it has great gameplay

This game is so much better. Why are you faggots calling it inferior to the first one? It doesn't have a twist or something?

Because it's a buggy mess, and a cheap cash-in

Exactly, pretty much.
Oh, and people wanted a new city to explore, which I can understand.

It didn't have a twist so normies and newfag casuals were disappointed because they only play games for muh story anyways.

They also really ironically claimed that 1 was a work of art, when it's literally just a dumbed down remake of System Shock 2 that is worse in every single way. BS2 actually had an original and good story with real characterization where the characters aren't just political mouthpieces and strawmen.

BS1 is overrated as fuck, BS2 is an actual good game that improves tenfold on it's predecessor, it's the way a sequel should be made.

I can't. I don't get why people want shit like a tolkien setting a million fucking times yet we get a new interesting one and suddenly you can only use it once and never again and FUCK THAT FUCKING SEQUEL FOR REUSING THE SETTING JUST EVEN ONCE.

Moronic idiots. I wanted to continue to explore Rapture, with better gameplay. Bioshock 2 gave me both.

Also funny that when Infinite was announced people then complained it wasn't Rapture.

where have you been? most of Sup Forums agrees 2 is better. and I think so too.

it's been many years user, how did 2 improve the gameplay again? I remember them both being basically the same, first person shooter + plasmids. I think they removed the broke ass wrench from the first game though.

I have both the PC version and the PS4 one and they both run fine.

Can you even be more contrarian? Bioshock 2 is huge pile of fucking shit, fuck off already with this "muh rehashshock 2 so good!"


Real fuckin original

I just liked playing as a guy exploring rapture instead of the big daddy

Better than literally reusing a twist from the last game.

Stop fucking lying.

Loved 1, loved 2, hated infinite but it grew on me for the meh story and mostly because of the setting and design.

The DLC was 9/10 though.

gameplay is much better, plasmids, guns, HACKING, its all done better in 2. However, the story is crap compared to the first one.

Only one aspect is better, Bioshock 1 wipes the floor with it in every other aspect and games are a sum of all of its parts. Yes gameplay should weight more than anything else, but Bioshock one had good gameplay, which Bioshock 2 refined.

I'm not lying. Bio2 is bugged up the ass
The sound engine is broken and it crashes without warning

You can use both weapons and plasmids at the same time, redesign hacking, and drilling

Everyone's talking about the story in the first one. There was one? It was 90% just worldbuilding and "go there, WOULD YOU KINDLY". the only story bits happen near the end.

Try actually playing BS2 before judging it based on casual gayming journalists complaints that were based on muh art doesn't get sequels arguments in the first place.

>What, you mean I have to play an FPS where I am not a regular human for once
>ahh fuck this, I wish this game was more generic

Fucking retard. Playing as the big daddy was awesome. Why would you want another human protag in an FPS, and remember this was at the time when everyone was complaining about muh bald space marine meme too.

>Oh you really don't want a nameless samefaced soldier again, okay, how about you play as this mutated former human that has whale parts in him and is fused to an old diving suit and has a giant drill as an arm
>booooring why can't I be a regular guy


This, 1 has a shitty retarded story that badly rips of SS2 and tries to be a bad polemic about objectivism at the same time. So retarded.

2's story was pretty neat though.

>good story
>shit gameplay

BioShock 2
>shit story
>good gameplay

BioShock Infinite
>good story
>good gameplay

You should just skip it OP

It's a lot shorter which sucks and it lacks the charm of the original

Bioshock 1 for story.
Bioshock 2 for gameplay.

The official Shock series playthrough order is as following

System Shock > System Shock 2 > Bioshock 2

And that's it, you have played all the essential games in the Shock series.

Except you're not a Big Daddy, you're just Jack but with the helmet stuck on your head.

Sup Forums seems to love it, people just mad kev didn't work on it so somehow its bad

>it's shorter


>forgetting about the Drill Dash

gay cunt detected.

>2's story was pretty neat though.
It just felt like the first game with some commie psychologist bitch instead of an objectivist, and some missing daughter shit. It was really forgettable honestly.
The game felt like a cash-in in every sense.
Minerva's Den was pretty cool though

I think the first game's overall experience was better, but the second game's gameplay was better.

>Not going the full drill tonic build.
Have you even lived?

Something you could only get through research

No, I put everything into elemental plasmids to emulate Metroid Prime

2 is like expansion pack, it doesn't really do much things different, it felt kinda cheap.
it has worse levels and worse story, somehow it also felt even mroe linear even though the 'open levels' of the first weren't really that open at all
Bioshock story wasn't just the twist, it was meta commentary about videogames as whole and everything tied to the theme, the people bashing it or just saying "lmao twist" didn't get it

>drill dash

Confirmed for not playing, you get it in like the second level, I am pretty sure it's a mandatory thing your character learns.

>Metroid fag
>trying to make BS2 play like fucking Metroid

What the fuck are you doing.

>meta commentary
>it's shit on purpose!
Fuck outta here with that reddit bullshit

I preferred not helping little sisters nigger.

Holy shit you have bad taste, you even used that gay as fuck "muh meta" argument which is just cringeworthy

BS1 only had like 2-3 good levels, 2 was much better overall with more solid level design.

>it's shit on purpose!
Where the fuck did you get that?

>Confirmed for not playing
Idiot, it's one of the first things you get out of the Research Camera

howlongtobeat says they're about the same, also it doesn't take that many hours in your screenshot to beat them

Howlongtobeat is frequented by fucking speedrunners I am sure of it. Everytime I go there I look at the leisure full playthrough time and that ends up being how long the actual game is. Fucking retards on there rush through everything otherwise.

>more solid level design.
Absolutely not, go play the games again, it's one of the things that the first really does better than 2, not to say the levels in 2 are bad but the first one has amazing levels.
They added some verticality to the levels in 2 though which was nice but the levels were still lacking.
>you even used that gay as fuck "muh meta" argument
Because the story is actually pretty great and the themes tie everything in the game, which makes the writing pretty good. 2 mostly rehashing things from the first they couldn't really do that.
Oh and 2 had better enemy variety and was graphically improved and the NPCs just not being generic was pretty cool, don't think anyone mentioned those yet.

It just didn't feel like they took advantage of anything they had in the second game.

First game everything was brand new because well, it was the first game.

Bioshock 2 was advertised as playing a big daddy which sounded badass but really you just get two or three special powers that they could have even given you on the first game. The story also doesn't really add much except getting to see the decay of rapture was cool and I felt like you had more choices in 2.

Other than that the issue with 2 is it just feels like a spin off that really has no relevance (though the endings prove otherwise just nothing else in the game does)

What is the story? There isn't one.
Jack hijacks plane. Jack ends up in Rapture and follows Fontaine's orders and kills lots of people. Twist happens. Jack kills Ryan. Jack gets rid of the mind control. Jack becomes a big daddy. Jack kills Fontaine.

Whoa, such a masterpiece of storytelling.

The important difference between the story of the two games is that they largely based around exploring and deconstructing some ideal. With Ryan it's objectivism and Lamb it's collectivism.

The problem though is that with the first game, Ryan's whole schtick was achieved in the past and had its heyday you're looking at the ruins, so any "story" about it is in the setting around you as you explore. This is nice but it's not actually a story, so the proper *story* of the game is really just two guys at each other's throat, you unquestioningly work for one, and oh whoops what a twist he's a bad guy.

The second game though, Lamb is currently at that time working towards her ideal, so you get to see and influence and interact with that as it is going on, which is the story. Compared with the first game where you're just wandering around a ruined city and seeing what it was about while doing what you're told, the second one you and your actions figure prominently into the efforts of the villain. Fontaine is somewhat similar but you're just the catalyst for his goals which (thanks to you) are never truly begun even, meanwhile Lamb is approaching the finish line of her goals and you're the last obstacle.

>sense of horror
>BioShock 2
>none of the above
>better gameplay
Sure better gameplay is nice, but if it comes with the price of everything else being lost then it's not worth it. It's the same reason everyone hates The Phantom Pain. It's not even that BioShock 2 and TPP are bad, but their previous entries created entirely different expectations that those two failed to fill.

>Confirmed for not playing

no user, it is YOU who is confirmed for not playing it.

You get the drill dash by researching brute splicers.

Why the fuck would you not research them though?

His point his stupid, so what if you need to research it, it's doable by the second level and it's still there.


kek, someones a giant pussy.

>sense of horror

Got to disagree on the levels somewhat. The first has better levels overall, but the second has a few levels which are better than anything of the first.

Fontaine Futuristics for example, is the best level in the series.

our bad you suck at games and take weeks to beat a 10 hour game

I mean, I didn't have a problem exploring Rapture again, but it would have been nice.
Also, you can't just assume that those guys are the same people.
To be honest, I love Columbia's design,
especially the weapons and vigors. The game isn't that great, but it hits a nice aesthetic for me.

What is stupid about it? I said it's shit you get from research what a Big Daddy should have by default. All it does is make the player seem more like some dope in a mariner suit piecing together a cosplay of a Big Daddy original character do not steal

well, 2 had one of the most interesting ad campaigns I've ever seen for a video game
the story is more straightforward, which is fine
combat is better

I personally liked 2 more than 1

I agree 2 has a better story, but your point is retarded. Any story boiled down to a few phrases will look dumb and simplistic.

I don't actually use that site, I just wanted to see the average time for these games because I haven't beat them in years but thought 2 was a bit longer.

I enjoyed both but think 2 was the better game. Infinite could have been good, but the developers swung and missed.

same gameplay but 1 is shit

more please

>What is the story?
It's about objectivism, freedom and slavery. Everything in the game ties to those themes, from the setting to the enemies.
2 just used assets from the first so it didn't really deliver on that front.
And I can't name another game that implements it's core themes so throughly to the game, maybe Silent Hill does it even better.
I agree.

it came out at a time when we were getting cheap cash-in sequels, so everyone expected bioshock 2 to suck
also it wasn't made by the original devs, which was a big warning sign

however the game was actually amazing, it improved on the gameplay of the first in every single way, and the story was just as good

the people who STILL to this day complain about bioshock 2 are fanboys of the first one and think the twist is everything and without it the game is shit
they're the same people who praised infinite as the messiah just because Ken Levine directed it

I liked it, I wish devs would re-use assets more often. The idea of rebuilding everything for every game is asinine.

Man, I want to commend you for this b8. It's subtle and understated, I almost scrolled past it and even when reading the post it took me a second before it clicked, and I was really close to not noticing the hook and going for it. Seriously, that's high quality stuff right there.