Jontron shit

So I ignored this whole thing and now just saw a new jontron video where he explains some of his views on shit. So what I'm asking is what did he originally say, and was what he said objectively true?

Sup Forums - Video Games

Basically he said some stuff that made sjw's feefees hurt so naturally he got the pewdiepie treatment by the media, and hes been gaining subs since.

not vidya

I still refuse to watch any new Game Grumps videos until they take down all of the old ones with FailTron in them. Yes, that includes the Goof Troop and Sonic 06 ones. Fuck FailTron so much. Like, even if he really believes in that stuff, he should have kept it to himself.


yup, this.

Sup Forums loves to say SJW this and that, but reality is, jontron is what lead to SJW shit to begin with. imagine how many racist fucks are actually in this culture and we don't even know until they sperg out. fuck that dude.

>taking advantage of a tragic event to push your bullshit agenda
No. Just no.

Wow, what a fucking baby. So sensitive he can't stand someone simply thinking about different political views.

>ignoring a tragic event in favor of your bullshit agenda
shit goes both ways user.

it's funny because this is what libtards do all the time

a different political view
>i think taxes are too high
crossing the line
>black people are inferior to white people

come on, man. Aits more than that and you know it.

Not him, and I'm a liberal, but it goes both ways. Few weeks ago, or months, not really sure. There was a glitch on YouTube where if you subbed someone and then unsubbed, they'd lose 2 subscribers. And Sup Forums planned to have Liberal youtube channels hit 0.

You pretty much described 75% of the people that actually put effort into discussing politics at all.

Quick, name one darky country that's not part of the third world.

>taking advantage of
Uh...merely referencing something is not taking advantage of it you faggot. That asshole made a claim and that post refuted the claim. Simple as that.

Look at car accidents and gun accidents in your country first, before you cry about some minor shit in a different country half the world away

>>black people are inferior to white people
this is a fact though. if they aren't trying to culturally appropriate things all the time they have contributed very little to the modern world. stop being a science denier


Not video games.

Majority white, and King Nigger was basically a puppet.

I too refuse to watch any new Game Graumps videos, but mostly because I don't find them entertaining and not because im a huge faggot.

Why you thought Sup Forums was the best place to discuss the political views of an e-celeb is the bigger question.



but you already knew that.

>believes pseudo racist science
>claims others are science deniers

phrenology was debunked 200 years ago user

Couldn't find an African country? Also Detroit is basically a glimpse into what a real black USA would look like.

Quick, name one white country that was colonized.

How fortunate for FailTron! A proper response would have been
>"i'd like to celebrate christmas but muslims are stopping me" -nobody ever
>"there are a few that protest other beliefs and will go as far as to physically and sometimes violently protest christmas HOW-FUCKING-EVER there are billions upon billions of muslims and it would be stupid to judge every single one of them over the actions of a few. neither of us are right here"

I'm Australian.

I fully agree. Let's beat up some children with empty beer bottles, fellow ANTIFA bro!

They aren't "inferior" but they are different. This is scientifically proven. It's why their entire gigantic fucking continent can't get it's shit together and why the rest of the world is expected to cater to them with it's movies, video games, comics, etc. If Africa got it's shit together they could have their own damn industries and stop whining about lack of black people in video games.

yes, niggers are a problem in the usa. the bill of rights was never meant to apply to those subhumans and what do you know, they can't handle it and start killing each other
>inb4 mass shooters are all white meme
besides, those killings in the usa don't have any ideological motive behind them. islam is just as much of a government as it is a religion so it's not compatible with western liberty


nice samefagging.
here is your (you) you humongous cuck.

>every jon thread starts with his head
why is this guy the most marketed dude on Sup Forums
is he a janitor or something?

You're not going to get a good conversation on it here between the e-celeb worshippers and the argument-hungry Sup Forumstards who pretend they care but can't even spell his name right. Research it yourself and draw your own conclusions.

Why do people defend Jon so much? Even if you agree with his political views, he still isn't doing jack shit. He hasn't made a single proper Jontron video in months and judging from his twitter feed, he isn't very productive. Guy is a lazy piece of shit who got rich and would rather make stupid political rants of twitter instead of make videos. He's just like Spoony.

jon is a fellow racist so he's welcome here

lil white boi mad bout his tiny penis

i get it
i also get that if we see his face he can have clicks on youtubes

He sounds like Zoe Quinn ;)
Just joking. I hate them both but at least ZQ has actually contributed to the industry.

He made a video about Sup Forums bullshit yet he doesn't have the time to make a video on his actual channel?

Honestly this whole drama is just one big distraction to hide from the fact that he's a lazy fuck.

stop being a science denier

james watson, the discoverer of dna, one of the most important geneticists of our generation said that they are mentally inferior. everyone knows it. if someone of his stature got blackballed out of the scientific community can you imagine what would happen to someone not as important? no one talks about. any geneticist will tell you the same behind closed doors. niggers are incompatible in western society

Why do we have to discuss this again and again?

I think it's already scientifically proven, that niggers are literal apes.

Can't we just get over it?

it's ok to be right-winged and conservative like pewdiepie, but jontron went full Sup Forumscuck with his 'muh white genocide' shit

Will Jontron be moving to Iran, or is his definition of a "white" American different to mine?

really makes you think why these intellectuals lost the election

How are any of those countries not a third world one? They have massive unemployment, low GDP, fuckall middle class, the occasional famine, lack of normal facilities available to even the poorest Europeans and disease through the roof.

What about the ones (white) that were and are fine today?
Ireland was occupied by the British for hundreds of years and it's fine now.
Hell you can hit Japan with a world war, two nukes, multiple earthquakes and it recovers within years or even months.

>le niggers are apes maymay

maybe you should go back to pleddit