There's a bajillion male power fantasy games out there, but what would a female power fantasy look like in a game?

There's a bajillion male power fantasy games out there, but what would a female power fantasy look like in a game?

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he should do his top button up he looks stoopid

Horizon Zero Dawn

Why the fuck is his wife so hideous?

Certainly wouldn't have anything to do with that cuck, I could tell you that much.

I get all the 'power fantasy' I could want from jrpg's. Playing Star Ocean Last Hope at the moment and Reimi is about as mary sue as it gets.

nag craft
penis snippet
I'm the boss

is that his mom?

She's average at worst.

trudeau gay for macron when?

so he can cheat and keep her?

No, it's your mom.

Carmageddon 2
Postal 2.

A female power fantasy would just be the character marrying a rich old ugly fuck and waiting til he dies.

The Sims.
You can controll a whole family and decide to bring them to fortune or to ruins.
Why do you think so many women play it?

Bayonetta isn't a power fantasy?
Really the only power fantasy I can think of are god of war date inferno and asuras wrath.
Those are power fantasies. These people really needs to stop thinking they know how men think.

Just look at your average fan fic mary sue self insert and you'd get the idea.

Who fucking cares? Women ruin everything.

Just as men play Madden because men play football, so too do women play Sims because they play with others' lives.

my mom would listen to a book on tape, and most of them followed the mary sue formulae of twilight.
Special at birth
two men fighting over her
she turns into a healer or is able to stop people from fighting just because

>that feel when men are literally, in every conceivable way throughout all of history, the ones who ruin everything

I don't know much about canuck politics, but Trudeau pretty much got the job out of nepotism right?

Twilight or 50 shades.

Still submissive, but somehow everything is dreamlike perfection.

yeeeeesh how true is that
in a broad way it's very true.

Why would females want power?
Final Fantasy 13, Heavenly sword.

As a woman, who has a vagina (don't hit on me, silly boys), I can 100% say that my only power fantasy is to woo a handsome Canadian boy.

one reason why 13 sucks ass

He got it due to the promise of DUDE WEED which he never delivered and won't.

Darkengard 3

Because a woman has never done anything of import in the history of the world. Men create, men destroy, women sit around, get fucked, and make more men.

haha ivanka is not interested
her husband is handsome too and far richer/influenter than trudeau
the only reason she'll cheat is if kushner cheats or if she meets jesus

im canadian and i only sucked 11 dicks today

isn't that Canadian law though?

they don't want power, they want to save something
like their pets or their fuckbois

Every MMO.

Asian penises are so small they only count for half a dick sucked.

>mutilated dick

Get the fuck off you masochistic jew. Go cut your dick elsewhere.

My God, that was a bad RPG. At least the girls are cute.

Best party is Thanatos, Cat girl, bird girl, and robodude.

Canadian masculinity threads?

He got it because he's Fidel Castro's son.

I saw a guy on /leftypol/ say he created them as a parody several years ago when the cuck meme started to take off.

Dude has like zero balls.
Are you sure he isn't just wearing a plastic dong?

It's just that he's pretty young for a prime minister, his dad was a famous prime minister and his career path isn't the kind that typically leads to politics.

dudeweedlmao is fine by me, but Trudeau seems like he lacks the necessary experience and skills that make a good world leader.

It looks like she's pressing a log of shit out of her vagina.

For a site which screams white genocide a lot it seems to have an obsession with black men having sex with white women.


Don't worry, it's just Sup Forumssters LARPing as crusaders for the white race while stroking their dick to MLP and cuck porn.


pick your main

Seems to be the only reason he was voted in.

>a billionaire dinosaur forced me gay

You mean yourself? You're the one how chose to download a few gigabytes of BBC porn to "redpill" people you don't know on the internet. I don't care if those actors have huge dicks because I know for a fact that black men have it harder scoring a white woman. For blacks fucking nearly any white woman is like a trophy. That's why you see so many with drugged out white trailer park trash. In the end I'm not envy but I feel pity, especially for you and your inferiority complex.

tomb raider

>A Billionaire Dinosaur forced me gay
Is it weird that i want to read this now?

>lord of the tube socks

>that pic
>all those gems
invite her to Sup Forums

>aroused by two lions

whats wrong with women

All those japanese visual novels where sexy men beat you up, treat you like shit and try to rape you

> a billionaire dinosaur forced me

You know I used to be ashamed of watching anime.

Then I discovered western superhero comics.

But this just proves there's always a lower common denominator if you look hard enough for it

op & tumblr detected

>Beyond the Highland Butt Munchers

those are parody

Daaamn, that is deep.

>the ones who do everything

there is literally nothing to go on, they change their minds constantly because it's "boring" to focus on one thing. One day they will tell you their female power fantasy, the next day it will be completely different and the other one you started working on is wrong.
The only way to please a woman is to read her mind.

>The Blind and Buttonless Horseman
>Pull My Finger
>Bear to the Bone
Who the fuck names these

>Bear to the Bone
Now if that's not a gay erotic novel, nothing is.

>Her looks dont matter
>She can date/marry any man she wants
>She can breed with any man she wants even if its not the one she married
>They have a happy family that she can defend with her amazing fighting/magical abilities

>my mom used to read these en masse



Some of them aren't real dingus. They're parody.


Thank you for reminding me this exists
Time to play

why is this thread still up?


Females don't want power, they want a powerful man

What the hell is fake marriage? Is that why you can "marry" your brother?


same as male fantasy, except violence isnt the tool used to get fame/fortune. its social manipulation.


Anime and manga are the bottom of the barrel, don't lie to yourself.

>I can make you sexy

My wife's power fantasy is old Lara Croft.

Imagine a game that consists entirely of Fallout speech checks except it's impossible to fuck them up. Even if you were to fuck up and pick the most illogical, nonsensical thing to say the world would just change the rules to make things go in your favor. You could be an actual fucking deplorable human being and treat people like subhuman scum but still be treated as a savior. Where you could know fuck all about a give subject but still be touted as an expert on it because you read an article about it on facebook.

A world where you're always right. There's your fucking female power fantasy.


is he the most cuck'd president of all time?

the sims


Japan produces lots of cuckolding visual novels.

It would be about manipulating men into doing your bidding

Why did RTS genre die then?

because women don't play vidya

Women can't think strategically.

This. Otome games are wish-fulfillment for women just as waifu games are for men.

Difficult to play on consoles.

Women get off on manipulation and control
Which is why so many play the sims.

>Rocco Siffredi

holy shit wat

Mine read Mills & Boone or whatever, but she had depression as early as I can remember so I can't really judge her for entertaining escapist fantasy. Must have sucked being in poverty as a single mother with three kids.

Not sure but my gf fucking loves Age of Empires and Stroghold.