Post games that died on arrival

Post games that died on arrival

I think I've never even heard about this game outside of one screenshot I saw on here.



>le cute animals being xXHardXcorEXx
Fuck everyone who likes this shit

played the beta
it was dead in the womb

Perfect example of incompetent devs not listening to the community.

Gameplay was alright
The humor put me the fuck off though, it's like Borderlandshad a baby with Hatred
> "We have a monkey pooping bombs as a weapon, isn't that waaaaacky, fellow kids"

Here's one example

Damn, I completely forgot that this game existed.

It's so fucking ugly. Feels like I'm getting cancer just looking at it.

For Honor

It was never great, but i still miss it

[Game that you like]

I just played For Honor, it's still doing pretty decent despite its depressing developers.

Did that actually come out?
I remember it looking pretty cool.

>CTRL+F "Batleborn"
>0 results

Sup Forums I am disapoint

Game was free for PlayStation Plus... this month?
Everything about it is awful.

yeah, it's free for PS+ users.
There are still no players

It's so dead nobody even cares to post it.

Fuck off Randy.

>CTRL+F Batelbrone
>0 results


Bewbski beer Bewbski bros. i mean everythings stupid. Boobkowski Dirk Boobkowski.

>CTRL + Rattlebone
>0 results
Imagine my surprise.


Can't believe this game was so shilled and hailed as the savior of MMOs to vanish the second it came out

>Hype up a game at E3
>It dies at release

Every time.

except its always been very alive

cr1tikal did a review, surprised more normies don't talk about it

Maybe because e-celebs don't fucking matter in the real world and certainly don't matter when it comes to game sales.

slightly off topic but i looked at rust today and it has 14k active players

who the fuck are these people

It looked like a complete shit that has nothing to do with Ghost Recon even at the first E3 showcase. I don't know how could anyone get hyped for that

E Celebs almost entirely fuel the creation of survival games.

Dan, please stop

Dan Rickertt

This game just wasn't important enough to stay relevant.

I hate e celebs but let's not act like they don't basically dictate which games prosper in some genres.

Or at least twitch does

isnt it selling good though?

What? It still has a decent amount of players and recieve updates pretty often.

I hate this game so much because it shows how the devs instead of doing a proper sequel to MNC they went for the MOBA hype train

And then blizzard stole all their ideas and created overwatch...

Fucked up.

Theres still an active comunity of players, user. Google Hellgate reborn

played this shit for the Sniper hat

I really like that hat

Ubisoft pisses me off so much.
They just push money into some boring bullshit to hype the fuck out of it and then people abandon it after a month leaving a miniscule amount of players behind. Fucking dedicate to something.

Guess I'm the only one that really enjoyed SMNC, but maybe that's because I didn't play MNC when it came out, only after everyone already moved to SMNC.

Looks like a mobile game.

TOR was making a killing in microtransactions last I knew over $100 million a year.

TESO has sold millions of copies and I think it's the biggest console MMO.

Takes a long time for an MMO to actually die.

>Poorly optimized beyond all help since most of the people working on the engine got fired
>Barely any playerbase
>60 bucks on release

It didn't stand a chance.

>For Honor

Game still is rather active, despite Ubi's best attempts at fucking up balance and match making. Definitively doesn't have any longevity, though. Will probably die off around the halfway point of season 2, since people are finally realizing how shallow it really is.


This game is fucking popping. It went from being a complete disaster at launch to the best MMO on consoles, as well as generally the best F2P MMO.


Pretty shite, but still very active. Lots of people rode this shit train out due to sunken cost, but the game remains pretty terrible to this day.

it's got some players since it went f2p

it's also not a bad game honestly I have fun with it

The beta didn't exactly sell a lot of people. And in the end it was just another Ubisoft open world game, albeit emphasizing stealth and co-op more than others.

When your game is pretty damn "okay" it's hard to remember it.

My favorite game

>buy Hellgate London because people said it was made by the people who worked on Diablo
>no longer buy games based on who made it now

>sonny remastered
>scraps the classes

What a fucking shame it turned out to be trash.

I fucking love the idea and aesthetic of it. I hope someone gives that style another good shot.

>we want the eSports scene
>paid DLC and season pass before the game's release
>purchasing upgrades and stuff to skip unlocks is "encouraged" by the game since it can genuinely inhibit your contributions to the team if you're not leveled enough or bringing better characters in
All this voice-acting, design and effort with a large budget put into a $60 game that pretty much relies on players doing the same thing over and over but with different characters and monsters. And it shat the bed right out of the gate to boot.

I'd feel sorry for the devs, but that can't solely be publisher bullshit.

>What if we took Far Cry and Just Cause and made a boring version out of it

>It dies at release
...pretty sure that was the best-selling game in March.

A lot of people learned that lesson with diakatana

Don't, it's paywalled to shit every 5 quests.

>for a game with 1 person vs many
I don't know what they expected from this, maybe it could've worked if it was like 2 vs many or some shit but holy shit

This was not a good game, but it was not DOA .
A lot of people got tricked into buying this grindfest.(not me,I pirated it couple years later just to see).
I heard it was rereleased as f2p chinkmmo to moderately low success

Its alright tbqh but it needs tons of work and I know its supposed to be a teens notebook but its too exaggerated if it was more similar to how an actual teens notebook and vibe would be like then it would be much better also for how movement heavy this game is it needs more damage on the auto weapons specials are sadly the only way to reliably kill.

Wait, teso is f2p now?
Is it possible to play sp segments of the game 4 free? Also, is it worth it?
>platform PC

>tfw you are waiting for a sale on xbox store but in history according to storeparser there hasn't been any

It's buy to play.

>CTRL+F Batmanbabyborn
>0 results

I wanted this to be a Varg Vikerness simulator so bad


it had some good activity when it released and still had some folks way later too. I bet I could still find a room

>Video is filled with 4 dudebros talking in a way no one does in real life

hate that shit

Better luck finding it in bargain bin
You're not missing out on much but it was a pretty funny game

Still buy2play. But the base game was like 12 bucks last week during the play for free event.

The version with all the important DLC was 24€.

Base game was a pretty good deal.

It is all a snare to get people hooked for the Morrowind expansion, though.

wow, that interface came straight out of the 90s

I heard there's still plenty of people online.

They don't, what the fuck is wrong with you.

You don't have kid siblings I take it?

Wow, this came out? I just figured thay had quietly cancelled it.

i didnt even know this came out what the fuck Sup Forums

did you know this launched a couple days ago?