Is Tracer even white?

Is Tracer even white?

she looks Asian to me

Post 1 non cosplaying asian that looks like Tracer

It's the hair.

I'm now 95% sure op is black.

She's not even human.

>posts fanart

>fucking brown hair
>fucking light yellowish brown eyes
>from england
>with english accent
>whitest fucking white person in all of overwatch.

Look, I know this is bait, but cant you be a fag somewhere else? Dont you have a reddit thread to check up on?

there are many Asians in england

"Asians" in England are middle easterners.

>who is mercy
>who is reinhard
>who is shitpost 76
>who is mcree

They copied her off some Japanese character.

gtfo DICE

They... literally look nothing alike user.

>Is Tracer even white?
No she's british

>black hair in that official art


>tfw can't get hard if the fuhrer doesn't approve

Japs wish they had brown hair.

She is british. So depending on how far in the future this is she might be part pakistani or indian.

no she's gay

>unironically believing this
they copied her off of Frozen

>I know this is bait
>Replies anyway

You're the problem user

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she looks asian here

Who fucking cares what race she is? You sound like a fucking SJW

Nope they are east asians and people from the indian subcontinent

There are no major ethno states in the west. Being from X country does not guarantee Y ethnicity.


It just looks like it because Overwatch's character designer is an Asian dude. Naturally, his art has a bit of that flair put into it.

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god i hate this artist so much.


Sounds inaccurate, she should be a paki muslim witha burqa, she is a brit in 2076 or something


Sine when is Mac cree white?

>playing sjw MOBAshooters
just neck yourselves

>fucking brown hair
Dye or stylized cartoon colors.
>fucking light yellowish brown eyes
Contacts or stylized cartoon colors.
>from england
That's a country, not a race.
>with english accent
That's an manner of speech, not a race.
>whitest fucking white person in all of overwatch.
Asians are known for having fair skin.

Literally nothing you mentioned disqualifies Tracer from being Asian.


what's the name of the character in the doujin?

Who cares.


have you tried typing "overwatch" into the search box on your favorite hentai site?

She should be Asian

All we need is a Japanese girl and the trinity of Asians will be complete

She looks like a latina

whites are not lesbian