No one fucking cares
No one fucking cares
Other urls found in this thread:
>Bethesda title
>raping the corpse of an old IP
>no demo
>review embargo
>history of terrible launch performance
you're right, i'll give a shit when given a reason to
>>no demo
I was about to correct you but then i saw that the demo is console only.
I guess they're trying to hide the terrible optimisation.
>going for a System Shock vibe
I do.
i think it will be a great game just like this other great game i just found
>a multiplat is bland and instantly forgettable
Is this anything like the prey 2 that got cancelled? If it's not, I don't give a shit
Inb4 it‘s using the same god damn old engine from Fallout 3
>No atmosphere
>No horror
What part of system shock got your dick hard? Wrench combat?
Just kill yourself already
We've had enough
you mean a potentially fun cyberpunk bounty hunter sim?
no, they made another generic space horror title that apes everything from bioshock
You obviously do though, considering you keep making the same thread everyday
It's time to get off Sup Forums if you follow threads that closely
this. if it wasnt for OP i wouldnt have known this game was coming out next week
Looks so fucking generic and forgettable.
So they cancelled a potentially good and interesting game for this? This industry is shit.
If EA and Ubisoft weren't so atrocious then Bethesda would get more flack as the terrible publisher they are.
Why do people think Prey 2 was going to be good. Have you ever seen any of the gameplay footage that was released?
I thought Prey was a fantastic shooter and it really felt like a old school fps which was food. Prey 2, before cancellation, was another bland cod clone but with aliens. It was unfortunately never going to be a good game.
I hate Bethesda but I really hope from the bottom of my heart that new Prey proves us all wrong.
Why are people pretending like Prey was good? It was slightly more interesting Doom 3 with some spirit mode puzzles and caricature tier native americans.
Here's thine reply.
Has anyone played the demo on a console yet? How long is it? Is it worth downloading out of curiosity and was whatever godforsaken file size is it?
Seriously Todd we've had enough your game isn't going to be successful
27th of April
>bland cod clone but with aliens
It was gonna be like Far Cry 3 in space. And it was before people got absolutely sick of ubishit and even the change in setting was fresh.
can't wait to fight some generic ink blobs
tfw I'll buy it
on sale 2 years from now, but still
I haven't touched anything with Shitthesda on the box since they pulled that shit on the original Prey 2 studio and stole their IP.
That game looked great and they killed it and drove the people making it into the ground.
Everything they touch turns to mediocre mass appeal shit and they eat up smaller studios like EA of the past to create a brand roster.
Epitome of corporate grey area evil and yet normies keep slurping it up.
And they had to have surpressed any information of this with a team of suits for it not to have exploded months ago. Seems too big for such a story to stay under the rug.
Doom 3 was great, prey was great.
Yes, I have. And there were demos at trade shows a few years ago.
But keep sucking that corporate cock that literally acquires small companies to tank them and keep their property.
>Mick Gordon
Fuck Bethesda mostly for not bringing Wolf 09 and Quake Wars back to steam, the greedy bastards.
Except you, for making this thread 5 times a day.
They weren't. Quake IV was better and it was still mediocre.
Hate how Bethesda is the only name on the cover since Zenimax started the acquisition fest. It says a lot about their laziness, arrogance and how little they think about the consumer. 'Kids will buy it because out name is on the cover'
I will never be not mad about the id acquisition.
>Bethesda forced the devs to use Prey as the name
>Its going to kill the game
The fact that they are Immersive Sims, the characteristics of that genre.
>Has been
>Shit composer
>One of the worst engines ever made
So you're saying it's a recipe for disaster?
> bethesda
> Todd's game
At this point pretending to not know the difference between a publisher and a developer must be a meme
One of Bethesda's core business strategies is to use courts and laws as immorally as possible to take things over. They sued Mojang over the name "Scrolls", they took over the Fallout IP in a vicious manner, they're sueing Facebook right now, and Prey 2 is just one of many examples of how they conduct business.
Surprise they went through the trouble
>they're sueing Facebook right now
Haven't heard about that one, what happened?
it involved them suing Oculus Rift devs, claimed they stole tech from Zenimax
$500m lawsuit
>implying Todd isn't controlling everybody behind the shadows
Stay unwoke bud
Who cares?
Might as well blame Todd because it's obvious Arkane didn't give a single fucking shit
i think it looks pretty cool. i'm just a sucker for FPS adventure games. i love bioshock and far cry
>Mick Gordon
>shit composer
Pick one.
Not Witcher 3.
>comes out in two weeks
>no specs yet listed
It's gonna run like ass.
So from what I've seen it looks like metroid prime x system shock
Initially I was upset because prey 2
But the only reason it's called prey is because of market branding, there's no actual relation to old prey apparently
Kill yourself Mick. You music sounds like a fucking mower
Jokes on you, the Killer Instinct remixes and new themes are GOAT.
>Prey is not a sequel, it’s not a remake, it has no tie with the original, its a re-imagining of the IP
can we put this thing to rest now
What music do you like then?
>market branding
Fuck I'm so sick of this shit. Suits don't care how obscure the IP is, how much it would upset the fans, they just have to exploit the brand no matter what. They could have just as easily made this game a new IP and marketed it as "a scifi FPS from the makers of Dishonored" and gotten just as many sales if not more.
Source for that interview? I'm tryina show a friend why the industry is mostly toxic because fucking casuals allow it to be so.
>Immersive sim