What is the best first person shooter game that you ever played?

What is the best first person shooter game that you ever played?

Titanfall 2 is pretty good

rainbow six siege

Quake 3 for 1on1 and 1.6 for team based shit.

I always thought the tribes series was pretty cool, but somehow I was never able to work up the motivation to git gud.
Do people still play?

Marisa > Alice > Fatchouli

Halo CE

CE is overrated, litterally every one of it's sequels other then 4 and maybe 5 are better.

Ate those anons wife Chino's friends?

Any answer other than Battlefield 2142 is wrong.


probably black ops or something at a relatives house.

I haven't had a lot of fun with them since goldeneye and that aged like the hottest garbage.


Okay, It's still going to be my favorite fps though.

>still no moe FPS

Does Japan not want me money?

Wasn't there a straight call of duty clone with anime girls? I mean it probably sucked but still.

don't call her fat you son of a bitch

Of all time probably CS. Right now its absolutely Titanfall 2.

Megu best girl

She's the sluttiest.

This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

I'd say the original Halo impressed me the most and I have fond memories of playing it with my friends.

Why is patchouli sometimes thicc and sometimes normal in fan art? Where did the divide start?

Quake 3
Halo 2
CS 1.6

this show is clearly for pedophiles


Splatoon is cute and TPS are better.

Nigga you ain't seen nuthin'

Probably due to Remilia telling her she would get fat sitting around all day in IaMP.

Unreal Tournament 2004

/cake/ is forbidden on 4chins, please delet before you get b&

Timesplitters 2
It didn't try to be realistic
It didn't try to be deep
It didn't try to be cutting edge

It was fun
It was funny
I could play it for days



What the fuck makes their eyes vibrate?

don't know or care as long as it's all in that ass, I'd love to bury my face in it

also, gonna go with splatoon and what I have played of the sequel during test fire, nice to see something fresh in a genre that has felt samey for maybe the past half decade, if not longer

They're cups.

wolf et

Resident Evil VII

everything else>>>>>dumb fucking touhou shit

>First person shooter

Alice > Flatchouli > Marisa
is patrician taste.

I love Patchouli with or without the extra padding.

Deus Ex Human Revolution had really fun gameplay.

first person: black ops 2.
third person the original gears of war

In that pic: Marisa > Patchy > Alice
In general: Marisa >>> Patchy = Alice


Crysis 2 multiplayer was the best multiplayer shooter I've ever played

supreme taste user

Battlefield 2142

I just want a sequel, or even a remake ;_;

>you can watch this on tv in japan

You can get a few servers if you live in NA. I uninstalled a few months ago but Im sure people still play. Expect chain weapons and tdm at mid all game though. Only a few players will play the flag and it will just be you vs them everyday.

$9.99 on playism, drm-free

I don't really like fps games but cod ghosts wasn't bad

>that pic
reminds me of pbs desu can't wait for the western release

How can it be for pedos if most of the girls have tiddies and are of legal age?

I hate anime posters so fucking much.


What is this, reverse psychology?

>it's a brown loli with unatural eyes and bright hair episode


I'm all for loli but this shit is getting old

Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force #1. Built on the Quake egine. Flawless mechanics, personally really enjoyed the [UNITED] Servers, (Sniping and All Weapons, CS format) or the Disinterigation CTF maps. Filled to the brim with Dutch and German people, good variety, fun times.

The Jedi: Outcast and Academy are kind of like FPS games built on the same engine but the game has a _MASSIVE_ learning curve. Took me six months to become half-decent and get a 1 to 1 KDA in 1v1 duels.

It's the only way to design brown lolis. Black hair/eyes would just be boring.

what is Quake 4 like? I can get it really cheap at the moment.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC

First Modern Warfare was also amazing

Name 10 lolis like that, i'll wait

FEAR, KF2 and Dirty Bomb are my favorites single-player, co-op and competitive FPS respectively. Too bad DB didn't get new content more frequently, I got bored after 300 hours

>Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force #1. Built on the Quake egine. Flawless mechanics, personally really enjoyed the [UNITED] Servers, (Sniping and All Weapons, CS format) or the Disinterigation CTF maps. Filled to the brim with Dutch and German people, good variety, fun times.

But is the single player any good? Every single video I've seen of the campaign seems to take place in bland samey corridors.

what gaem

1. Modded STALKER games
2. Tribes Ascend in it's glory days
4. Modded Arma 3

MP = Ricochet

Timesplitters Future Perfect

No one plays tribes anymore.

Best shooter i played was Tremulous. No one plays that anymore either.


TF2 was a lot of fun, but could be nostalgia

Well, it's ok, nothing all too special but there is some degree of tension and excitement. Hell, if you enjoy Star Trek it's like playing a long episode and I've completed it numerous times. It's nothing to write home about but it's ok.

I personally enjoy Star Trek: Elite Force 2 as a singleplayer experience a lot more, it's an action packed story with a slice of romance and a very interesting, albeit not very Star Trek -esque plot. However, EF 2 never had any multiplayer community, so don't look for it.

So, EF 1 for multiplayer, EF 2 for singleplayer. Though I suspect EF 1 is probably deserted these days, but within the spirit of the Thread, I still counted it, because a lot of my best multiplayer experiences stem from EF 1.

Your existence is overrated

I'm going to need sauce here. For science.

They'd prefer 3PS cause then you could see your own cutie as you play.

Animal Crossing

Had fun with Planetside 2, but I must say I'm not playing a lot of FPS.

a new map for Dirty Bomb is coming very soon (next month) so get hype

Unreal Tournament 99

Boku no Pico

OverWatch :D

Left or right Sup Forums?

There is only one true answer, so asking is pointless.

Who is the "one true answer" then?

We both know the answer, so why should I answer and point out the obvious?

I really enjoyed Black Ops, me and my brother would spend our Saturdays playing against people online.

II was also enjoyable.

Damn, anime girls looks like THAT?

The fps I enjoyed the most was tf2.

>getting out of school/work and hopping on your favorite server
>kicking the shit out of each other while you and your friends talk about your days and what's going on in your life
>you will never experience a video game with a community like that again

Hold me

Singleplayer, Doom or HL2
Competitive multiplayer, CS1.6 or golden age TF2
Co-op multiplayer, Killing Floor

Good try, but I asked for sauce, not a 06 meme.

Bad Company 2