Is it worth it to play MORROWIND in 2016?
Is it worth it to play MORROWIND in 2016?
Absolutely. You just need the Morrowind Code Patch, Morrowind Graphics Extender, Delayed Dark Brotherhood Attack and Solstheim Rumour Fix. With the nexus mod manager these mods take less than 5 minutes to install, you literally click 'download' then 'install' and you're done, except MGE which you just download then drop into the Morrowind install folder.
5 minutes (literally) of tinkering with a few extremely simple mods and you have one of the best RPGs of all time in your hands.
>you need 500 mods to make the game playable
>4 is the same as 500
Great counting skills
It's not Oblivion or Skyrim. You only need like 5 and you can have fun even without them.
>encouraging mod manager
You're only going to make it harder on them when they eventually do have to try and do something manually
What's it like living a year in the past?
what year is now? 1260?
With the graphics extender I think so, it makes it wonderful to explore again.
The combat sucks ass, there's no getting around it, but everything else is worth experiencing.
I'd probably also add a head/body replacer to this since the models are ugly as sin, but just those 4 mods would get the game working in great order and fix some of the bullshit exploits.
You don't really "need" those mods, it'll work fine out of the tin. it's just bugfixes and graphics updates to fix some minor problems people had that bethesda either designed or never patched out.
if youre gonna use MGE, then might aswell add vurts grass plugin thing, maybe his ascadian isles and bitter coast mods too
>No OpenMW
What the fuck are you doing?
Tried it for the first time a few months ago, dropped it after like 5 hrs same as all the other elder scrolls games. I don't know they are all just boring shit
>Open MW
>being complete
nigga they are still fixing shit like shadows and doors opening correctly. openmw is a wonderful project but they've been saying 'as we near version 1.0' for the last 3 years. its just not ready.
The code patch is for bugfixes.
MGE is to allow widescreen resolution.
The other 2 mods are essentially bugfixes too, one for each of the two expansion.
4 patches that takes a grand total of 4 minutes to install is not a big deal for a 15 year old game.
Is it even worth the bother at this point? I thought OpenMW was meant for people that actually had 500 mods.
>Kill cliff racer
>Another one appears
Have fun
I saw a Mudcrab the other day. Horrid creatures.
>I thought OpenMW was meant for people that actually had 500 mods.
OpenMW is more like a fun thing for the modders because it lets them do pretty much whatever they want to the game
>walk through dust storm
>can't hear or see shit
>slowly accumulating cliff racers behind me
>walk out of dust storm, now have 10 cliff racers following me
>ears are essentially a river of blood at this point
1. Why the fuck do you care about graphics? Morrowind was never about graphics. OpenMW adds stability, something that is more valuable.
2. It's been slow because they are reverse engineering the entire project. They have to because the easier way to make the engine is patented by Zenimax, and they'd be sued.
>Worth the bother
It's not even difficult to install. It's faster and easier than that shitty MGSO installer everyone uses.
It's one of those games with nothing in it that has still managed to waste hundreds of my hours. Whenever I play I just walk around, kill a bunch of monsters in a generic cave, then kill more monsters in another, practically identical, cave. It's honestly a pretty dull game, and I'm not sure how I've spent so fucking long playing it. Just play Gothic instead.
Why not just play Skywind?
>summon daedric longbow with marksman 50
>one shot one dead cliff racer every time
*blocks your path
it isn't about graphics. its that they are still implementing basic things and others are still broken. simple mechanics that are vital to gameplay. i understand the scale of the project, but it doesn't get an automatic pass just because of that. when its ready, it'll be ready. regular mw and all the extras are a much better option until then.
nah, the game is just shit, Bethesda is incompetent at everything
why not die
will skywind ever be completed?
>Why the fuck do you care about graphics? Morrowind was never about graphics
Actually one of the selling points they made on release was about how amazing the graphics were for their time.
>hey guys let's voice act everything in a game where every NPC has encyclopedias of dialogue
*miss**miss**miss**miss**miss**miss**miss**miss**miss**miss**miss**miss**miss* *dead*
Morrowind is to complicated for the casuals of Sup Forums, hence why this board loves skyrim.
>I thought OpenMW was meant for people that actually had 500 mods.
Not exactly. Open MW will let modders take the game to unknown places because it will essentially unlock hardcoded limitations and engine problems.
they can't be that stupid
Well, they're not trying to recreate Morrowind 1:1. I actually have no idea who Skywind is even made for aside from modders themselves because they'll have a major achievement on their resume if they want to work in the industry proper. I'd much rather they helped Tamriel Rebuilt guys instead.
Morrowind was 100% sold on having the best graphics of any rpg ever.
While they're probably not going to literally voice act every single line of dialogue, they are voice acting a lot and it's put a big delay on their project.
Tbh I prefer Morrowind's encyclopedia dialogue with something like LGNPC that makes them "unique", to something that just voice acts everyone and makes them sound the same but with 1/10th the dialogue.
I'm hoping OpenMW can at least allow for a decent combat mod. I don't care about "missmissmiss" bullshit, but having different "attack types" where only one is useful and the rest don't really deal damage is dumb. Makes melee unfun.
Morrowind had a better interface and quests than Oblivion and Skyrim.
>Not exactly. Open MW will let modders take the game to unknown places because it will essentially unlock hardcoded limitations and engine problems.
so nowhere because all tes modders moved on to oblivion and then skyrim and nu fallouts?
Absolutely, some stuff in it might feel a bit outdated but there really isnt a single modern game that could compare to it.
which parts of tamriel rebuilt are "complete"? i dont mind lack of quests but populated towns and random dungeons/shrines and whatnot are a must
Morrowind isn't hard, it's just shite. By the way all Bethesda games are shit, have awful combat/story/NPCs/quests/animations. It's fascinating how their games sell a lot, because they're so bad.
Graphic Herbalism
Removes unnecessary menu screens when picking ingredients. Absolute 10/10
great combat system
>all tes modders moved on to oblivion and then skyrim
>he thinks TES modders moved on from Oblivion
top fucking kek
>Delayed Dark Brotherhood Attack and Solstheim Rumour Fix
totally useless, the money you get from assassins shit isn't really that much to make a mod necessary (plus i'm sure you got better things than to mind about BALANCE in fucking morrowind) and rumour fix is exclusively for turbo autists that need to clear every single active quest before taking a new one
I wouldn't say either are necessary, but it's a pain in the ass being swarmed with assassins constantly whenever you wait or sleep. And the money you get is pretty good, it basically trivializes the early part of the game and gets you some good weapons/armor early on. Sols. Rumor Fix is a completely minor tweak, though.
>Sup Forumstards will defend this
>tes modders moved on to oblivion and then skyrim
wew lad
Morrowind has daily mod releases. Best TES mods to date got released for Morrowind after Skyrim got released.
The assassins drop glass daggers. Which are worth thousands and are very high tier weapons for shortblade focused characters. Getting the assassination before you're level 10 or 15 completely breaks the early part of the game.
I know glass daggers are easy to come by if you know where to go steal one, but having one served to you on a silver platter isn't very good for a new player.
>The assassins drop glass daggers.
assassins equipment is leveled, once they start dropping gamebreaking shit (glass dagger, paralyze on hit dagger) you are already way past the point you want them unless you're a hoader
plus light armor is shit until high levels or glass and you can buy the summon short sword weapon right at balmora which is the endgame short sword until you find a real daedric one or somehow things that survive more than 60 seconds
there is no good body replacer, sadly
B8 1/10 replied
I'm not super far into MW but I assumed the problem people have with the assassins is the fact that they are easily dispatched and their gear sells for tons of cash.
>its like my pen and paper rpgs!
Early-on, the armor is worth like 1000-2000 total IIRC maybe more. That's enough to buy a full set of something decent. Plus, it's not like the armor has bad stats. You can buy a strong weapon and a full set of steel, bonemold, or just use the pretty decent DB armor. Plus, it's not like you only encounter one assassin and never see them again.
bb is "okay" and better than the vanilla, but it's still pretty shit
This, and you have a fucking ton of encounters with assassins from my experience. I had a mod that let me camp, and almost every time I went to sleep I'd encounter one of these fuckers.
>Not waiting for Skywind
>not posting the vivec video
>there are people that will play Skywind and then talk as if they played MW
>waiting for a neverever mod
Never coming out. Failed project. Also a shitty hollywood tier remake. For fucks sake, go back to meme and memey fanclub.
sorry dude I already did this 8 years ago with morroblivion
>no custom spells
Nah, thanks.
everything to the east of vvardenfell
and it is finished together with quests, services guilds and everything
>bb is "okay" and better than the vanilla, but it's still pretty shit
I didnt like how feminine everyone is looking
vanilla is stylized but desu its not a bad thing
>finished together with quests, services guilds and everything
*to an extent
>I eat shit on purpose
>t. 16 year old me
yes I'm sorry
Why not play something objectionally better like Morroblivion?
>Not (as) causal as Shitrim
>Better graphics then Morrowind
>Can take advantage of gameplay mechanics that were added in Oblivion but then removed in Skyrim
>No radiant quests
>Hit based on chance
>Not having weapons have a base damage amount that scales up with their associated skill
>Morrowind fags will defend this
>defending mechanics that btfo braindead kids
literally worse than hitler
>having more skill with a sword somehow makes the sword better
Yeah nah. Having more skill with a sword should make you better with the sword, ie make you better at hitting things with the sword.
Oh shit, we've got a fucking comedian here.
in Morrowind, your weapon skill actually effects how skilled you are at wielding the weapon instead of magically making the weapon itself more powerful.
Yes, because clearly my hand eye coordination is so bad that I miss a fucking huge ass creature standing directly in front of me - not even moving - 90 times out of 100. Having the damage scale emulates the general idea behind dice rolling without making it a putrid and annoying feature that only autists like.
It's depressing knowing that people exist who have no sense of abstraction whatsoever.
If you are both drop-dead exhausted and are so bad at using a hammer you'd probably have no idea which part of it is supposed to collide with their face, it stands to reason you would achieve very little with one.
these people don't want to roleplay. They want to win, and they want to win with as little effort as possible.
>If you're really tired and have never held a hammer before you will never hit a plank of wood with it
That's the equivalent of what you're trying to say, and it makes no sense. What's really depressing is the mental gymnastics people will go through to defend Morrowind's poorly implemented combat.
>moving enemies are planks of wood
rlly bumbles my balloons user
Have you never actually tried using a sledge before?
I did a volunteer stint for an op shop and helped them dissasemble garbage furniture when I was a teen.
Pretty much everyone starting out was so awkward with one that they never delivered a solid blow: either missing completely or unconsciously holding back in case they missed and struck themselves.
To do the same to a living creature that doesn't want to be hit (not your retarded plank metaphor) would be nearly impossible if you combine that total inexperience with bone tiredness.
>Enemies are dodging and running around and not side stepping or moving back a few inches
What did he mean by this?
>Sledges are the same as blunt weapons and swords
For example?
>someone typed out all this stupid shit and considered it worth hitting submit
Yeah, we're done here.
Yes but not in 2017
>using blunt weapons and swords in Morrowind
You're playing the game wrong, Morrowind is a wizard's game.
that old man clearly has a sword you chucklefuck
He uses it for magic, it's different.
no, combat is still trash
>not using spears
>not playing as a spellblade
>oh boy it's another fetch quest
Bethesda has never had good quest design. Stop with this meme.
>using spears
>playing as a spellblade
>thrust 2/18
ever heard of statistics ?
Yes, but I would say wait for openMW. If not, at least use the Code Patch (Just fixes bugs and a tiny bit more with optionals) and maybe Rebirth (Does a LOT of small things while staying very vanilla like balancing the economy or adjusting some architecture to make sense, fixing misaligned textures etc etc)
Also consider the MGO or at least MGE if you don't mind having a mix of cool looking lighting and textures but still outdated models and animations (or just wait for OpenMW for probably vastly superior visuals)
Im right now playing morrowind for the first time without mods
>You need to have an attention span of more than 5 seconds to make a game playable
Gee, steam sure saved gaming, didn't it ?