They've been talking about this for almost a year

They've been talking about this for almost a year.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would this mean it isn't getting localized?

Good thing the PS4 and Switch are region free so people that really want to play DQ11 can.

Start up Dragon Warrior 1 or 2 on the NES.
Report back.

>the game can't be released outside Japan because it has a password entry option
What are you talking about?

It's a piece of nostalgie lost to Western audiences, doesn't mean they won't be able to enjoy rest of the game.

Still not getting why this won't be localized.

Naw, You just aren't old enough to remember when you had to write down passwords to save your progress.

Let me break this shit down.
The passwords in DQ1 and 2 are made of actual japanese sentences and words. Not just random ass code.

This thread is retarded

So why can't a localization team just change the japanese words that save X Y and Z into english words that load the exact same X Y and Z.

It doesn't need to be words and sentences in the english version. Although there is still nothing stopping them from doing that.

The password system doesn't need to exist in the english version, although it still can. Nobody who played Dragon Warrior is going to have nostalgia for passwords.

There is nothing preventing the game from being localized, regardless of if the system is included or not.

The availability of a password system was never one of your concerns for purchasing the game before today, so don't pretend like this newly-mentioned feature is somehow suddenly a dealbreaker for playing. I highly doubt your enjoyment of the game hinged on your ability to psudo-transfer your saved game between the PS4 version and 3DS version.

It is just random ass code retard, the way to get a grid of characters to display on the screen requires co-ordinates you'd use to enter a password in the first place.
The characters can all be randomised every time the screen loads, what matters is where they are as far as the code is concerned.


Now enjoying putting in 6 pages of passwords, hope you dont get any letters mixed up

>write down passwords to save your progress
Hated this shit. But the games that did it were so fun.

Not in Dragon Warrior because that wasn't a thing in Western release. And in games that did that like Megaman, it was still a real pain in the ass.
If this was a feature that everybody would make use of, most players would wonder what the fuck was up, and become frustrated. But I doubt many people will be transferring their Dragon Quest IX saves between PS4 and 3DS in West, so you'll have people accepting the system as is, rather than having tons of players complaining about usage of obsolete passwords.

The point of the feature is you can input passwords from Dragon Quest 1/2 and they will work the same.

Dragon Warrior 1 and 2 didn't have a password feature at all because we had battery saves by the time they localized it. It's not that they couldn't change it to work in English, it's that the old system doesn't exist in English so there's no point in having the feature at all.

All worth it when you finally got your original squad back with the gear from the 1st game.

I remember entering the password to transfer stuff from golden sun to the second one. Shit was almost a book.

>The point of the feature is you can input passwords from Dragon Quest 1/2 and they will work the same.
How is that supposed to work?

Unless DQXI takes place in the exact same world and progresses through the exact same plot details, starting "from roughly the same place in the story" as your DQII save is going to be nonsense. The only thing that might make sense would be transferring levels or equipment over, and even then, it would result in some nonsense and most of the party underleveled.

Besides, there is nothing saying the entire game localization needs to be cancelled just because you can't transfer your Princess of Moonbrooke's equipment over to the newest game in the NA version.

>Not memorizing your gold password by heart.

And? Why does it matter?

If they really care (the probably won't) they'll just map the internal code to english words instead. The only drawback is that it'll make the codes "region-locked".

You faggots will really get angry about anything.

I am pretty fucking sure this feature is going to be used to transfer save files between PlayStation 4, 3DS and Switch games, not the original NES titles.

I don't know where the fuck people got that idea.

It's very clearly a save-swap feature for if you change console.

tl;dr you're all retards

It's not the point at all. Don't be stupid and think for two seconds before taking a dump on your keyboard.

I never managed to input this code correctly. Fortunately a friend had a link cable so we used that instead. Link battles were pretty fun too.

Dragon Quest Builders has something like that too when sharing online. Where you needed a password and had to try to explain to the west why it's there.

>The point of the feature is you can input passwords from Dragon Quest 1/2 and they will work the same.
They will not work the same. They will work.
The first games had some special spells of restoration where you started the game with way better gear, or at higher level, besically reincarnating as a former hero.
No, this was not a NG+, it was a secret code that anybody would input. These codes still work in DQIX, but from what I've seen they don't give you nearly as much of a edge as they did in original games.

When localizing, Squenix could simply change those restoration spells to some other infamous password saves from West.



Do you think Western games never had passwords or something? Because that's all this is.

Only good password system is Zelda Oracles secret system.

Also, this won't affect DQXI's localisation, idiots.

The whole point of this is to allow you to play both PS4, 3DS, and Switch and not have to worry about playing through each one. If you play PS4 and want to play some more on the train to work just do the code and presto. Also fuck DQ2 password. Might be one of the longest fucking password.

Is Dragon Quest Heroes II any good? I am thinking about picking that up.

>they remove this feature for western release
>censorship fags go berserk and try to bury the game under thier warped values because it removes something that makes no sense

>Password system
>Makes no sense
I know you didn't grow up with them, but that doesn't mean passwords make no sense.

Pathetic strawman against those who actually understand censorship as something bad.

Heard mix things about 1 but 2 seem to fix a lot of the issues. 1 had a weird Tower Defense thing so you are always staying in one spot which really feels wrong in a musou game. 2 seem like it's more open and free to run around in. But I haven't played 2 yet (pre-ordered it and only just now downloading it) but can't wait.

It makes sense if you are playing 2 different versions and don't want to start over with each one.

I am only thinking about getting it so there might be a slight chance of SE importing more DQ games. Please square. I am already giving you money. If it is a good game, that is a plus.

>because of the two people who still have their codes written down, it won't get localized

Luckily for me I'm pretty much willing to buy everything DQ because everything DQ is pretty much gold. And SE seem to be willing to give us all the DQ games for now. Since Heroes 1 and 2 and Builders came out here fairly quickly after Japan (for DQ at least). And they kind of hinted at them giving us DQ11 with them saying the side games are to help build the DQ brand over here for 11.

Well as long as it is a DQ game and it isn't bad. I will buy it.

>this entire thread

The only DQ game that you can say is "bad" is DQ2. And that's more to do with Horii and company still understanding level balancing on a grand (at the time) scale. At the time it came out it was surprisingly big with tons of places to go. So I can't really yell at them since they were trying to design a whole new idea on gaming.

>censorship fags get upset and falseflag as DQ fags
>DQ fags quietly consume their game in a dark corner happily

>The only way DQ threads live on Sup Forums is if enough people post and respond to bait about localization bullshit, no matter how retarded it is


With enough luck, you can extend a DQ thread by saying "I'm new to the series, which should I play first?"

In the age where game saves are several megabytes and we have cheap storage everywhere (including cloud saves for many platforms) password systems are pretty anachronic.

And before you start shitposting, I'm old enough to have used them. I have very fond memories of feverishly writing down a new code and quintuple-checking it after beating a hard level.

But there's only so much data you can store in a password, any game with a large inventory can't really use them. It works best with platformers and similar games, not so much with most RPGs.

The issue really is that right now the only new DQ games we really got was Builders (which is fucking amazing) and Heroes (and tomorrow Heroes 2). Builders is great but most people will just say it's a Minecraft clone (which I get but there's a lot more to it) and Heroes is just a musou game and musou IP tends to live or die based on the fondness of the IP which in the west is pretty much none outside of a few big fans.

The solution is posting about cute girls

Always love it when Koei has fun with an IP. They honestly do their research and love inserting fun things with the characters.

Awkward since it used to be called Beat in the version where he does that shit

Yeah it's kind of weird with DQ8 started a new localization. DQ4 DS was the only one I really hated the accents but outside that the localization was alright personally. And I honestly do love the rename spells. Thwack personally sounds better as a death spell than Beat. Plus Infernos just sounds weird as a wind spell since it sounds like it sounds like a fire spell.

It was a bait thread to begin with to bitch about a game not being localized solely due to a save password transfer feature that is a nod of nostalgia to the original DQ games.

>Playing shit games

It still misses a fuckload in DS.

>brick wall posting
This meme is like a decade old and I still don't get it.

I think they were a mistake. They used to be pretty clear about what they do, now it's like TBBT

lol is that really the only way to save in this current gen game? an outdated fucking bitch of a password system because "nostalgia"

ahahahahha why

I assume this would just be something that exists in addition to a regular save feature, right?

Eh they are not that hard to get. Maybe Thwack seem weird but so is Beat personally. And by the time you get the ability to class change you seen a few of the spells already so you should have that much of an issue knowing what abilities you want next.


Thwack is the only one that isn't terribly clear, and while the heat and cold implications of sizz/crack are misleading, they're meant to be fire and ice spells visually.

Password saves were never fun, LoZ attempted to save gaming by adding in saves.

Not just that the game tells you what the spells do. Also DQ and elemental spells are weird since they don't do more damage to certain enemies. Just some enemies has resistance of a certain element which just mean they don't take any damage and not something like half. So knowing what is a fire spell and what is a ice spell isn't really that helpful.

Watch Hero Yoshiko, Merub will teach you the wonders of magic spells.

This is really neat, even though I'll never use it

Hurtmore is still the best spell name.

I don't really the newer ways of saying fire or ice. Makes it harder to remember.