Stop pretending like you understood this. You didnt and nobody does

Stop pretending like you understood this. You didnt and nobody does.

Other urls found in this thread:!q8p2HKQa!QkAj8BeuiRZsbtdu9r2Ltfu-G6cpZi8sqAia5NVT_2g

>not being so woke that you become a cosmic squid

The fucking trophies tells you you became a great one thus transcending humanity you retard. What the fuck is there to get.

>please explain this to me

I got it: Miyazaki is a hack.

It was all a ploy by the doll to turn you into a living dildo because she loved you too much.

what's not to understand? You've reached such a pinnacle of eldritch power and insight that you become a great one

people still think there is a story in soulborne game

is she gonna shove that up her puss puss?

>hunter became a great one
yeah, nobody did

You get red pilled so hard you turn into a magic slug so you can be with your doll waifu forever


>"I didn't understand this ending, please explain it to me" thread

"Ludo was a mistake"
- Miyazaki


Was doll based on lady maria?

>those legs
Jesus Christ how horrifying

It's basically social commentary. The hunter couldn't get laid when he was white, but when he became a big black cock, the white woman couldn't resist him.

Making games that are pure interpretation is a cop out

Absolute vidya kino

Story was the best part of bb. Fuck off.

The explanation is that YOU'RE A SQUID NOW

It's not interpretation, though.
>the entire game is about evolving humanity to become closer to limacine cosmic beings through different means
>insight is always a measurement on the character's awareness and sanity around extraordinary information
>third umbilical cords are eye-aligned objects linked with the great ones

>by consuming cords you gain insight
>whatever you gain from the cords is what keeps you conscious when the moon presence
attempts to incapacitate you
>after killing the moon presence, after an unclear amount of time, there is a new creature in the dream, resembling a limacine great one
>the doll calls it the good hunter
>you get an achievement literally called "childhood beginning"

Nobody spells out the ending to you doesn't mean it's not painfully obvious what happened in the ending.

>b-but i still have questions!!
It's a Lovecraftian story, retard. That's supposed to happen. It still has a beginning, climax and conclusion. Everything else is redundant.

It's the prequel of splatoon.


Eat 3 cords, become as gods

It's pretty simple: You're a squid nao!

But what type of god are you becoming if you're just turning into a giant tentacle monster ? That's supposed to be better than a human ?
You can't speak, you can't do anything besides being that "thing".

You only know this shit cause you read it online fuck off pretentious twat.

Yea, I'd rather fuck fair maidens desu

What if your omnipotent mind wanders the vast universe while you are in that form?

Nice projecting, retard. It's almost like I cared enough about what was going on to read the item descriptions during a playthrough every once in a while.
Whether or not you do is your choice, but don't then complain that you had no idea what was going on. It's what simple.

>Hurr Durr i'm stupid
>Hurr therefore game is shit
>Call of Duty 39 Story is better

I'm starting to notice a trend in threads involving games with a figurative form of storytelling.

Why do people regard stories that aren't spoon fed to them to be 2deep4u cringey/pretentious/edgy garbage written by hacks? It's something that's only been cropping up recently, so I assume it's mainly found in the younger faggots. This type of rhetoric isn't really found in threads involving shit like TLOU or other western story driven games either, which makes me wonder if there's a slight Jap slant (no pun intended) to this. Kojima is a hack, Miyazaki is a hack, Taro is a hack. Right, not suspicious at all.

you have to be an infant great one first
you've gotta learn how to be a cosmic god

You ascend to a higher plane of existence, the trophy literally tells you that.

Even the title of the trophy itself refers to "Childhood's End" which is a novel made by Arthur C. Clarke that has the entire human race transformed into greater beings by a group of aliens, sounds familiar?

The entire reason why the events of the game even happened is because of just one Great One, and you just joined that select group.

Even the Orphan of Kos, barely a child, already had tremendous power.

I think(?) that's up to you. The last god caused The Hunter's Dream to seep into reality (or something) and took home on the moon. It seems like you're taking home with the Doll at least for a little while. In theory you could probably just self-destruct once you regained awareness and decide to end the Hunter's Dream.

kids here hate when it isn't plainly explained and in great autistic length and detail


I see the highly enlightened intellectuals have arrived.

*nods respectfully towards you*

*tips slug*

You ascend to great-one status and become a baby squid god, it's pretty simple shit.

Low-test faggot detected.

I'm not a kid tho

A good-natured hunter could pretty much end the Nightmare unconsciously, it is his/her world now after all, or if you're an asshole kind of god you can just keep it going and let Yharnam suffer until the end of time.

Either way the world is your oyster if you manage to survive long enough to learn how to control your powers.


What is there to understand? BB is Splatoon's prequel. That's it.

You're an infant, you wouldn't say humans are weak retards because we start out as babies, so why say it about the great ones?

Not that guy, but holy shit you're a pretentious fuck. The games story sucks shit and is bait for pseudo intellectuals like you.

Someone know where i can find the artbook pdf?

>ur bad and the thing u like is bad for bad people like u
Beastly idiocy.

I want to hold ebby-chan!

bbg /vg/ thread!q8p2HKQa!QkAj8BeuiRZsbtdu9r2Ltfu-G6cpZi8sqAia5NVT_2g

>Open to interpretation / death of the author / promotes discussion.
>"Fuckin' pretentious pseudo-intellectuals, how dare they have something to talk about that doesn't have a 100% 'correct' answer."
>"If it's not 'correct' then why are those fuckin' idiots talking about it?"

It took me 10 days to fully understand the ending. What a masterpiece.

Are you 12? There's nothing in Bloodborne that could be considered for "pseudo-intellectuals", if you've read, played or watched anything sci-fi then you're already familiar with this kind of story since it is a very popular one in the genre.

>still no sfm model of the fuckdoll

its entirely up to the player to imagine what kind of moon spirit their hunter will grow up to be, to speculate what the previous moon presence's goal was, and to wonder if perhaps even the previous moon presence was just a hunter.

The only thing you know for sure is that the hunter's dream still exists, and that you're a squid now, you're a kid now

Anyone who has to specify "not that guy" is 9 out of 10 times that exact guy looking to pretend that more people agree with him.

That's what you get for eating weird shit, let this be a lesson, kids.

I don't think it has shit to do with power or actual godhood, I think its a more academic "I have ascended to a higher state of being" sort of thing.

Its like how Rom was idolized for being made "vacuous". She is literally incapable of conscious thought and barely capable of movement and yet she was treated as though she had ascended and become something far greater in some kind of Nirvana-like state and she didn't even become a great one.

not him
you are wrong m8

Thanks anons

>I don't understand it, so surely nobody else must either
If you didn't understand it, you're pretty dense kid.

All of you people are fucking dumb, you really can't understand the ending. It's spelled out in the trophies, which you would know if you platinumed it.

>9/10 is 100% percent

I proved you right

>Hats off

What did they mean by this?

>Implying Bearer isn't the most powerful being in all of soulsborne.
As for the OPIt's pretty fucking obvious what happened f you paid attention to what you were doing. You literally had to consume the umbilical cords for this ending to even occur. Bloodborne is the most consistent of these games lore, with Dark Souls 1 being a close second.(Demon's Souls not having all that much there to begin with)

>Childhood's Beginning
>You became an infant Great One, lifting humanity into its next childhood.

The achievement literally explains it, OP IS A FAGGOT as usual

>and then john was an alien

I didn't realise she was an actual doll until this cutscene.

>>Implying Bearer isn't the most powerful being in all of soulsborne.
if we go by the lovecraftian "DUDE THEY SO GREAT AND POWERFUL I CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE IT BUT TRUST ME BRO" whatever goes down in other souls games is fucking nothing

I wish Event Horizon was a vidya.

You need more eyes.

Eternal Darkness

You are a fucking retard and either have not played Bloodborne, have not read Lovecraft, or quite likely both. Bloodborne mostly takes from Lovecraft's Dream Mythos, and adapts that very, very faithfully.

what is this new meme?

So a ripoff. Fuck you for proving me right.

Neither of those guys, you're projecting your own faggotry onto everyone else you homo

>From Soft still can't top the Ludwig fight


It's not really that understand Bloodborne. It's literally in the name. Blood of an old god. Application of the blood > healing church > disease > hunters. Study of the blood > blood vs. eyes. Both > be reborn as an elder god. Compared to the Souls lore it's very explicitly spelled out.

she has no pusspuss.
only plastic

My understanding is that you can't do "cosmic horror" in a videogame well, because it's not something to be overcome, or understood, it simply "is". It exists in a state independent of players actions, independent of story, and as such, to "feature" it, would be the antithesis of what cosmic horror strives to be.

The closest thing bloodborne does to "cosmic horror" by my understanding is the eyes. Everything gets lots of eyes, and even that's pretty "on the nose" for the idea of cosmic horror.

Imagine if an idea was sentient, a literal sentient meme, that every time it was starting to die out, it would bring itself to the forefront of people's thoughts in order to propogate, and there was no way to know, no way to control it on our end. This idea simply has a sense of self preservation and desire "to not be forgotten" and in that effort, essentially forces itself on our minds without even knowing it does so.

It's literally a Kino. I've never used that word before but It's the only one that accurately describes the Ludwig fight (or most of the Old Hunters desu)

A pure unadulterated kinographic expression mad manifest in video game form.

>using the word "kino" anywhere related to video games
I want the inferior to leave.

Not him
but you are wrong

>tfw never played Bloodborne but find the aesthetic super cool

Fire Emblem Echoes

I only found one umbilical cord after fighting the thing with a shitload of hands and swords. Where are the other two?

Bloodborne got a lot of what made Lovecraft, well, Lovecraft, right. The focus on the effects that the god-like beings have on humanity rather than focus on the monsters themselves is something that many other "cosmic horror" games forget but it's an essential element in many of Lovecraft's stories.

Hell, when you consider that the story is an afterthought in Bloodborne (like all other FROM's games), and isn't trying to re-invent the wheel or anything, it managed to accomplish quite a lot.

It looks cool at first glance but it made me suspicious after reading Moonlight description.

Ludwig was just a blood lusting phyco who thought he still kept his sanity just on his head wasn't he?

One's if the prostitute gets pregnant after the blood moon descends, she gives birth in Odeon tomb
One is from fake Ioesfka in her clinic after the blood moon descends
One is found in the Hunter's workshop, the real counterpart to the hunter's dream
Yeah, it's why he became the most horrific of all the church beasts - he kept his beasthood 'bottled up' so when it hit him, it hit hard

There's more to Lovecraft than simply a basic 'cosmic horror', and Bloodborne references other themes that are a large part of his writing.

There's also the idea of humanity going too far in terms of science and needing to know everything about the universe. If you read the opening paragraph of The Call of Cthulhu it's basically a warning against mankind getting to full of itself in regards to knowledge; that there is somethings we simply shouldn't know because we are incapable of understanding it.

Then there's the idea of blood. Lovecraft was obsessed with the idea of a pure bloodline or lineage. He saw himself as a European gentleman trapped in a mongrel country tainted by the blood of immigrants and outsiders. The fear he held about impurity can be seen throughout his work but the best example is probably The Shadow Over Innsmouth, which coincidentally was an obvious influence on the Fishing Hamlet.

What will happen if hunter enter the Japari park.

Ludwig gone mad but the church still praise him as saint and even replicate his moonlight? why.

Because they don't know what's happened to him.

Well the higher ups probably do, but they keep it hidden from the average person in the church.

i wanna fug the doll

does this mean we're going to fight the protagonist in BB2?