Stoop down to le streamer level

>stoop down to le streamer level
>doesnt make videos anymore
>only does le streams


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He did like 3 LP's


he has done nothing but LP's for past year retard

newest one just uploaded 9 hours ago

the best gamers haven't been worth shit since they stopped regularly making videos, which was ages and ages ago

apparently they just had some sort of massive internal bitchfight

The best gamers were a product of the times like a lot of things that died in 2012. Don't even know why they bothered with Loudhouse the internet was changing.

He started out doing LPs for Something Awful over a decade go, way before the Best Gamers. I don't understand how becoming a streamer is a "step down." If anything, it's a lateral fucking move.

Also, no offense to RockCock but since when was he some kind of hero? He's just some goofy guy who fucks around and has always been.

what did they fight about?

Race mixing

it doesn't lower the comedy value

ya the scene has definitely improved, whining about sjws and pranking is all the rage now

no idea, but it did create that spin off website for a while


whats his name? blue wears shoes?

>weaponized autism

I can't comprehend the popularity of this Let's Play shit.

I mean I love Podcasts, I enjoy longform Reviews/Analysis. But watching some dude or a chick play a game for 3 hours while making freeform jokes or yelling at the game. Count me out.

I mean who has the time for that?

I keep a stream up in the background when i play vidya, usually rocket league or tf2

you finally realised your purpose in life?

I work from home overnight and have long stretches of time where everything is dead silent, so I like leaving streams or playthroughs of games I like on in the background while I do case work or browse the web. I don't understand how someone could watch someone else play a game and actually focus on it like a TV show, though.

> point out how miscegenation is detrimental to racial purity
> accuse me of being a liberal millennial

You're not crazy. You're just stupid.

I get that, I put Podcasts on in the background while I hammer away at FPS.

But let's not pretend there aren't a shitload of people typing away on Twitch during a game. I just don't get that level of popularity.

thought you were just exaggerating about le 'alt-right', see it a lot here

Im usually somewhat active in chat inbetween games

The main thing is chat interaction, if the streamer reads chat and answers questions and shit it makes for a pretty engaging experience. And then theres the chanels with 25000 viewers and at that point chat the chat is just emote spam and cancer

I recommend checking out ExcessiveProfanity on twitch to see what i mean, he spends like the first hour of the show shootin the shit with chat

Hey gamers

Mario vs. Sonic

It's interactive TV for some, where the genre of the show is something they like.

What is the motif here with RockCock, and I guess the other Best Gamers?

Is his whole style of video-making just a lampoon of 90's/00's gamer culture or something?

I don't get how acting high all the time while saying "oh shit geemers" every 30 seconds isn't getting tiring. Obviously it's all making some sort of statement against the current state of gaming, because DLC, bugs, and other flaws.

Maybe this is just very consistent, high-level satire that I'm overthinking.

They just act like jocks and extreme gaymers because it's funny and it's what (((they))) have been advertising to gamers for 25 years. Enjoy your redbull funded street fighter tournament appearing on espn and blizzard games in 2022 Olympics

Shut up scrub

This. It's obviously a parody on the dudebro-gamer culture during the 360 era.