So how is it? I skipped WoD because I was skeptical from the start...

So how is it? I skipped WoD because I was skeptical from the start, I had the same skepticism towards this one too but have a chance to now get it if I want

They pretty much force you to get into a guild to do raids else you get no gear and cant do shit

It's shit. Starts off cool but then everything fucking sucks when you realize what a grind everything is. It was already previously a grind, but they multiplied it by a thousand for this expansion.

I was pretty happy to get the scepter of sargares as a warcraft nerd by the time youve gotten your 3rd relic and seen all the shitty dungeons for the 50th time you realize you could be playing the mountains of games you missed out on while time to WoW or FFXIV.


The grind is great, too bad that there is this guild wall of either get into a guild to do heroic raids or never stay up to date.

Grindy. As someone with a lot of alts it killed my interest. AK seems like it's designed to be account-wide but of course it isn't

Sylvanas being warchief killed my interest even more. Wake me up when they finally kill her off.

Raiding is pretty good. Everything else is pretty shit.

>They pretty much force you to get into a guild to do raids else you get no gear and cant do shit
You can get 860+ gear with hardly any effort and it isn't Blizzard "forcing" you into a guild, it's the other players.

It's been pretty good IMO, but Blizzard has made choices that really shouldn't have been in the final game, legendaries are nice unless rng fucks you and you get Sephuz/Prydz tier stuff, professions suck unless you have herb/alchemy, AK hurts alts but at least you can just buy an item on your main to boost the alts AK.

MMOs are just a mistake. It made me sad to realize because I like the Warcraft universe but I've enjoyed and finished so many games by avoiding time landfill genres.

WoW has been dead since 2007

Right now anything below 910 is SHIT

And the only way to do it is with a guild

Isn't that a good thing, though? I mean the alternative would be the raid finder, meaning raids would need to be easier since a bunch of random people hardly ever achieve the same level of coordination as a guild who has been playing together for a while.

In threads about vanilla WoW people often bemoan how impersonal everything has become and how much of the game has been targeted at people playing solo, so isn't the need for a community in order to achieve things something good?

I just subbed to WoW for the first time. I've been playing on private servers for years, but this is the first time I've played on the legitimate client.

Basically, dungeon finder ruins everything

Burning Crusade was good til the last patch

Not gonan defend wow but, you're palying fucking MMO and its expected to group up with other people. Casuals like you wanting singleplayer experience are amongst things that made wow fuckign shit

That is why swtor is going strong, because it lets you get gear solo, not force you in some shitty guild JUST TO GET GEAR

The only time i want people is pvp

its bad

I know a lot of people who are 905 equipped solely from doing high keys and heroic NH. They are almost as geared as mythic raiders but not quite there and that's actually how it should be. I am 914 equipped after clearing full NH mythic for reference .

That's how the game SHOULD be

play an arpg then u dumb fuck stop playing mmos u are the cancer killing the entire genre

Aren't there raids in swtor as well? And I guess they are hard to do with shitty pugs like in wow.

>Doing heroic NH
Yeah sure if you get in pugs, and are successful and not fail

>doing high keys
FUCK WITH MYTHIC+ CANCER, literally the worst thing to be invented

Fuck off, i want a character that progresses and i get to be that, not some irrelevant single player shit that doesnt matter because it can be hacked and changed and nobody cares.

Plus pvp>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pve

consider suicide my man

There is no dungeon finder for high end content in legion. And suddenly you find out that people are fucking disgusting to deal with when you try to get in a group.

>wanting single player
>expecting that you will get the same reward for solo and when doing coordinated group content with teamwork

Oh, well, shit

>Playing an MMO to pvp

Please tell me you don't do this


Consider this - people on HC PUGS didnt create full 900ilvl char with aotc or whatever achievment they want. they worked for it or bought spot in a carry group

That is why WoW is dying and swtor is still going.

Sorry, i dont bother with retarded guilds and shit, i play solo, get my gear and pvp for my own personal entertainment by killing others

swotor a game that tried to compete with wow once and got destroyed and went F2P this is def bait

s-stick it in your mouth

>wow dying
>Swtor keeps going
hmm really makes you think

Sylvannas as warchief is a fucking bullshit who cares about this bitch

Well, I'm sure every wow player will miss you when you're playing swtor. We'll try and keep going, but it'll be hard.

>blizzard killing off one of the most popular wank baits in wow

She is already dead yknow

Literally the cancer killing MMOs

Honestly, it's probably one of the better expansion in a while. I hesitate between slightly better or equal to Pandaria

The artifact weapons are a very neat idea, allowing you have a second progression tree and something similar to Pre-cata talents.

And people saying the artifact grind is terrible are dummies. You litteraly get AP for every fucking thing in the game. World quest are 10 times better then dailies, and Mythic+ is a fun way to gear under +10 and a challenge over that.

Overall, pretty solid. Though I can't comment PvP since WoW PvP is a casual way to spend time or for cucks too bad to raid.

Why are the developers on this game now all social justice freaks?

Guess they are sick of running it and want to drive all their players away? weird!

What even is ''SWJ'' in fucking WoW?

Faggots like you killed WoW

Actually MMOs are killing themselves designing the entire game experience around them

Blizzdrones, they love her.