Persona is the casual version of Shin Meg-

Persona is the casual version of Shin Meg-

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Persona has better waifus than Shin Meg-

Nyx Avatar is harder than any SMT boss. Fact

That fight isn't that hard. It's just very long and tedious.

I'm not a chaosfag, but even I have to admit that they have some attractive women.

I remember getting to the final phase and Yukari got charmed and cast the full restore spell on him, costing me the battle.

I beat him with only Aigis and MC alive, MC was shitting out heals while Aigis did all the damage. It's a little on the long side but I think its a very memorable boss fight.


*equips tome of the void*

what's the difference

Law boys best boys

What? I steamrolled it in my first playthrough. It was just a long fight. I just healed while Akihiko and Aigis buffed/Debuffed and Mitsuru looked pretty.

They both have the same best girl

Since when is the final boss supposed to be easy?

SMT is for people who need to feed their egos by killing gods, Persona is for people who need to feed their egos by having as many girls on their dick as possible

You decide which one is worse.

I dunno man killing gods is pretty fun

Just because the fight took an hour to beat because it had phases for each arcana doesn't mean it's difficult

Artificial difficulty the boss.
Only reason it was hard was because you could not control your allies.
He was a bitch on P3P.

Only difficult part of Shido is his first form.
>Reflect Phys/Gun
>Spams Wage War
>Shits out tons of damage
>Will not allow more than 1 disadvantageous buff/debuff on the field at one time

Not that long or hard if you're prepared and not DSP

>Nyx Avatar is harder than any SMT boss. Fact

Say that to Demi Fiend bonus boss.

Nyx was okay.
All I remember from The Answer boss was that it was fucking insanity though.
And that half the time I was just throwing up makarakarns so my party could cling to life.

>equipment persona that nullifies physical damage

That was hard

I dont get it
This fight was easy as fuck
Havent you discoverd that one dungeon that appears after killing the reaper?

Baby Baby Baby

It's still pretty annoying unless you like dealing a shit for damage with Rangda while constantly being raged while the rest of your party is dead.

Persona 3 FES was a joke and easy as fuck.
I shit on Nyx with the 4 Angels.

Every game since has Yoshitsune and fusing him means you cant lose ever.

Never played a hard SMT game anyway so w.e
People who think they're hard are the ones who walk into boss fights with having never planned out their lineups of Demons.

candlejack is the casual version of Shin Meg

You kill gods in Persona 2, 3, 4, and 5.

This. I had to use the red star strategy to beat demi fiend. And even that took me over an hour with all mantras maxed out.

Yep. Otherwise spend 5 hours like MasterLL did, damn it was hard to watch.

Debilitate him and cast one of the reflects with haru. Also keep defense buff up with Makoto. He will always waste one of his turns either debuffing you or getting rid of the shield.

Fuse Yoshitsune

>uses fucking aigis the literal worst party member
>complains that its not casual


>Using Mitsuru that far
Replace her with Yukari

The point of the boss, and the game really, is that you have tonnes of time to prepare. You can slack off in the Tartarus and it will be hard, maybe impossible, but if you fuse and grind hard, like you should when the literal world is on the line, you will be prepared.

Truly a marvel of ludonarrative synchronicity.

>Persona 3 FES was a joke and easy as fuck.
>I shit on Nyx with the 4 Angels.
except hes a level 65 and 75 demon so you cant really fuse him till end game. I'm sure watching playthroughs on youtube was really easy faggot.

It's just bald YHVH with a poor wig put on

>not posting the actual hardest boss in Persona 3
>uses the strategy you've been using the entire game to steamroll your party
>have to use metis, koromaru, and ken if you want any chance of winning
>even with this party, it's still hard as balls

>til end game
>the literal final boss

U wot?
Gabriel 69, Michael 72, Uriel 63, and Raphael 61 aren't even tough to fuse.

The fuck are you on about?

*summons helel*


Why would anyone even tackle the final boss before doing that dungeon first?

>Havent you discoverd that one dungeon that appears after killing the reaper?
shit i didnt know about that

so you grinded to level 75. yeah man im sure the final boss was easy because of yoshitsune

because the reaper is probably about as hard as Nyx unless you cheese him with thunder reign

What should I do after I finish P5, do NG+ or try to max all the social links in 3?

personally I thought it was just an alternative grinding spot of no real value or interest

>no real value or interest

There's literally an optional superboss at the end of it. What the fuck

What boss is this? I don't remember it and I don't remember the game having much side stuff. Is it FES?

I had alot of money and time in real life right before I fought him and while I was fusing random shit and i noticed i had satan
from then on I went to fuse the best Alice I could with 99mag and black viper. his reflects didnt do jack shit anymore and it felt anticlimatic.

be glad that you didnt ruin the experience for yourself

It's from the epilogue chapter of P3FES

Not even that other guy, but holy shit you sound dumb. Getting to 75 isn't difficult in P4/P5 at all. P5 you can literally kill despair reapers over and over. Killing maybe 3 or so of them right before shido would get you to 75. And in P4 the final dungeon is filled with strong shadows around the 70s level range.

>backpedaling because he's a fucking retard


I eould actually say the reaper is a much harder fight than nyx without cheesing. Nyx is stupid easy.

Yeah man I'm sure when you were playing persona 5 you suddenly realized that during flu days a reaper with despair would appear. keep looking at videos on youtube shithead.


>Stretched image

Why do fuckboys like to distort the visuals just to fill out a widescreen? Give me original aspect ratio with black sidebars.

>Everyone is dead except MC
>I've been at this for 45 minutes
>Nyx has a sliver of HP left
>Be a cheeky cunt and try to finish it off with a thrust from Mara
>Nyx survives
>Inflicts berserk on MC
>Welp, guess I'm bon-
>MC punches Nyx with his hulk hands and kills it

The game literally tells you if you stay on 1 floor too long a Reaper will show up.
The game also explains in the exact same fashion that during Flu Season enemies can spawn with Despair

holy shit you suck at video games and reading

Nyx is only easy if you're overleveled

how the fuck did you realize this applies to bosses. espeically a reaper

It's not a big leap to think it might affect the reaper.
It's not like Atlus explicitly told people this was a thing and it's the only way to know.

Plenty of people discovered it "organically" or it wouldn't be known at all.

Maybe he just tried it to see if it applies to them? It's not like it costs anything to save the game and wait for a reaper to turn up.

theres like a 25% chance it happens. so it just so happened to happen on the first try?

>99% chance to hit

I like those odds.

Speaking of reapers one of my favorite things about P3 was sometimes you'd find a treasure filled room and Fuuka says "I've got a bad feeling about this" and you'd have like 60 seconds to loot the place and find the stairs. Does P5 have anything similar?

so let me get this straight. he just pieced together that the optional endgame boss would be able to be inflicted with despair which completely seems like a fucking glitch. He ran down to mementos. And on his first reaper encounter he got a despair repear. I smell bullshit.

Why does it have to be the first encounter?
Do you always take something as fact from the first results you get?

The way you're going about this seems to be under the assumption that P5 the first Atlus game they ever played.

Just Appcocalypse my shit up

Reaper shows up if you stay in the floor about 3 minutes.
I knew about the despair trick and my first encounter with the reaper he had despair.

Trying to grinding out a superboss with a status ailement that instantly kills it seems fucking stupid. Most people would assume this would never fucking happen. Please enlighten me on a case in other games where you could do something like this.

FFV let's you stunlock Omega with Stop spam or use a hiding Bard and three reflect ring zombies to let Shinryu kill himself

All the Persona games since 3 had some kind of xp farming method. In 3 you would farm highlevel mobs with Alice's Die For Me, in 4 you would megidolao golden hands. In 5 it happens to be despair Reaper.

Zanmato on Penance for an ezpz OHKO

The point I was making is that not everyone is green and fumbling through the game with no idea wtf they're doing.

>in 4 you would megidolao golden hands

Tfw 4 stack of Hands and you blast them to bits

Yeah, it's one of the end-of-dungeon bosses from FES. It's near the end, but it kinda comes out of nowhere and wrecks you for all your worth. Though I should probably clarify this is the hardest MANDATORY boss in the game. The Reaper and especially Elizabeth approach mainline-tier difficulty.

If that's true then every single SMT poster needs to stop posting forever because Nyx was not that hard. Having to retry a final boss a few times is expected or else its a shit final boss.

>HP sponges are soooooo difficult!!

This is why RPGs are the optimal games for braindead people

>Nyx Avatar is harder than any SMT boss
Not really no, it's just a war of attrition.
Hell even Beelzebub on SMT 4 is harder and 4 isn't even the hardest SMT.

having to retry a final boss a few times when the fight is an hour long is not what I would normally expect
it doesnt help that nyx has a physical almighty atttack that can crit and automatically fuck your shit up if you're unlucky

>not even best demon waifu
>amazing breasts and ass
>can grow snakes out of her arms
>can coil those snakes around your body while she uses her other hand to jerk you off
step up your fucking game



does anyone have the roadmap of smt games?


ami Tensei. There we go, I finished that for you. You can't really compare them though because Persona is not SMT

>marvel of ludonarrative synchronicity.

That's the most fucking pretentious gaymer shit I've ever heard

the proper word is "keengs"

get it right you illiterate deejenerate

I died against his final form after fighting him for like 20 minutes.
Just watched the ending on youtube.

Guys, got some question, is the borderless screen is already included in PCSX 2 ?

People keep talking about the wide screen patch but i see in the setting of PCSX 2 already included wide screen

P3P on emulator was my first experience with the Megami Tensei franchise as a whole, I ended up having to abuse the fuck out of save states because I had no idea of what I was doing, I tried doing p3 legit on my ps2 since FES was inexpensive, I ended up ragequitting the game entirely at an almighty spamming table with no weaknesses that I couldn't kill. also, in FES, tartarus was fucking insufferable, and not being able to command teammates made it that much worse, SMTIV Naraku is babyshit compared to the hell tartarus put me through in FES

I do that a lot with pokemon

>I do that a lot with pokemon
how the fuck did you even manage to get past shido?

Watching gameplay of 3, and how did this eng dub even get allowed?

Thank YHVH I pirated the undub

I had something similar happen in my game
>MC, Akihiko, and Da Man all berserked
>Yukari charmed
>Panic mode activated
>MC and Akihiko do like 500 damage each
>Junpei kills it with a critical

>throw pheonix down at undead enemy
>they super die
>enemy proclaims they are invincible and no attacks of any kind will harm them
>try running from the fight
>it works
Good thing this was hidden for 30 years without the internet amirite? Get fucked faggot. RPGs often have unintuitive yet entirely intuitive if you understand anything about the game moments.

FF9 and DeSu?

This has only happened to me in DQIX. The undead knight dude wrecked my party except my main dude.
>everyone dead, main guy at 2 hp
>just hovering my hand over the reset
>can't get myself to reset until I actually die
>boss attacks!
>I attack with no other options, no mp or items
>boss attacks!
>I attack again
>Fanfare ensues

It was awesome

you'll be ore satisfied if you beat it yourself user

Pretty much any FF or Square title from the PS1 era and I made the other one up but I'm sure there is a game that does it

Well the only boss you can kill with phoenix down in the PS1 era was Soul Cage in Iifa Tree from FFIX. Unless theres one in FFVIII, which I dont remember as well.