There will never be a game with a battle system as fun as Mega Man Battle Network ever again

>there will never be a game with a battle system as fun as Mega Man Battle Network ever again

it hurts

Make it yourself.

switch rerelease when?



This tbqhwy. You can't patent game mechanics. Just go steal their battle system. Be a legend. A Megaman Legend.

Battle Network isn't Megaman.

wasn't MN9 enough to show that people don't know how to do this

Half a platformer is map design. Battle Network's battle system doesn't appear to have a need for map design.

Dont. Go. There.

I think MMBN is one of the very very few series that nobody (on Sup Forums) can seriously shit on.

It was such a magical series. Even if 4 was weak.

>EXE is still the only series to not receive a collection

Mega Man in general is pretty well received. X7 is really the only mainline game I'd argue is complete trash

MMBN is the reason i like megaman

4 is bad. Really fucking bad. 5 is simply okay.

1 gets a bit of a pass despite some shortcomings and annoyances because it was the first game and they immediately fixed just about everything in the sequel.

Mfw the megachip farm in mmbn3

I find it funny that people hate 4 and fawn over 5. To me it's the complete opposite, Liberation missions were shit in 5 but 4 had some great bosses and music.

People are more forgiving of 5 because you don't need to replay it 4 times to see all the content.

Liberation missions are a somewhat novel concept that get grating the more of them you play, and it doesn't have nearly as many annoying scenarios and low points as 4 did. Plus what said.


I would have liked to be able to properly summon viruses in battle, though. Not like that timing-dependent megachip thing in 3 or that virus cockfight minigame in 6.

That's not a problem at all.
Now needing the megachip from the other game. THAT is fucking bullshit