A deal's a deal, chosen undead!

A deal's a deal, chosen undead!

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Did Gywenevere give you autism ?

Shut up, you, you....


>no godess tits in either dark souls 2 or 3




Rosaria. The Deacons ran trains on her until she turned into a creepy Deep mutant.

fake tits

>every time you respec you get shoved inside her slimy womb

Fuck off Gwyndolin

rosaria isn't gwynevere, she was one of the gods who were a maiden of gwynevere and didn't get turned into a siren by seath

>said womb is so disgustingly mutagenic that if you do it too often, you mutate into an obese man-grub that can shoot holy bullets

You are now aware the covenant exists to earn literal goodboy points until you win the right to evolve into a tendie boy and wait out the apocalypse in MOMMY's bedchamber.

Worlds fattest tranny.

Tbh I thought so for a while too but-

-Her soul drops Bountiful Sunlight, singled out as Gwynevere's unique miracle in the 1st game (the one the Dancer drops is alleged to be one she taught to others instead rather than bestowing personally, so I presumed she's the handmaiden rather).

-The Queen of Lothric 1. is associated with Divine Blessing, another thing attributed to Gwynevere (the bottle even says the queen was originally seen as s fertility goddess)

-She was also famed for giving birth to "heavenly" children (and you can see Lothric is doing miracle shit as well as soul geyser in his bossfight, not to mention both bros have Lordly proportions without the hype of being bigstronk from conquest like Vendrick). Not that L&L were spawned for the express purpose of creating a worthy heir, which would fit the goals of a Lord

-Dancer's veil says it can only be worn by DIRECT descendents of the "old royalty". Pale Tongues state Rosaria lost her tongue by her firstborn tearing it out-and of course, the Dancer is the Pontiff's literal attack dog, signified by the mirrored blades she bears.

DS3's unnecessarily obfuscating about this, but I think there's just barely enough evidence to lend it credence. Lothric's opposition to linking the flame might explain how she lost power; the real question is why Sulyvahn didn't feed her to Aldrich too.

Given what her archdeacons' stuff says, it sounds like there was a minor schism in the Deep faith by literal waifufags who wanted to run dark-trains on the goddess in exchange for sparing her.

t. jealous Aldrich

>Bountiful Sunlight
you know in dark souls 1 a siren drops that spell too.
>queen of lothric
yeah nah, there are a shitton of kinds of gods in dark souls she's the princess of sunlight, not the goddess of fertility
>old royalty
there were many gods

vaati a shit


some people don't know this, but the real reason why DS2 wasn't as well-received was because they removed the giantess with massive tits and added a spider world instead

Amazing Chest Sponsored by the Moon!


why is she trembling?


Not him but it's stated in both das and das3 that gwynevere was a revered as a goddess of bounty and fertility and probably had 10 trillions kids with god knows how many men.

Now look at rosaria. She lacks the tits, but her bedchamber is full of cradles, and she holds the grub like a mom would. And she's a goddess of rebirth. Rebirth and birth are fertility related.

Gwynevere was queen of Lothric and married to Oceiros, that's 99.999999999999999999% sure. She left when he got insane and tried to become a dragon and make dragon babies.

Cathedral of the Deep was a Way of white church but got fucked up. The way I see it, Gwynevere became Rosaria after a shitload of abuse and deep influence.


In expectation of BBC

>that attention to detail
fromsoft is a beast


nah that shitty vaatheory has always been fanfic-tier
at most rosaria is one of gwynevere's daugthers, her body is not even slightly similiar in every size.


>rosaria isn't gwynevere, she was one of the gods who were a maiden of gwynevere

Then why did they change the description of bountiful sunlight to remove any mention of her maidens?

Afaik it was one dev and the director didn't have the heart to scrap it after all the work the horny dog had put in it.

Still based.

because most knowledge ends up forgotten and lies take it's place as it usually goes in the world of dark souls
rip lloyd

Okay this is dumb

I wish there was more of the Dancer in the third game. It might've been pretty effective if she was an NPC before the boss fight like early leaks hinted.


post andre



Truly the Nameless King.

>amazing chest ahead

looks like christopher lambert

Not sure vaati talked about her, that's how I felt when playing. Maybe I'm wrong, but can you explain Leonhard? Or her miracle? Or the fact that Gwynevere dissapeared, but is found in a secret room in a cathedral that used to be related to the way of white?

Size in those games don't matter, and in DaS, gwynevere was an illusion anyway. Do you think it's normal for gwynevere to be 10 times to size of Gwyn? I think Gwynevere was more of the size of Filianore, tall, but not gigantic. And Rosaria is around Filianore's height.


Only time you see her before the fight is in Irithyll. You see her ghost and Vordt's ghost walking side by side.

Wait what?! Where?

>tfw no Highlander reboots

If rosaria is gwynevere why is he a slug named rosaria?

Member the ghosts you see when you're in Irithyll?
5 ghosts for the 5 outrider knights you find in the game.

On the main path between some Pontiff Knights you see two ghosts, one slender and obviously female, and a male one. It's the dancer and vordt. Pretty kino moment imo.

DaS3 does have some pretty cool stuff.

Not him, but all you got is speculation do you have any real evidence????


So Aldrich is smough? i mean you fight him in the same chamber also smough deboured his enemies too, wow i craked it!!!

Seriusly tho, the game is about the cycle and how some shit repeats itself over and over again.


Rosaria isn't a slug. She's holding one. you can see her feet and everything. She's "normal" without fucked up stuff, just sitting in an awkward position with the grub surrounding her and resting on her lap.

>ywn rest on Rosaria's legs

The miracle means nothing, it is droped from a maiden in ds1 using your own logic we could say that rosaria is the crying pisaca that drops the item in ds1

Leonhard is the representative of bloodborne of the fingers
Her miracle was passed down to her maidens
Gwynevere went with some Flame god Flann and fucked off from Anor Londo like every single other god except boipucy
Rosaria is not Gwynevere
Size matters, as seen with Ornstein growing in size after you Kill Smough, yet when Smough kills Ornstein he doesn't gain in size. Obviously gods gain in size depending on the strength of their soul.
And yes, she was strong and Gwyn lost most of his power by linking the first flame, he was taller in the cinematics rather than him in the kiln.


wha...what is t-this?

user want milky!


Fuck need to pay attention next time.
You know DaS3 does some really really nice things but also very shitty things.

Model viewer, I would presume


aside from the shit pvp (ultragreat sword meta fucking sucks) i cant really see why its shsitty

Dude chill out, I was just giving my point of view. It's not only about Leonhard, it's all the things I listed in my previous post and some others I'm forgetting.

Mother of rebirth, the other is a goddess of fertility. A trillion cradles in her room. Gwynevere dissapeared and Rosaria is in a hidden room in a cathedral that used to be of the way of white before turning to the deep. That alone has to mean something, don't you agree?

Leonhard is Lautrec 2.0, but of all the place he could take her soul to, he chose Gwynevere's bed chamber. Why?

And what about her soul? Look at it, it's different from all the other souls. It looks twisted and distorted, like it went through fucked up shit. Also we know Gertrude is the daughter of Gwynevere, and there's a grub under Gertrude's cage in Grand Archives.

And this part is pure speculation, but what if Aldrich or his men kept her there so she can make babies over and over for Aldrich to eat? We know he ate everything and even used giants to crush people and turn them to goo, why wouldn't he eat babies?

I like every Dark Souls, but I really like the lore of 3, and I like discussing it. I'm giving my opinion and I'm trying to provide arguments. If you disagree, that's fine, I may be wrong, but so far I see more evidence supporting my claim.

Who do you think Rosaria is? I doubt they just shat out another character that's useless if not tied to the overhaul lore and previous characters. DaS3 takes a shitload of stuff from 1 and 2 and ties together lots of things, I think there's something with Rosaria.

In one of the pics from before the game came out, the player is standing in front of her corporeal figure. That's the model they use for the Irithyll specter. The implication I got was that there was going to be some sort of quest with her, before it was dropped for some reason. There was some weird content cut for Pontiff as well, apparently.
It's around the courtyard. Just follow the ghost people and you'll see her.

Only truly shit part I can think of is the three fires in Farron Keep, because it felt too videogamey. But even there, someone pointed out that the drawing on each fire represent the witch of izalith, gwyn and nito, and initialy there was a fourth fire with Seathe on it but it got cut.

And the door the fires open is extremely similar to the doors of the kiln of the first flame. Seriously, I think Miyazaki did a god tier job, and there's a lot of things we're missing.

Reminder that Gwyneveres nipples might be larger than your head

>There was some weird content cut for Pontiff as well, apparently.
A shitload of things have been cut in all the games for multiple reasons. Member how we were supposed to create our bonfires and that's why we see the soul of cinder dragging a corpse in the intro.

Oh my god

You know I loved souls for the atmo and hard bosses. Until I realized game isn't that hard and there is lore. So I loved how in das2 you had a way bigger world and much more lore.

Das3 was too short, felt like too much oh look do you remember das1? And the levels were too fast over. I love the new lore, I don't like the new lore regarding old things. Also in das2 you had cooler weapons and more fashion souls, while das3 has my fav straight sword (anri) it really don't feel much like a proper sequel. World is also very small and some levels are shit, like the way into the cathedhral. I never cared much for pvp tho. And fuck 'teleporting hub world'.

That's kind of hot

>Gwynevere went with some Flame god Flann and fucked off from Anor Londo
This is true, and she created Heide's tower of flame with him and Ornstein. Because Ornstein in DaS2 is the real one.
>Leonhard is the representative of bloodborne
The character that is 100% bloodborne is Marvelous Chester and maybe those mayors in DeS.
>Her miracle was passed down to her maidens
Weren't there multiple versions of the miracle? Shit one were given to the maiden, and the cool ones weren't? Or I'm forgetting wrong.
>And yes, she was strong and Gwyn lost most of his power by linking the first flame, he was taller in the cinematics rather than him in the kiln.
Ok you have a point, I give you that. But member that the intro cinematic in DaS is more like a visual representation of a myth/legend. Things didn't happen 100% like you see them.

And I just thought of another thing. Ok Gwyn got smaller after linking the flame. But Vendrick was huge, why didn't he get smaller when he became hollow?

Priscilla a cute!

i have to disagree, i spend almost 60 hours on my first playthrough the level design in ds 3 is awesome, almost on par with ds1. I think ds2 does a lot of thinks right but level design was way to linear, in dark souls 1 and 3 you can literaly get lost on the levels.

As for lore, i dont really see one being better than another, but one thing i miss from ds2 are the npc dialogs they felt much more natural than the ones in ds3.

Gwyn burned his powers away
Vendrick locked himself in his room and let his body rot.

is gwyn fight worth fighting the bed of chaos?

how hard would it be to turn this section of the game into a sex mod?

they should get a reward for the best boob physics

Extremely difficult. Best bet is to just CE binoculars and infinite health for it and the Dancer fight.

why would you even play a game if you dont intend to finish it?

fuck off

just run and die 2 times and rush it
it's literally just a puzzle boss

I'd pay top dollar to be able to fuck and grope her titties

can i do the dlc after i beat gwyn?


Good answer, I can accept that. There should be more people like you, you're not even sperging out with "b-but das2 isn't canon!!!11!"

But, who was Rosaria? I doubt she was just a literally who they shat out just like that, it's obvious some thought went into her, her lore, her design and the room she's in. Why is the gate destroyed?

And, this is just speculation on my part, but do you think Ludleth could be the furtive pygmy? It KINDA fits. He says he shoulders the world. He says he's small but will die a colossus, meaning he knows his actions in life were meaningful. The furtive pygmy was "so easily forgotten", and nobody would think of him when seeing Ludleth, I started thinking that after multiple playthroughs. He was exiled, exiled from where? Why not the ringed city? In the artworks, the interior of Filianore's egg is like a transposing kiln with black spikes and shards, he knows how to use a transposing kiln.

Like for Rosaria, I doubt he's just a nobody they shat out like that.

And his throne is very similar to the pygmy lords' thrones during Gael's fight.

I may be the only one, but I really like what they did with DaS3's lore.

>Gwynevere went with some Flame god Flann and fucked off from Anor Londo
>This is true, and she created Heide's tower of flame with him and Ornstein. Because Ornstein in DaS2 is the real one.
Sorry user but thats confirmed to not be the case, the real one whent after gwyns frist born aka Nameless King.

>Her miracle was passed down to her maidens
>Weren't there multiple versions of the miracle? Shit one were given to the maiden, and the cool ones weren't? Or I'm forgetting wrong.
Gwynever teachs Bountiful Sunlight to their maidens.

Bountiful Light is Gertrudes personal miracle.

>And I just thought of another thing. Ok Gwyn got smaller after linking the flame. But Vendrick was huge, why didn't he get smaller when he became hollow?

Going hollow is loosing humanity not lossing souls, in Gwyn's case he is a lord and his Lord souls was split in betwen the four kings and seath the scaleless, thats thats why he literaly lost his power

>who was rosaria
just the God of Rebirth
look at how many gods there are darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/Gods
>Furtive pygmy
It is speculated that ludleth was just one of the pygmy kings but he was exiled from the ringed city and that the furtive pygmy is the pygmy king before the mausoleum bonfire, we only have speculation though.
his throne is similiar to the thrones in the last area where gael ate the pygmies.
To be honest, DaS lore went into Meta Writer Garbage really, i prefer the Ds1's lore where it was just Cool Area's like Crystal caves, Abyss, Izalith, Nito, Ash lake, EVERYTHING IS ON TREES!
It was as if they just wanted alot of cool things, but Ds3 just ends up trying to make everything boo hoo sad, parallels, multiple characters can be this god or that bearer of the wolnir. It's as if they are literally forcing the community to make theories that this person is actually this other person!
But gameplay-wise they definitely kept improving from game to game.

>Japanese devs makes a very serious, dark, and cryptic game world devoid of typical Japanese game tropes
>But the devs still put in big animay tiddie jiggle and compression physics in the game anyway
Never change Japan

>>Gwynevere went with some Flame god Flann and fucked off from Anor Londo
>>This is true, and she created Heide's tower of flame with him and Ornstein. Because Ornstein in DaS2 is the real one.
>Sorry user but thats confirmed to not be the case, the real one whent after gwyns frist born aka Nameless King.

But they're all the real one, just during different cycles.

Thank the director. Miyazaki has a thing for that, it's why Gwynevere, Priscilla, and the Dancer exist.

I'd like to think Ornstein in Ds1 was real, but just like Rosaria his soul was returned to his body by Gwyndolin so he could test ALL the chosen undead. (You only get one soul from O&S so their souls were still seperated and not fused)
In Ds2 he goes on a journey to find out where the hell Nameless King went and found a place with weird birdmen instead of dragons, he also got slightly corrupted because of the Deep waters engulfing the place while he was searching.
And in Ds3 we find out he eventually did find the Nameless King, but Ornstein ended up dying in the end for who knows what reason.

>Priscilla was supposed to be like the emerald herald/firekeeper
we missed out on a valuable waifu, she even had her own firekeeper music which got cut

Miyazaki doesnt like Gwynevere design.

He only put it in the game cuz the concept artist work really hard on her to make her feel like a goddess of fertility and Miyazaki didnt want to toss his work out in the window

of course because big tit chicks only exist on anime, how beta can you be user? Kek

What do you think of the theory that states that DaS2 represents DaS dark ending while DaS3 is light ending?

In this case, Ornstein in 2 is the real one and he went with Gwynevere and Flann, she left again, and he remained there, is old as fuck "old dragonslayer", "old leo ring", and is clearly corrupted by dark. In DaS3 he reached found memeless king. This can explain a lot, since one of DaS2 themes is the dark. As for Gwynevere, Heide's tower has a similar vibe to Anor Londo, "tower OF FLAME" and Flann is god of fire, and you can find a her healing bottle in Majula, meaning she was there, and Heide's isn't that far away. And keep in mind that names can change over time and kingdoms have different names.

Ok for the miracles, thank you.

In DaS ornstein is an illusion, it's clearly stated that he left in search of the nameless king and Smough is the only one that remained. As for his soul, we know souls can be given and split, he could have left a part of his soul to Gwyndolin to make the illusion stronger.

I still think DaS2 ornstein is the real one, just because of his name and his ring, the fact that he fights using the same attacks but slower, like he's really really old, and is in a place where Gwynevere was if you adopt the theory that she created the city with Flann.

What the fuck are you on about? I'm talking about Ornstein.

He also has a foot fetish, just look at how good Priscilla's feet look compared to feet in any other game.

him leaving wasn't a part of Ds1's lore, every other Ds game is in the far future where the flame has been linked many times. He wasn't an illusion because you got his soul fool.
gwynevere and flann didn't make the city because it was a place of the birdmen race as seen from the statues there + there are giant dragon guardian enemies there

I fucking quoted the whrong post, my bad.

>going hollow is loosing humanity
No, hollow is our true form, our human form is a lie the gods gave to the hollows so they could integrate into the society the gods made.
Humanity is simply the power of the dark soul.

And I feel like that towards 3. everything felt way too small and just walk forward for me.

Never played dark souls but I watch a video of this slut and turns it she is only a hologram? hiding a tentacle witch or something

Does 2 have any good tiddies? I don't remember except for blacksmith's daughter but those aren't too big

the tentacle witch is her sister (male) and he made the illusion

Nigga are you literaly retarded? Humans are humans because they share fragments of the dark souls aka humanity. You go hollow because you lose your humanity after you die, being hollow is an efect of lossing your humanity wile being affected by the curse of the undead. stop being retarded user.

nah nigga, you didn't pay attention, the furtive pygmy split the dark soul he found and shared it between all his brethern.
Humanity didn't give you your human form
Sacrificing your humanity to the bonfire is what gives you your human form.