>end credits destroyed by the final boss
End credits destroyed by the final boss
Other urls found in this thread:
>end credits are the final boss
>defeat final boss
>credits roll
>boss gets back up again for another fight halfway through the credits
name (3) games that do this
>end credits are a boss
>to unlock the real ending you have to join other players to kill the credits
fell for that meme as well on DKC, fuck you K. Rool.
>the credits are blatantly fake so you see it coming
Fuck K.Rool -_-
>Screen fades to black
>Main character shoves it aside
>"I'll say when this ends"
Halo 3
Sonic Spinball
Super Bomberman R
Call of Duty: Black Ops
-_- _I_
>end credits play after every chapter
>the song in it is fucking amazing so you never skip it
Pretty obvious bait but I still hope you fucking die.
>end credits loop into the prologue
Asura's Wrath?
>End credits play
>Boss interrupts it
>Expecting a fight
>"Haha, gotcha"
>Credits continue
That one was good too but I was talking about The Witch and the Hundred Knight.
>There's far too many post credit scenes
I'll take what is mgs4 for 500.
>credits play
>true final boss interrupts
>you're not even half way through the game yet
>Final battle is against a shapeshifting dimension and time hopping god who can only be killed by you at this point in the game
>Thousands of the greatest mages in the world create a barrier stong enough to hold him in an area about the size of a colosseum in order to give you the opportunity to defeat him
>The final boss theme is entirely the sounds of the mages chanting, and their staves hitting the ground in unison serving as the percussion.
>As this god realises he's starting to lose ground he starts focousing his efforts on escaping the barrier, exhausting almost all of the mages powers
>By the end there is only one mage, who is the most powerful of them, shouting her fucking lungs out and putting every ounce of power she has left into maintaining the barrier so you can finish them off.
>It devolves into a fist fight as both you and the god are near completely drained
>You end up punching him so hard that each time you do so it results in him losing control of his powers for a fraction of a second, resulting in the time anomalies that were unexplained in the other non true ending routes
wat game?
t. Doj
Undertale does this.
Also Kid Icarus if you let the end screen sit for about 3 minutes.
>end credits play
>character forgets to beat boss
I know KI:U does the scene where hades scracthes the screen but by end screen, you mean the one in final chapter right? I never saw this one.
Yeah, my memory is really hazy but he says something akin to
"Anybody out there? No-one? Cool, guess imma just brick this game then in 3, 2, 1 Nah, just kidding. I don't have enough power to do that anymore because, yknow, dead. Thanks for that, by the way."
Nice, I'm checking it out. Thanks for the insight.
>End credits can't be skipped
What gaem
>end credits is an hour long
>after sitting through the whole thing, the credits remark on how you actually sat through the whole thing
>Kabuto, defeat Kabuto.
>No... defeat Kabuto!
Kid Icarus Uprising
Kid Icarus 3DS, man
Not a single person expected what happened next.
>a single 2006 era chat emote gets a gorillion replies
i'll have to remember this