I'm going to main bubblegum Ninjara!
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I thought you had to be at least 18 to be on this board?
Fuck this game, instant bomb day 1.
Is ARMS going to be the Splatoon of fighting games? I haven't seen any gameplay
Here's hoping for a skyblue ribbon girl alt
>cute blue ribbon girl with black hair
that's pretty much what it is, yeah
You can use your legs in ARMS wtf literally unplayable
What? You thought you can only punch in the ARMS league? That's a big misconception.
>read it in his voice.
I feel like spring man will get a yellow and purple alt.
We're going to get a black emo Mechanica and your going to like it!
I have no complaints
Is this the new pic on twitter?
So alts are confirmed? Nice, I was worried about this
goth minmin when?
How is it that Nintendo manages to always change my impression on new ips
So what kinda quirks you think the 4 left over characters will have?
are you implying that you always start with a negative outlook?
Maybe one of them will have three arms
I still did not think splatoon or ARMS looked that good from first impression.
Well, I definitely felt more excited for ARMS the more I saw of it.
The initial reveal in January left me with an "eh" feeling, but since then I've seen it at treehouse, tournament footage, off-screen footage on hands-on events and the recent direct. Now it looks great.
Nintendo can't into first trailers,although Splatoon's was pretty alright
This is me.
In fact ARMS is one of the few games I'm actually looking forward too.
Its even less of a fighting game than Smash is.
ARMs doesn't have items, RNG or level hazards.
It has actual combos, health bars, blocking and more.
Smash is a Party Game. ARMS is a fighting game.
It has wii sports boxing controls so its not a fighting game.
You're supposed to use them because you can twist your fist and change directions at the end of your punch, can't do that without them
proofs, famigula
If you couldn't do that without them then they wouldn't even bother having the other control options, yet they do.
I reckon like Splatoon motion is supposed to be the superior/intended method of play. There'll be people who stick with normal controls but they'll eventually switch after some time or learn to play with a disabiity
footage of people playing the game
Your logic makes no sense.
Splatoon gyro aiming has options unavailable to people playing without it, why would this be different?
Highly doubt it, there is no chance in hell they wouldn't let people curve throws with classic controls, it's essential to the game
Maybe, but semi-mandatory motion controls means it'll never be taken seriously by the FGC and it definitely won't get into EVO
not being accepted by FGC doesn't make a fighting game not a fighting game.
Literally nobody has played traditional controls yet fag.
nintendo is ripping off teleroboxer
>You're supposed to use them
wrong, just for the fact its optional
Smash ain't accepted either. Who fucking cares.
you can change colors? sweet?
Ninjara looks good in pink. Glad that alternate colors were finally confirmed. The other tweet showed the Chakram, which apparently gets bigger the more it curves. Sorta like the spark levels in Mario kart.
Needs short hair
I find it extraordinary how nintendo fanboys can get so much out of completely mundane things that have been in most other fighting games ever
I mean, I guess you guys HAVE to. ARMS is launching (AFAIK) at full price, with less than 10 characters and no campaign. Just a MP-only game with a roster THAT small and overpriced as all shit.
So yes, I guess color swaps are a thing to look forward too. How I bet they are something you need to unlock too, because the game will lack on all aspects so they REALLY need to push it with unlockables, any little thing will help.
link to the confirmation?
kek holy shit the grasping at straws. I thought it was cool because I hadn't even really thought of it. nobody said it was groundbreaking. fuck off
It's not even cool. It's just standard.
It's like being impressed that a shooter game has a reticle at the middle of the screen. It's fuck-all, Of course such a thing would be there
so what's your point? I was too busy focusing on the characters, 30+ weapons, and different modes to remember color variations. you happy?
But we've seen 10 characters already and there could be more to unlock for all we know? Plus there's dozens of hands and combos which is where the meat of the customisation and variety comes from. We don't even know that there's no single player yet. Why didn't you do any research before commenting user?
How ya doing Mr dicks n crows?
>ARMS is launching (AFAIK) at full price, with less than 10 characters and no campaign
Sounds like SF5 to me
You seem upset friend. I am aware that fighting games have pallet swaps. This is just the first one we've seen so far. The demo footage only had one color for each character. It's less important to the game visually because it is played in split screen.
Stop whining
So characters don't mean much in this game right? They just have combat gimmicks or somthin?
>throwing anus
reminded of those rare cheap beyblades that can extend its sides at the beginning of a spin
disgusting peasant weapon
>So characters don't mean much in this game right? They just have combat gimmicks or somthin?
Those statements are pretty much the complete opposite of each other when its a competitive game.
Some characters will have better gimmicks than others by far.
kek what does that even mean?
>so genji is basically mcree but with a sword gimmick?
that's how you sound
Hope you guys liked snaking in Mario kart DS.
>N-nintendo defense force isn't rea-
calling out edgy uninformed faggots qualifies as a defense force now.
it does in sonybro land because they're all uninformed faggots
they all have different movement options and defensive tools so no, characters matter a lot
nice meme, I really enjoyed it
What will his alt look like?
black bandages with red eyes and dark grey skin
That sounds fucking awesome
please let it be this
Are you an idiot? You litterally entered a dedicated game thread what were you expecting?
So which one is more underage, ARMS or Splatoon?
splatoon obviously. You play as children
Splatoon both because of the characters and the fact that it is a shooter.
well I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to but splatoon is certainly going for the childish finger paint aesthetic if that's what you mean. Arms is more of a minimalistic industrial look
what do you even mean?
Probably Splatoon, but that is just the nature of being an all ages new ip. Like Mario isn't an under aged fanbase because the series is thirty years old.
The game is already confirmed 10 or more characters dumbass
he's just a shitposter, user. ignore him
Its nuts to see what waifus can do for a games popularity.
Best girl
he looks pretty edgy to be honest
Oh just wondering which game turns you into a bigger manchild.
this, I like the pic of the day but I need more info. when the hell do we get another info video?
they'll probably be added to mariokart before smash knowing nintendo
They better add Zero Suit Mechanica to Mario Kart
hnng zero suit mechanica as an alt skin would be epic. costume reveals when?
Oy my
Unfortunately, shitposting and bait keep threads bumped. So do waifus, and Ninjara is certainly not that.