Explain how this is better than Persona 3, 4G, and/or 5.
Explain how this is better than Persona 3, 4G, and/or 5
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no dating sim bullshit
comparing games in terms of better or worse is for manlet twitterers.
complete control over your party and their abilities makes the game more fun and replayable. Literallly any SMT is more fun to me than persona because of demon fusion and how addictive it is. I also love using my favorites.
Actual dungeons
No handholding or 10 hour tutorials for losers.
Lack of cringe dialog.
Superior atmosphere. Story and characters are sparse but not retarded or annoying. Actual difficulty. Actual dungeons. No dating sim shit.
I would really like access to enemy stats mid combat with the press of a button, this scan shit that throws you a line of text with the weaknesses and shit is really bad.
Might be too pampered by the new games but fuck me
It's less popular so I feel hip and contrarian for saying it's better.
Reminder that Nocturne does not deserve to be mainline SMT and that SJ is better and more proper mainline SMT
it has dante from the devil may cry series
It has better atmosphere and a better thought out combat system.
Being able to view strengths and resists without even having to waste a turn on Analyze just encourages you to not actually learn them. I prefer the way the older games and Nocturne do it, feels a lot more satisfying tbqh
There's actual consequences for missing an attack
This should tell you everything. A lot of people who prefer Nocturne are insecure babies trying to act mature.
in p5 you don't see anything before testing shit out
do they really expect me to remember what each demon is weak to ?
I'm not a serie veteran so i don't have that shit on lockdown memory wise.
Seems to be balanced better, honestly.
Playing through it first time blind I was barely scraping by on most fights even after learning what to do. There was a lot of care to test the player at the start with Matador and the like.
5 in particular, the SLinks break the game and the hardest fights in 5 don't hold a candle to Nocturne.
3 had some challenging ones but that was mostly because you had to wrestle with your AI party members.
Also I like the music a lot. The track when Lucifer comes to speak with you is amazing. That piano.
>I'm not a serie veteran so i don't have that shit on lockdown memory wise.
They change resists around almost every game so that wouldn't even help.
guess i'll have to man up
It's not, nocturne fags are worse than Persona kiddies at this point.
You can play as Dante from Devil may cry.
It doesn't take place in a high school
>disposable party members
Literally why i can't stand persona, i''m forced to accept their weaknesses
More mature bith in terms of story and gameplay.
If you actually know what you're doing in Nocturne, it's stupidly easy though. Moreso than P5.
The balance is terrible.
Nocturne has a lot of remixed themes from SMT 1 and 2, and thats amazing.
But my favorite will always be the amala network battle theme. Just listen to this bad boy: youtube.com
If you know how to abuse the system and are aware of what's coming up both games become completely trivial after the first dungeon even on the highest difficulty. Honestly most RPGs do.
you don't need waifus when you have Dante
P5 > P3 = NOCTURNE > P4G
What's mature about your hand being held through the game?
I never understood the hate between SMT and Persona.
Both are good series. And even SMT fans would love P2IS and P2EP.
The only SMT games i haven't played is the untranslated ones, Raidou and Strange Journey. And so far Persona 5 has been the best one out of them.
Just arrived at Ikebukuro and do I go know?
Nah man Persona actually doesn't respect your intelligence.
All the casual shit people complain about in AAA games persona does the same shit
I don't have to hear a navigator talk in dungeons or in battle
Turn them off?
There's no way to just turn their voice off unless i mute the whole thing but then i wouldn't get to hear the OST.
I shouldn't have to suffer through this shit
>turn off navigator voices
Nocturne doesn't even have enough story to be an rpg.
There was no option for this in P3/4
Haven't even tried to see that in 5 yet so give me a minute
>story is the most important part of an rpg
It's not as far as I'm concerned
This is better than all of them
t. retard who button mashes and never talks to NPCs or even bothers to think about anything he's seen because he needs everything to be spoonfed to him through hours of blatant exposition
Because 'I' played it and 'you' didn't.
>3rd person
>no alignments
>interact with demons naturally
>no gun and sword
>is a mainline
>1st person
>Interact with demons through technology
>has gun and sword
>is not a mainline
What the fuck Atlus?
>Take two steps
>Take another step
>another encounter because I took another step.
All gameplay no filler. Gameplay is good, not an afterthought.
P5 has actual dungeons. They're actually pretty good. Not as good as Nocturne or SJ but it's something.
Muh Tokyo
To be fair Nocturne's final dungeon is shit.
tfw only nu-persona I like is P5
Defending Nocturne's story of all things is not a hill worth dying on. It does a terrible job at it compared to SMT1 or 2.
Playing through Persona 5 has reminded me of why I prefer SMT. Persona just treats the player like an absolute imbecile all the way through. Find a shortcut? The characters have to stop and explain how shortcuts work. Find an elevator? the games has to explain that you can use the elevator to move between floors. Boss charging one of their big attacks? Futaba warns you about it so you remember to block. This would be fine in the beginning of the game, but it still suffers from this even in the last few palaces. The amount of hand holding and story moments where the game takes control away from you, are way too frequent. Nocturne basically just throws you into a dungeon and lets you work things out on your own.
Also, minimalist, yet atmospheric post apocalyptic story>shonen shit high school drama.
*is the shit.
This fucking minimalist shit for Nocturne is worse than using "comfy" to describe games.
Also, Nocturne is the shonen as all fuck story of those two. From the start of the game, nothing presents itself as a threat in plot to Demifiend, and he simply solves everything through brute force. Likewise at the start, they establish the plot macguffin that would end the game, and surprisingly enough, that's the plot macguffin that will end the game. Practically everything is braindead filler Demifiend can fix by just beating it. There's next to no stakes or tension involved in doing so, just time.
True Demon ending
Exquisite bait there, kid. You'll go far.
Most based theological discussion of the last decade. While is just Japanese school slice of life with well written story.
We could compare with P2, but the other titles would be just destroyed in the argumentation.
God tier taste, user. It is a remade version of youtube.com
This song plus the true demon ending is a fucking wild ride.
>If you actually know what you're doing in Nocturne, it's stupidly easy though
This is correct
>Moreso than P5.
this is not
is it better to go STR or MAG in nocturne
t. recently started playing
>It does a terrible job at it compared to SMT1 or 2.
it's the exact same except nocturne has the benefit of actual cutscenes instead of wizardry clone nonmoving sprite + text box
STR post divine shot is disgustingly good
Fucking STR. Punch everything.
>is it better to go STR or MAG in nocturne
STR by a longshot but MAG isn't ~bad~ and is actually way stronger for the first half of the game
World of fucking STR, punch demons in the dick
World of STR, definitely
>This fucking minimalist shit for Nocturne is worse than using "comfy" to describe games.
There's nothing wrong with minimalism, Nocturne is a video game first and foremost, it prioritizes its combat and dungeon crawling over being some poorly written, high school shit visual novel. I'm sorry that you enjoy games that take control away from you every 30 seconds so the walking cliches can have some more le quirky banter, or so they can beat the same tired plot points into your head for the hundredth ("will they change their heart joker?" "what happens if their heart doesn't change?"). It's really telling about how mediocre Persona is when the majority of the threads on here are mostly waifu threads with almost zero gameplay discussion (it's not even exclusive to 5, the threads were pretty much the same when 3 and 4 came out). Now fuck off, I'm sure there's a "Makoto is cute!CUTE!" thread that you could be posting in.
Magic is pretty damn good early game due to tornado but strength is just so good mid game and onward
>Explain how this is better than Persona 3, 4G, and/or 5.
Nocturne is genuinely the dark souls (1 specifically) of SMT
>Very atmospheric but little actual plot
>Gameplay that's very unforgiving and easy for things to go wrong, but if you know what you're doing it's also pretty easy to break the game and generally have an easy time
>Getting different endings is pretty obscure and mostly boils down to single binary choices
>Low amount of demons/equipment but each individual one stands out a lot within it's own niche
>Popularity largely endures because of memes
>Sequel to a series of games that have more going on but less enjoyable gameplay
str it is, then. do you get abilities from your demons once they've learned all their skills like IV ( i think ) or am i missing how to get new skills?
Eat Magatama
Probably because SJ is garbage
Yknow the magatama thingies? Level up while equipping them and you get skills, no easy shit like IV Im afraid.
the only benefit from leveling up demons beyond getting the more moves is that you can use them in sacrifice fusions and some demons evolve pokemon style after learning everything
It's not really.
I think it's on part to P3, but P4G and P5 are miles ahead from this.
The game is not even that well balanced were the begining is painfully hard, and the rest of the game is not following up.
And then you are left with an almost non existant story, with probably the worst ending i have even seen in JRPG, so yeah the "atmosphere" is interesting if this even mean anything.
Seriously I am really salty with the True ending of this game, it dropped the game from a 8/10 to 7/10, the journey was much better than the conclusion.
Aside from this this game is overmemed on Sup Forums probably by the same people running in circle in /r/megaten if you want to know the unfiltered truth.
Eat worms
you learn them from magatamas
You gain additonal magatamas from shops, boss fights and optional stuff
you can only learn a skill once so be careful when getting rid of one
and for god sake keep the skill focus when you first get it
It's got Dante from the Devil May Cry series in it and those other games don't. Checkmate.
Persona doesn't have Dante
STR easy you can leave your magic stat at 10 and call good
>It's another Personababies and Mainlinefag shitfest
I don't have to explain shit to you, kiddo. How about you acquire some taste?
Dancing away no doubt
Only if we're talking about desu1, my fellow kinsmen of African heritage
there's not a single thing Persona games do better than Nocturne (or almost any other SMT game, for that matter)
nocturne is the only game in the whole series where each demon actually feels unique. between the game having lots of unique/semi-unique skills, conversation skills that have wildly different effects based on who uses it, everyone having custom animations/"voice acting" and even simple stuff like "I have a skill/resist that's really handy for this upcoming area so please recruit me" nocturne avoids the "well I guess I'll just fuse whatever fits my alignment and has the biggest numbers" problem of other games in the series
this is partly because the actual number of things in the game is way lower, but it works out way better
Nocturne and modern SMT in general are basically : 20% atmosphere, 40% exploration, 30% battles, 10% (underwhelming) story.
P3 / 4 / 5 are more : 40% (poor) story, 25% dating sim, 20% exploration (and for P3/4 it's in a RNG level), 15% battles.
Persona and SMT do not emphasize the same things.
SMT are classic RPG, with a bit of story in it.
Persona are more of a visual novel with a bit of dungeon crawler in it.
And since Atlus is not very good anymore at making interesting (or at least CREDIBLE) stories / characters / relationships, the game with the less of that shit is the best.
I love the first so much. Going though the boss rush at the end feels amazing.
man i'm already at the underground bar and ive been ignoring the magatamamam shit. fuck
>>Actual dungeons
It's got great atmosphere, great customization of your party, an engaging world and is a pure demon-busting experience. I wouldn't necessarily say it's better than Persona because they both set out to very different things. I do much prefer it to P3 and 4 though, not sure how I would compare it to 5.
Magic literally gets weaker every level past 30 unless you keep pumping your MAG stat.
Physical stays strong and keeps getting stronger.
I hated how DeSu 2 had that whole, EVA thing going for it. I want to survive not be cuddled by big daddy yamoto. I still loved the game though but DeSu 1 cant be beat and I hope DeSu 3 is more like overclocked then Breack record.
The boss rush withen a boss fight was hype as fuck.
Not having something that most every other game in the series has more of (and most games in the genre have more of) doesn't mean it's minimalist, it means it DOESN'T HAVE IT. Holy fuck, man.
You know what's better than NOT having interesting characters or plot? Having it. I don't get how the fuck you can honestly try to spin a game being lacking in an area as a positive, and it's fucking stupid. It doesn't even have to be about Persona 5, fucking DDS1/2 had better story, characters, AND dungeons than Nocturne.
Cool concept, but I hate the gameplay of it. The idea to make base level play such a huge role, make demon recruitment such a shitty system, and dumb down battles so much to the point you don't even have buffs or real defensive options was awful.
I will discover why smt faggots are so insecure
You literally NEVER see persona fans making threads about how persona is superior
But 2 /3 smt threads are how they claim its superior to persona
Its very pathetic desu
I liked it, I've seen people complain about it, but I never understood why.