How would you improve weapon durability?

How would you improve weapon durability?

How many trade deals has Trump negotiated since taking office?

Forges can fix weapons that are about to break.
I absolutely cannot believe they don't do this in the game. It's insane.
I also think they should be able to remake weapons with the right materials.

Literally none. No legislation passed either despite republicans controlling all 3 branches of government. He's just chilling and golfing.

b-b-but the liberal baby rapers are blocking all of the glorious emperor's agendas - if anybody tells you that his own party are against him too because he's just that retarded, they're fake news desu!

Fuck that meme hit hard. The rewards in BOTW are actually worse than Skyrim. I don't think I've ever done one of the side quests and thought "wow, that was worth it"
Yeah quite retarded that there's no repair system but since even the best weapons become fairly commonplace late game it doesn't really matter all that much I think.
Oh good, more politics in a Sup Forums thread

Whole lot of samefagging from a leftie in such a small thread

>start thread with a pic of a political figure, a controversial one at that
>hurr durr why are people talking politics?

I fooking wonder, m8

>Forty minute side quest for a red rupee, something you can get from a random drop

Remove it

Sharpness mechanic like Monster Hunter

And yet you took the bait like the good new-goy you are

Shit sorry dude forgot this was Sup Forums

It's fine, autistic hoarders are gonna be autistic hoarders. Nintendo can't be expected to do anything about that.

I heard someone compare the durability system in demons souls to paying taxes. In that, it's no fun. Durability is such a hard thing to get right you might as well not even bother most of the time

You don't know whom is baiting whom

scrapping tpp was good enough for now

Yes I do, now go back to lurking underagio faggio

>weapon connoisseur
>trek to the other side of hyrule and back to find some mythical winged flaming sword that fires lasers
>shitty little kid gives you a fucking red rupee

durability is honestly only a problem for the first 10 or so hours, then you can get so many powerful weapons, and weapon slots its pretty trivial.

I have like 10+ 60+ damage weapons, 1 105 damage weapon. I rip and tear through pretty much all "bosses"

wait for the pc version where you can just mod it

This desu

The real reward is getting another check sign in the logbook.

PC version is already out



>I can upgrade my armor to the point where getting bitch slapped by a Lynel or shot by a Guardian laser is nothing but a minor annoyance
>I can carry three pages worth of fried greens that almost every single amiibo drops, and five of them is more than enough for max health
>I have three perfect guards that are constantly recharging
>I have three thunder spells that at my point in the game almost everyone is running around with metal gear (METAL GEAR?! beat you to it fags) so it fucks them up
>I have infinite one ups as long as I don't fuck it up during the 30 minute recharge
>I busted my ass doing all 120 shrines for what is possibly the greatest rendition of the green tunic ever made
>I make Lynels my bitch to harvest stars for tunic upgrades
>I'm not allowed to have an infinite durability weapon or else neckbeards playing babby's first open world game throw a bitch fit

I do not understand this

>Implying there's any fucking balance when I'm Link the fucking thunder god who takes maybe two hearts of damage at most

Once you're finishing off the last couple shrines the durability just becomes a pain in the ass. The Master Sword isn't even the strongest weapon and you can only shoot beams at full health. There's no excuse why it couldn't have had infinite durability.

>inb4 that fucking sperg comes in here whining about how it IS infinite, it just has a cooldown

Still fucking breaks for ten minutes faggot

>"it's the journey, not the destination xD" meme
I agree to an extent. While the reward for getting all the korok seeds was fucking nothing, the real reward so to speak was getting all of the inventory slots, and also experiencing all of the cute little puzzles. But with most of the side quests they were tedious as fuck and appropriately the rewards felt like a small kick in the nuts.

>go to the field chok full of savage white lynels in the north west
>literally can't hold all these lynel weapons that take fucking ages to break
>even if it was an issue everything at this point drops 50 damage spiked moblin clubs anyway
Durability is only an issue at the start of the game.

Nothing Sup Forums does is funny, dunno why one awful joke in particular is worth pointing out.

The best style is:

>plot reason that common weapons are shit and keep breaking (such as the iron shortage in Baldur's Gate)
>once you've made it past the first few dungeons you're already equipped with magical (or whatever else) items that never break anyway

That way it's a hinderance for a little while and enough to add to immersion but not enough to actually be annoying.

How do you even solve the three fruit trees puzzle?

Why the fuck does it matter when the game throws more amazing weapons at you than you can use?

>Buy Red9
>Upgrade fire rate to the point where its basically a machine gun
>Loads an ammo clip the size of a small crate
>Reloads at the speed of sound
>Literally as powerful as a shotgun
>I'm not allowed to have infinite ammo

>Comparing ammo to a fucking melee weapon

Why don't you just throw in a food analogy while you're at it