It says here you play as a human in fantasy RPGs.
Care to explain yourself?
It says here you play as a human in fantasy RPGs.
Care to explain yourself?
>not being a human so you can interact with the different races in the setting to get a feel for them while being immersed in your own skin
because the other options are usually humans with pointy ears or manlets with beards
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ______
Free bonus feat is too good to pass up.
Name (1) anthro RPG (with romance options) and I'll play it right now
What would be the equivalent to being a furry in Zootopia be called? A fleshy?
Serious question: if a furry dies while in a fursuit and goes to heaven, does he have to spend the rest of eternity in their fursuit?
Extra feat.
I can self insert better, also humans normally have an average on all stats or have better luck or barter which means I can branch out into different skills more freely.
>goes to heaven
Furries don't go to heaven.
Why not? Humans are generally the master race. I got ripped on because I like play humans in D&D campaigns whilst my group go for fucking dragonborn and elves the absolute edgelords.
>yfw they made that rabbit sexy on purpose
to die
>believing in God
I want Christfags to go join Jesus and crucify themselves
no character ever designed becomes sexy by accident
>24 FPS
When will Hollywood learn?
If you find a rabbit sexy, you have brain problems
What do you feel when you watch this webm? Be honest with yourself.
A skinny, I guess.
It says here your a boring person who can't make interesting characters unless you pick a special snowflake race.
Literally every artist I know has drawn porn for themselves, and the people who designed Lola bunny paid special attention to her tits. Even fucking Osamu Tezuka drew his own furry porn
Of course it was on purpose
I don't remember this from the movie, where is it from?
I usually make a character of every race available, humans included.
Dragon's Age:Inquisition
It's a deleted scene
confusion as to why she is so tiny
Carl Barks wanted to draw huge tits on female residents of Duckburg.
>lel you touched your weenie? hf burning in hell for 32 eternities XD
by that logic, I'd say furries would get at least 95 eternities in hell
Why is she the size of a hamster?
It's an elephant's desk
I'm gay.
I also can only immerse myself if I play as a human, because I am a human.
>not playing as human masterrace, bullying- and purging all the lesser lifeforms
>all other races literally only exist because of real life human imagination
>playing a fucking elf of all things, the worst mary sue race in any story and any lore always
That's a big computer.
i play as elves because they tend to have either the most normal-looking males or the cutest females
that's really fucking uncanny
Rabbits are largee around here
Barks just wanted to paint sexy ducks.
Easier to use her as a cocksleeve
I kind of want to pet her like I would a kitten, but that's it. If you seriously get aroused over something like a kitten stretching, you're fucked in the head.
also i just downloaded this doujin, small world
I normally choose the race that have the best options in customization. I don't want to look good, i want to look badass.
Also, a gif for this Judy thread
Ask the omnipresent omniscient omnipotent being for clarification, he's the one making the rules.
You're either lying for the sake of your argument or haven't undergone puberty, and I suppose both are equally likely on Sup Forums.
>What's 'yiff'?
Who would they even want to be?
There are no human in Zootopia world and they must base their fetish on something.
I doubt they would find apes attractive.
>The Shakira antelope in Zootopia made me a furry
>Sup Forums made me get into traps
>Sup Forums got me into waifus/2D
Why aren't the mods banning the thinly veiled furshit thread.
>the sequel will tackle interracial relatonships
actually this is a bait thread but it's right.
what's the fucking point of creating 1:1 yourself on game? it's boring. i am already me in my real life.
fantasy RPG is escapism for me.
>tfw not enough cute doujins of them making sweet tender love and holding hands after
I want to fuck that bunny
Thank you for not posting some retarded edit crop that couldn't be exlink'd.
right, forgot about that whole size difference shenanigans
There's too much of that cute shit, actually. I need more depraved shit like one in the OP
Haven't seen enough, link me some of the best
*BUUURP* Mods aren't real, Morty
I'm a simple man who like simple things.
Dear Byron Howard,
Please let the fox and bun be a couple in Zoo2pia, they're perfect for each other and being friends doesn't mean you can't be a great couple.
Yours truly,
some fag who saw the movie thinking it'd be a cute passable flick and came out wanting a goddamn fox and rabbit to hook up due to chemistry and not just furfaggotry bullshit.
Grand Marshal Garithos would like a word with you
>her left ear starts going down before her paw touches it
I'm hard
Someone post bunny ass
I want to touch soft bunny paws.
I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't actually do that, even though it'd make sense. I don't think they'll do it even as a subplot. They spouted some bullshit about not wanting half of the fanbase being disappointed with where they take their relationship, when like 90% of people think they're perfect for each other and that they both have enough sense to hook up.
She probably did that herself. I imagine she has some minor control over her ears
Thank you my man
that I'd love her to do that on me
Give me a footjob.
It's pretty much the only good one.
But goddamn is it good.
If you've never got a boner by petting cats there's likely something wrong with you.
I'm probably older than you, and I have no interest in fucking animals. Get over it, some people just don't have your deranged mental health issues.
I want to fuck the fox?
I play a human in Guild Wars 2 and you cant stop me
W-where did you get that picture of me?
>not believing in God on the offchance that you're wrong
Statistically you're more likely to be right that there is no God, but you've also sabotaged your chances if you're wrong
rabbits arent actually that small
>I have no interest in fucking animals
What are you, gay?
It's an elephants desk.
I'm not a furry.
But I am very curious how it would feel to fuck something covered in fluffy fur. Skin to skin is pretty fun, but I want to try new things.
If this was STAR TREK I'd be fucking any and all humanoids I could find.
When you stand before God and he asks you why you believed in him, I think he won't be overly happy with "just in case".
I want to largee with rabbits.
Pascal's Wager doesn't work, faggot. Any omniscient being will know you're only believing for a reward and not because you have legitimate faith.
>but I'm not a furry I swear