How the fuck does this get passed Microsoft and Sony Certification processes?

How the fuck does this get passed Microsoft and Sony Certification processes?

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what's the top right game?

Some SJW walking simulator.

>5 Gone Home speedruns

Since when did game journalists started making fun of Gone Home?

I believe Eurogamer wasn't involved in the GG shitfest.


so a 5 minute initial load, for normal loading times, for console shit anyway

Didn't Phil Spencer himself say he wasnt hopeful for this garbage?

Ultimately I feel like this inconvenience is not a reward and will piss people off.


>Since when did game journalists started making fun of Gone Home?

your dumb as fuck if you genuinely think that that shit is making fun of the game itself. Since same shit could be said about that type of game in which one can just super quickly beat em if one knows already how and what to do with it all.

like i dont give a fuck about gone home or more so think that as a "game" its boring as fuck but come the fuck on faggot just how fucking young are you that you don't even remember point and click shit which shit like gone home "gameplay" is based on.

gone home is just a well known thing sadly enough which is why he chose that since it is a reference people would understand.

ya dumb probably lonely fuck.

it'almost prepatch bloodborne tier

Getting some serious Wrath of cortex vibes

>30s to restart from last checkpoint

>comfortable experience

Checkpoint restarts should be immediate

Holy shit, have a hard time remembering the last time I played something that took over 30 seconds to load. Probably Stalker CoP, which was like 5 years ago and it only took a long time on the first run to compile some shaders or something.

You don't understand. It's for your own good.

Aren't the Sniper Ghost Warrior games bargain bin stuffers?

there's no upper limit to loading times as long as you put a progression bar and the screen isn't completely static for more than 1 minute

Source: I'm a game dev


I'm sure they will make enough money on the preorders and laugh at you.

>there's no upper limit to loading times
Is this what they taught you in your game dev school? This shit will drive people insane.
Member Bloodborne?

Regretted renting that game because of how fucklong the load times were. That was an atrocity even back then.

>Is this what they taught you in your game dev school?

It's in Xbox requirements and Sony's Technical requirements.

I'm not legitimating them for 5 minutes loading times, but remember the loading times when you launch any of the gta games? (except those are actually justified)

Well if the IP managed to get two sequels then it must be selling enough. I don't think they'll get far with guns shooting whole bullets with casings though, they can only fool people with their incompetence for so long.

What if the game hangs for more than a minute or crashes? All you have to do to get certified is to promise that you will fix the crashing in the day one patch?

>5 minutes

Must have been a nightmare for people trying to rent and play this game over the weekend before having to go back to work or school

>Well if the IP managed to get two sequels then it must be selling enough
Welp, they are constantly in debt but thanks to investors throwing money at them they still manage to stay afloat. I predict that if they won't get enough money on launch they will drop the game by the end of 2017.

nope, id you violate some of the rules written in the Xbox Requirements (XR) or Sony's Technical Requirements (TRC) the game can't be published and you MUST fix it.
You can only patch the game for minor bugs or something that slipped through their submission process.

After a few times that you fail their submission project you have to start paying for it, and it costs thousands of dollars (around 8000 dollars each time, If I remember correctly).

There are a shitton of rules in XRs and TRCs, the process is called "compliance".
They include stuff like "your game must not crash" but also super silly and complex stuff like using ® every time you say "playstation" and shit like that

I meant "submission process" I'm tired

>They include stuff like "your game must not crash"

How on earth did New Vegas ever get published on consoles then?

Eurogamer is garbage though

I totally saw the game crash on multiple PS4 streams yesterday and today.

you'd be surprised to see how superficial the checks become after a while. I bet they've failed their submission process a shitton of times before passing (think how the game must've been at their first try). Their checks also became less strict in the years, the only company that kept the submission process strict like one time is Nintendo (that's why it's a nightmare for developers).

Also, remember that there's no submission process nor quality control whatsoever on pc, that's why it's rarer for a game to crash on console than on pc.

Funny story: We once managed to pass a game on xbox one that erased savedata when you starter a tournament. It means that they didn't even literally entered the game mode.

>Well if the IP managed to get two sequels then it must be selling enough
Or it's a money laundering situation for a mob.

>polish devs

t. angry and probably uneducated redditor

finally! I've been addicted to vidya. A 5 minute loading time would drive me crazy and might make me just turn off the console and go work out. based devs

The real reason third parties flocked to third party consoles was due to the lack of quality control on there. If you put a shitty game on Nintendo consoles, it bombs and people mock you for it. If you put a shitty game on Xbox or Playstation, their fans defend you.

>400% in less than 2 years.
>losses year after year
Are investors retarded? I don't know.

Kek, he is still waiting for the game to load.

It might have something to do with Denuvo, it's shown that removing it entirely from a game improved initial load by 40 seconds.

Try saying that on Steam and see what happens.

not the same guy but what would happen? I don't use steam

I'd say the PR guy/MOD would crush you and your account.

wait, steam actually allows devs to mod their own forums? what the fuck?

>city interactive
what did you expect

Do you think they will crack New Denuvo on that one given that the game is banned in Russia?

>Playing games on a console
>Complaining about load times


not as bad as that PSP game that required 25 minutes to get ingame from boot.

You'd get banned for pirating.

steam forums are a shithole

What the fuck, those loading times are dogshit

Don't worry. People will defend this.

Why does this have worse load times than Zelda which is a far larger and more complex game

Zelda is made in Japan.
They actually care.


>5 minute loading time justified by fucking 30 sec restart load times
This fucking guy

Obviously their statement fixed everything.
>It's a feature guys