Goodnight, sweet prince

Goodnight, sweet prince.

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Nice. Finally someone had the balls to do it.

HAHAHAHA. And I'll STILL never watch it, purely out of principle

This burqa vs bikini thing doesn't mean much when it's guys on both sides of the arguement.
Has anyone thought of asking women what they'd like to wear?

>burqa Peach
Why is this making me hard?

They probably made 100k+ off that video alone, I'm sure they'll be fine.

I have a hunch that Peach would rather wear a pink dress

because you hate women as much as the average muslim?

Why should we have to ask real women about the clothes that we put on our fictional women? Why should they have any say in the matter at all?

I'm gonna watch it right now just to piss you off.

A society where women wear bikinis is a society where women tend to have a choice
Not so much with the Burqa

will censorship ever fuck off?

when do they fuck


They earned my view!

They most likely removed the ads themselves for the attention.

That's fine, but I personally still refuse to falter to the clickbait jew

Report back and tell me if it was worth 3:48 of your life

>and removed its thumbnail
YouTube finally cracking down on boob click bait, only took them like 8 years.

wtf I love Racist Mario now


>jewtube finally cracking down on videos like this and Needed in Minecraft

I see nothing inherently wrong here

Can't wait for the moment Nintendo inevitably removes this thing and ends these one-trick ponies. If there was ever one channel I'd be totally fine with Nintendo screwing over...

Are you retarded? The video had like 100 mil views and their twitter only has 7k followers, would make absolutely no sense


Silly user. Women don't have opinions.

they've already made bank and a half from that vid. The demonetization will have little effect.

Fuck those advertisers trying to impress their shit onto user-created content, though. They can fuck right off. Never buying anything from Pepsi again.

Good kaffir

>Racist Mario and Ninja Peach
mite be good.

t. talent-less hack

These guys are baitmasters

Don't even get how they were allowed to make so much money from copyrighted characters in the first place. The law is fucking all over the place with it's inconsistencies.

Never forget.

I fucking hate this video and its brand of comedy, but that's a decent way to handle censorship

Probably a lot more than 100k. The video has 126 million views.

Parodies are completely legal, how do you not know this?

>never watch it, purely out of principle
Reporting in.Feels good.

>Getting baited into giving them views because le epic titties
So this is the power of the LP generation, huh?

>6 mins ago
Probably not worth, I'm sure he killed himself

>>Getting baited into giving them views

Didn't the French government officially ban it in public beaches

The fact that this was in everyone's recommended videos for several years shows how bad youtube's algorithms are.
>you like vidya? have this piece of garbage, its really epic

Not sure about all beaches but somewhere for sure


They wanted to ban it, they couldnt in the end
And that was the burkini

Pepsi is the one that decided this?

On that video alone, they would've made $120,000 from the ad revenue.

Am I supposed to feel sorry now?

Where can I cop this shirt?

why IS mario racist anyway?

>All these jewtubers being btfo this month

Its been nice


The whole burkini thing is quite funny, since the whole thing seems like a joke about burkas but actually was made by muslims as a serious thing.


These e-celebs are finally getting the gassing they deserve. The only youtubers that put actual effort into their videos are animators but since youtube only pays you per view it's not worth the effort.

They are one of the many big companies who backed out of partnership with youtube. Some little journalist scamp sent them proof that a few racist videos slipped under youtubes radar and were being monetised

Now youtube is clamping down on tons of videos and basically committing advertisement seppuku

>its legit
What the fuck???

Because he's a bigoted piece of shit.

>Those subscriptions
It must suck having autism.

>Those subs
Kill yourself underage faggot

so long gay bowser

>youtube money related shit
so upload to a different video service r'tard.

Why would this offend anyone? It's crass, but far from racist. After all, the (((bad guy))) ends up beheaded and impaled.

>those tabs
God damn it

>he hasn't turned off Cortana

lmao enjoy being datamined

Only underage bait watch these stupid videos who cares

Thanks for reminding me of this quality piece of journalism.

That is pretty based

Even if you subscribed to Mister Cuckur for the sake of the screencap shame on you.


Can YouTube kill Pewdiepie so the site can go back to the glory days of vimeo tier vids and small, growing communities collaborating.

>Using the SadPanda extension


Good job user, people like you are the reason capitalism still works.

posting superior version

Chicks don't know what's good for em

He just really hates those hedgehogs user

This, monetization was a mistake.

They made most of the money the video will get, their twitter is irreverent as you proved by posting it here.

A small hit in views for one video = more attention for their whole channel and possibly a large bump in subs to stick it to the man.

You can't be this retarded to not see the business opportunity in this.

>Sup Forums loves Racist Mario now
What happened?

thanks youtube for finally doing something after hundereds if not thousands of reports, 3 years with this video and probably half a decade with that minecraft sex video

lmao enjoy thinking you are important to be datamined



Why? What principle?

I just want 2008-2010 of youtube poop back to be honest family

>"lol jews am I right" Sup Forums pandering faggot

>White chrome
>Those tabs
>Those subscriptions
>Those shortcuts
>Windows 10

Kill yourself
>>>reddit is that way

>people dislike Jim

What happened?

Nigga has no right to get sassy, that thumbnail stayed for like 2 years before youtube got off their asses and did anything about it.

>Cuckdows Sven
literally kill yourself

>ask a woman in burka
>"I like because I am free"
>"also people don't see the scars I got when Ahmed taught me to tell this to you"

Problem, shitlib?

>if they block it now they are racist
brilliant play

is that poirot as your gmail avatar?

Patrician as fuck. I need more King Of the Hill ones.

I'll always need more.

>Sup Forums hates MisterMetakur now
>Sup Forums loves Racist Mario now
What parallel universe did I stumble across in, what the fuck is going on?

>Mister Metokur

You mean like this?

Hes just a faggot Sup Forums user with a mic.

Thats it.

Yea because now that they did that. Free publicity for the new video with the burka. Millions of watchers. Tons of dosh

From the tv mini series

Nuke the planet. Return everything to the primordial goo that it came from.

I unironically like the video and consider it funny.

Come at me.



Pretty sure he isn't full pol, he does videos on other things besides that.