"You must... live"
"You must... live"
greatest love story ever told
He's pretty darn hilarious in Heroes. Slap seal attack on him and watch as anyone he attacks gets crippled
edgy done right
So is this a Heroes thread, a 7 thread, a series thread, or a Jaffar/Nino thread?
All of them
Might as well make it the designated Heroes thread before some other faggot tries making yet another thread.
I'm trying to build me a nice inherited Kagero, she's +speed/-def. I know she would love LaD, but I only have one Minerva and I am not spending 22K feathers promoting a single 3* Hana just for that. What other builds have you guys done
>Those GHB quests
damn i'm gonna have to watch those chink strategy videos now
>I fell for the setsuna brave bow + meme
And there go all my ranged options
Death blow 3 is the next best option or just L&D2.
Step 1: Get ninjatits or a tacomeme
Step 2: Get a unit with massive Def for Navarre, Massive Res for Robin, unequip their weapon too
Step 3: Get a buffer/healer, preferably one that buffs whatever atribute your wall is made of
Step 4: Kill anything that can kill your wall with Kagero/Taco
Step 5: Laugh as you see 4 units ganging up on your wall doing minimal damage
Step 6: Chip away with the healer when not healing, kill with the unit the quest requires you to kill with.
It's a good meme build, problem with it is that you need the exact situation setup for it to work. otherwise you might as well run a vanilla Setsuna
Done with all but 1 of them. Leveling up one of the 4* Navarres for the one where you have to use Navarre to beat Lunatic Navarre.
On an unrelated note, now at 17 defense wins this season. Best season yet.
>Only have Ursulla and the red Donut Steel
I guess LaD 2 it is.
Would she benefit from removing her daggerbreaker for something else? like Desperation or Vantage? I know she's super-squishy, but I do have a few Ardent Sacrifice chucklefucks I could give up to get her activated.
I fell for the Cherche brave axe build meme. It's just not very good with this many mages running around. Maybe on a flier emblem team, but that's it.
Quadsuna is hardly worth it as it requires a fuckton of rare units to work.
You need desperation 3, ardent sacrifice, death blow 3 (or life and death 3), moonbow/luna and the brave bow +.
Otherwise just use Despiration Linde, Tiny Hands or Tacos
Did he make new ones? Because the old ones won't help.
I wish I had any of those units. I have a 4* Jeorge I'm tempted to try out.
Swordbreaker would be a good option, there's some fast reds like Eirika and Ryoma that can survive Kageros OHKO with fury.
Up to you, they all let her cover a couple of different units she wouldn't otherwise so it's whatever your team needs most.
I still don't get why Kagero is so broken
Those are piss easy, especially with how Navarre's map is. The only challenge is grinding them to the appropriate level.
Because she hard counters all infantry.
>weapon beats all infantry
>Attacks at a range
>Bulky enough to take any hit from taco or mages.
Ye, i've done a few now with my thundercock/nino combo having two free spaces for the quest needed units
Death Blow isn't even an option unless you plan on keeping her Spd boosted by an ally all the time. Otherwise she only hits 35 Spd after the BB+ with a +Spd IV, 36 with the Seal. So she's only going Quadsuna on 31 Spd and lower. That's not good enough to be worth it. Moonbow is also worse than Luna on Brave users. There's pretty much only one Quadsuna build that isn't crap. +Spd, BB+, Ardent, Luna, LaD, Desperation. The bane, Seal and C Slot are the only variation.