I'm conflicted. Does Sup Forums hate this game...

I'm conflicted. Does Sup Forums hate this game? It seems like you guys hate it but you talk about it all the time so I can only assume a lot of you still play it. Should I buy it or not?

We play it because it's a popular multiplayer title, and multiplayer games are really only worth as much as the quantity of people playing them.

Doesn't matter how much Sup Forums likes to jerk off about the next arena shooter or whatever is the second coming of Quake 3 if we never play them anyway.

But we're also free to call out Blizzard on their amateurish design decisions and mediocre ability to balance things, among the other stupid shit they get up to with the whole franchise.

Not to mention regularly recurring cancer like Genjis and Hanzos. We're all anonymous, but it's a shared human experience.

Generally liked but understood that there are major flaws with the balancing and design. It's much better to play with friends, though. And if you don't have friends you can play Competitive after some Quick Play to have actually decent games.

That's pretty pathetic. Why actively spend time playing a game that's bad? Don't you have something else to do?

i like the game, i just hate blizzard

Can you not read?


It's not a bad game though. There are just quirks about it that can make it frustrating.

>amateurish design decisions
>mediocre ability to balance things
>stupid shit
>major flaws with the balancing and design

Sounds like a bad game to me.

That is literally said about every multiplayer game that has ever existed.

So what are some good things about Overwatch? What makes you actually want to keep playing despite obviously disliking it?

I think it's pretty trash yeah, but my opinion isn't others. they are free to play and enjoy it if they want.

It's shit and I stopped playing.

I don't have cuckholme syndrome like the rest of Sup Forums.

I have fun playing it depiste the bullshit.

Like every other game in the world. No one has to justify their likes to you autist.

people play it

Why is it fun? Couldn't you have more fun playing a more balanced and well designed game, like TF2 instead?

People play TF2 as well.

>balanced and well designed.

lol okay.

How is TF2 not more well designed than Overshit?

To me it's kind of like the dota/league syndrome where I don't like it yet am still interested. Though if Sup Forums didn't have any threads then my interest would decay a lot faster since /owg/ and all other overwatch forums are pure cancer.

Points I have against overwatch.
>Slow as fuck
>Can't contribute much on your own, must rely on your team some amount
>Just awful community, like reddit on drugs, and that isn't just a boogeyman
>Content only rolled out once every three months or so
>Slow to balance, they're afraid to over buff or over nerf characters so they just give them very subtle changes every month
>Stuns everywhere
>Characters typically can only be played one way
>No depth regarding hidden mechanics or animation canceling and things like that
>Maps range from terrible to tolerable
>Very shitter friendly so even the worst players have a chance of killing you

Why would you waste time on that? I don't understand "Dota/League syndrome". If you don't like something, why waste the golden hours of your life in front of a computer screen playing it? You could be out having fun with your girlfriend or taking drugs.

I wouldn't mind the slow pace so much if the game didn't give characters so many abilities to just make everything stop.

>tanks' shields/barrier abilities
>Genji' reflect
>some ultimates like D.va's, S76's, McCree's that are just go run and hide for a few seconds

So much of the game is "hurry up and wait."

If you like eating shit just go right ahead and pay for it

I paid for Overwatch and i regret it every single day.
I thought it would be the next tf2 but its just a dumbed down "moba" disguised as a shooter.
Blizzard is terrible at balancing, no fun maps at all they have a serious hard on for tanks and shields, Damage classes are ridiculously toned down. only updates are literally hats.
TF2 has way more fun, likeable characters, maps, games modes, weapons and much more skill ceiling. its also FREE now unlike Overwatch (which has terribly long queue times for a game that sold 25 million copies but blizzard mysteriously hides the online player count)

The problem with arguing with these people is that they are convinced tf2 is a bad game. That's false, tf2 is a great game and still talked about on Sup Forums. OW brought these sorts of people where they do nothing but circlejerk OW as if it's some paragon of video games.

The feel of the camera and movement is very smooth, the actions are satisfying, it has a simple but timeless art style with nice character designs and the story of the world is interesting to me. These things call to me and it was a shame it went to waste.
My interest decays every day, though.
>doing drugs

>overwatch vs tf2 dominates thread
>meanwhile, pic related at a Five Below


Overwatch is trash but I play it because I want to play the big fps that everybody plays and it's more fun then CSGO

Overwatch isn't exactly a bad game, I like playing it from time to time but it has a shit load of flaws.

>game seems like it's designed to make you angry
>every character has some sort of "bullshit" ability like an instakill, stun, etc.
>abundance of stuns
>instakills that are easy to execute
>individual skill is overshadowed by teamplay
>solo queue in competitive is completely luck whether your team is friendly and cooperative or not.
>huge and generous hitboxes
>blizzard balancing
>tanks and support can deal equal or sometimes even more damage than offense heroes
>defense roles incredibly niche and pretty much useless even on defense
>low skill heroes are the most powerful, getting good at a higher skill hero like widowmaker is not rewarding when a soldier with 1/10 of your playtime can do more for the team
>community is one of the worst in all of multiplayer gaming, like league of legos and leddit combined with tumblr and waifufags

>Just awful community, like reddit on drugs, and that isn't just a boogeyman
I'll agree to everything, but I do manage to find some pretty awesome people around diamond. It's much more chill and relaxed.

Still manage to have a fun time when I play whatever the fuck I want when people aren't trying to pressure me off of one character.
>"Fuck you guys, I wanna play junkrat, and if it's not working I'll switch with whoever wants dps"
most of the time it rides, and we win when I switch or not.