My NEET brother wants to become a "Let's Play"er. He's not hot, interesting or particularly good at any games but he's convinced that he'll end up making shittons of money for basically no work.
How do I convince him that this is a shit idea?
My NEET brother wants to become a "Let's Play"er. He's not hot, interesting or particularly good at any games but he's convinced that he'll end up making shittons of money for basically no work.
How do I convince him that this is a shit idea?
just let him learn from his own terrible mistake
Encourage him and watch his dreams crumble before you
Let him try and fail. But if he ever pulls any stupid shit like dropping out of school to "focus on his career" you knock some sense into him
Show him just how many people are trying to do what he wants to do, then show him how many people are actually making a living from it.
>He's not hot, interesting or particularly good at any games
There are plenty of e-celebs and Let's Players who fit that description.
Let him try. If he fails (which is likely), he'll at least have had some fun and gained a new experience.
teach him trade skills instead.
Really the only answer if they are too far gone
>How do I convince him that this is a shit idea?
why would you do this?
if it's a shit idea, he'll figure it out himself
Support your brother. Give us the link to his stream. If he survives the shitposts from these faggots then he'll have a nice kickstart of viewer numbers. Teach him how to be funny and not an autismo.
It almost definitely won't work out but at least you'll have a good standing with him
That's the problem. A family friend offered him an apprenticeship and that offer won't last for long, but he doesn't want to do it because he's 100% that's he'll make it big. He even starts acting smug about it, despite not even having uploaded his first video yet.
>He's not hot, interesting or particularly good at any games
Sounds like he's perfectly qualified.
He's a human bean, he'll only ever learn from firsthand experience.
Maybe if you guys have a good dynamic in your relationship you can do it with him so he's not just the 18376957271st wanna-be let's-play-er, and instead the 1541745th group let's-play-er.
>shittons of money for basically no work.
only time this happens is inheritance
If he wants to make big bucks he'd have to pump out videos 2/3 times per day on top of actually being good at maintaining an audience. Even if he were to someone get a following, there is no way that it'll be enough to live comfortably off of without supplementary income.
let him burn his hands by the fire, it's the only way he can learn
From pain.
just make sure he's good at editiong. hour long unedited vods aren't popular
Go ahead and let me him his first few videos. When he sees he only gets like 3 views per video, regardless of time, he'll realize this was retarded.
How old is he? Is he actually attempting to look for work, or is he doing Let's Plays instead of that? Does he recognise that this shit can only be a job at an extremely high level which takes both immense work and luck, and that otherwise this kind of thing should be a hobby?
If he's a kid or he's actually trying to look for a proper job, then let him make some shitty Youtube videos in his free time too, it's not hurting anyone.
If he's an adult and is under some illusion that he'll magically strike it big on youtube so he doesn't have to get a real job, then do what says.
post his channel
Delusions are tough to break, not much you can do. Just say you think it's a bad idea and plead with him to reconsider. If he still tells you to fuck off then fuck him, stupid retard had it coming.
t. someone similar to your brother
I'm with everyone else. Let him learn from his mistake. He'll find out soon enough that it takes a shitton of work, luck, and effort to do it pretty well. More work in the end to be good at it than if he just stuck with the trade job.
How much do you like him really?
Youtube makes you fuck all money unless you've got millions of viewers. He'd probably do better on Twitch, but getting partnered there to even start making money can take months of having a decent audience, and is mostly reliant on getting a few financially irresponsible regulars just throwing thousands of dollars in donations at you for no reaosn.
>He's not hot, interesting or particularly good at any games
That hasn't stopped any other LPer before.
Hypothetically, how successful can I be with only an aesthetic face and passable charisma?
My voice is on the nasally side and I have a shit recording environment.
>My voice is on the nasally side and I have a shit recording environment.
American? Please don't. Nasal americans just sound so faggoty and have shit-tier personalities. You'd do better making it as a CSGO professional than a streamer.
I'm the opposite of this guy, ugly but I've been told I have a nice voice and a pretty decent range. Also decent at vidya
"My neet brother"
>not hot
Tell him to do both. YouTube in his spare time, and that he can drop the apprenticeship when he's making more money on YouTube.
Which will never happen but it stops him from wasting an opportunity.
If he's NEET then he's got nothing better to do
Mic only, technical showcases. Lobos2xjr (am i making this name up?) or whatever hes called did Dark Souls speedruns without a camera for a long long time (might still?, i don't watch twitch much anymore) ... anyways, good voice + personality + knowledge >>>> looks. Just look at that John Limmerman(?) guy at Digital Foundry, he has a pig nose and weird face but his videos are very well received.
If you invest in some decent quality recording equipment, git gud at editing videos and manage to pump out a consistent stream of content you can get reasonably successful over time.
You'll probably never get successful enough to actually live off your Youtube/Twitch income unless you're a hot camwhore with some rich fans and/or insanely lucky that your shit goes viral and catches on in a big way though.
21. Out of school for 4 years, only had shittier jobs since then.
I'm actually really fucking worried about him, sure he's a faggot, but still my brother and I love him.
He just uses the idea of doing LPs to avoid having to do anything. He's been planning to start "next week" for 3-4 months now. Breaks our mothers heart too. Shit sucks.
Why not just make content that doesn't show your face? Just have your voice speaking over video footage.
Tell him he needs a hook.
He should play bad quality hentai games.
>How do I convince him that this is a shit idea?
Take away his money.
Make him prove it. Have him make a successful video today.
If he can't do it today, he can't do it tomorrow.
Okay yeah, if he's refusing job offers like that then you need to show him that it's not going to work.
Look up statistics for views to pay ratio, it will be less than he thinks.
Look up the games he intends to play along with the words "Let's play" and show him the thousands of other uploads that would be identical to his that have less than 100 views.
Make your face the front of your channel. Improve your recording equipment, see if you can edit your voice if it's super bad, won't be an issue if it's not.
Never show your face. Use an avatar heavily instead.
A Dog Gloryhole, thats what I saw in the thumbnail. What is this dog doing?
Time to beat some sense into him
He is a Sonyqueer, there is no hope for your brother.
Just make him drink a vile of sulfuric acid, it's better for everyone.
>tfw decent face, radio-tier voice and I'm good at every game I play
>tfw have nothing to talk about and only open my mouth to swear.
I'm just not outgoing and energetic enough to make a popular channel, not to mention there's literally no point, since there's a million "lets' players".
>Never show your face. Use an avatar heavily instead.
You could even go the crowbcat route and just make cringe compilations. Sup Forums and reddit love that shit. He instantly gets millions of views. Not sure how much moolah he's raking in but I don't think it's too shabby.
The fucking madman when will someone stop him
You should give him an intervention.
Just start with twitch and try to get donations
Even $10 per day is a good start
You play the vidya you want and people pay for your games
What games does he intend to play?
You let him try what he wants for himself instead of projecting your failures onto him. People have to try things and learn from their mistakes unless you're gonna be there making his decisions for him and treating him like a vegetable throughout his entire life? That's how you raise a coward.
>unless you're a hot camwhore
I've not done it before, but I'm not above getting /fit/ and wearing flattering shirts.
noted. My morning voice is Barry White tier, but after that first hour or so my regular speaking voice is a lot higher. I intend to at least train myself to speak a bit lower if the chest voice meme is true.
Take a picture of this smug face
and then when his retarded dreams crash and burn take a picture of his crushed face
and then give us the before and after
>wanting to do easy shit like LP's doesn't make him a coward
He's a NEET, he already is a failure and a vegetable.
You could have made it big with youtube a decade ago but nowadays it's actually much more work than people realize. People look at guys like pewdiepie but they were there from the beginning.
honestly considered it, but I'd probably just have like 10 minute silences and the occasional chuckle at maybe 1 viewers comments. I do have some mates that think they'll make it big and make fake bantz with each other in videos (can't find the main guys channel though)
>wanting to make easy money is bad because I can't therefore nobody else is allowed to!
You know what, tell your brother to reconsider the idea and to open a cinema up. He's already got a fine projector beside him.
I am not OP.
I've got a plan.
I'm not sure, but you sound like you have your shit together, so I assume you have some money to spare.
Offer him a decent amount of money if he makes his first video within the next 2 weeks.
He'll see that producing good content is far harder than he thinks. Then when he has posted the video let him search for the game he was playing and filter for "last hour" and let him see the hundreds of people who just then uploaded the same kind of video. Then let him look and their views and subs.
If that doesn't make him change his mind nothing will.
Wanna know what's even easier money and less effort? Writing your phone number on bathroom stalls at highway stops :-)
>mfw me and my brother are both NEETs
>We both just got computers that are good for both streaming and playing games
>We are thinking about streaming games
I'm not really good with games, but my brother is top fucking notch most of the time. Could we possibly make it with nothing but bantz and getting pissed off on-stream?
Seriously, just beat him up and tell him that you'll do it again if he doesn't get his shit together. It's what my dad did to me and it fixed my life.
Beat the desire and passion out of him. Or just mentally berate him until he recedes back into the corner of the basement he crawled out from.
Ask your brother how many times he won the lottery before. Then bitchslap him.
see? double quads user agrees.
Any banter is good banter so try it and see what happens
If you're consistent, produce a lot of content and aren't too tryhard on the bantz, you might have a tiny chance. Probably not though.
Show him my channel and he'll see that it will get him nowhere under those circumstances.
Jesus christ, user.
Nobody watches that on YT anymore. If you want some views make real content otherwise stream on twitch.
>Nobody watches that on YT anymore
In what kind of delusional fantasyland do you live, user?
The only let's players who still exist on Youtube and actually make any amount of money are personality-driven pseudo podcasts like this egg
>You let him try what he wants for himself instead of projecting your failures onto him.
He's been a fucking neet for 4 years.
OP just take him (and guide him through the whole thing) to a temporary work agency. He can get a part-time job washing dishes for a few hours a day so he can make some money and do whatever the fuck he wants on the side. It'll also get him used to working without the shock of a full day's work.
There's a reason teenage bands are always told to not quit their dayjobs. If you are getting to the point where your career as a creative is requiring too much time to have a job, then you'll already be earning money. Calvin Harris, the producer was working as a shelf stacker until he got contracted. In a planet of 7 billion people, does your brother think he's unique enough to just make it? It'll take a long time of hard work and pretty much just good luck. Guaranteed, he wont be spending every waking moment making videos - he may be playing vidya though uselessly, recording it because its "technically muh work" but it is just being childish. He will have enough time to have a job. Entering the market as a LPer gives you a chance like, five years ago. Right now it's a saturated market, and no one cares about a gimmickless neet.
Dunno if just telling him harshly like that would work, but some people need to be told stark realities. As a teenager I thought I could be a pro 1337 hacker and make money that way, pathetic I know. Now I'm a cop with a wife and I'm actually really happy that I was forced to go out and get a real job, otherwise I'd still be in my bedroom playing games and convincing myself that I did enough work towards my goal at the time. The fact is, as a neet you don't have the drive to make something solo like being a content creator work. You need a boss to get you into shape and work the depression of being a basement dweller off, then you can be a real human being and pursue hobbies and interests with actual drive and vigour instead of staying in the same routine of waking up, fapping, playing games, eating, sleeping.
Just run your hands through his hair. Gotta get them dingleberries out your ass somehow
Make him watch this in full.
Yes. I know. It's pewdipie. But in that thing, he explains how he had to get menial jobs while his channel was growing, and even then he couldn't even afford noodles for some time. And the fact that it's pewdiepie, the most financially successful youtuber and let's player, matters.
Show him how much effort is actually involved in streaming and he'll quit. Let him know that:
>He needs to upload multiple videos a week, all of them over 10 minutes because of the new monetization policy on Jewtube
>He needs good streaming equiment and camera and mic, that shit ain't cheap
>Is going to hire an editor, or do all that himself?
>Is he going to have an intro to all his videos?
>How is he planning to promote himself?
>How is he going to get all these hot, newly released games to stream?
He'll shit his pants when he realizes how much he has to do, and delusion broken.
What particular trade skills? They're all about to be taken by bots
The 10 minutes thing doesn't even work anymore since jewtube lost all their sponsors. Everyone under 500k subscribers are going to twitch.
>He's not hot, interesting or particularly good at any games
isn't this pretty much any Let's Player though?
after all, Youtube is THE stale backwater shore for every talentless loser who couldn't make it elsewhere.
>Is he going to have an intro to all his videos?
Intros are fucking cancer desu.
>Meant to be working on my CV / Resume
>Browsing Sup Forums instead
Help me
Doesn't matter. If he actually wants them, that's work he'll have to do. Although, based on the story we're given, it would be a miracle if he just slapped some shit together in Windows Movie Maker.
This is the best advice. Don't you need good equipment to be a decent youtuber/streamer as well? Tell him to take the job so he can buy the stuff he needs and keep the job until he makes it big. He'll never make it, of course, but he'll have the job to fall back on.
Is your NEET brother you?
If I was in his position I would've fucking bit the hand off of someone offering me an apprenticeship.
Skilled trades (plumber, electrician, etc) won't be taken over by robots for some time. And even when they do in a few decades, there's going to be sensitive things that people will still want humans to do. For example I know a dude with aspergers who became a literal millionaire cleaning carpets. He started off working for another guy and took over the business from him after a couple years. It's back-breaking physical labor and he often worked alone or with 1-2 other guys at nights cleaning entire office buildings and such. He kept getting recommended because he's an autistic perfectionist and now has contracts doing cruise ships and sports arenas. He also works as an expert witness for a lot of litigation. Robots could probably do the larger cleaning jobs though. What people probably wouldn't want robots to do is the historical preservation work he started doing a few years ago, flying all over Europe and to big museums across the US cleaning and preserving tapestries and other cloth artifacts.
I have a friend who's an electrician, he makes more money than I do and I'm a lawyer. Granted I work for the government, but I still make 70k. Trades are fantastic.
Forcefeed him the black pill.
Just link him to one of those channels that has over 100+ videos with 6-20 views per video.
I forget which channel it was specifically but there was a guy who played through some RPG and did it in a lets play episodic format. But i think he does it as a creative outlet and not with the goal of making a living- which your brother shouldn't be doing. Youtube is over-saturated as is.
>electrician making more than an lawyer
What mind of electrician is he? Must be something special
All you can do is to convince him that he needs a face hiding gimmick so it doesn't ruin his life when there isn't enough money to shit on the public perception of his person.
From the thread it sounds like YT is shit for vidya, but how do you get started on Twitch?
This is what I thought would happen too.
>be 35yo dad of two girls
>13 and 14
>both into anime unfortunately
>the 14yo is pretty smart, mature, gets things done alone, rational, can trust her with money no problem and loves to draw landscapes and interiors
>the 13yo is the straight opposite of my favourite
>acts like an autistic child eventhough I went to a doctor three times in order to make sure nothing is wrong
>they tell me its just a phase
>she watches anime all day and im pretty sure she masturbates to it too
>draws shitty anime pictures, like real shit
>really awkward most of the time and tries to blame shit on everyone else
>"Dad my [generic toy] broke" and just breaks down into tears for hours, eventhough I promise to get it fixed or buy a new one. But she still keeps crying and being obnoxious.
>calls herself a gamer, eventhough she just plays really shitty exploitative korean mmorpgs
>the rest of the time she watches youtube videos of people play games
>makes a youtube channel and tells me about it
>"I wanna make lets plays and stuff dad!"
>alright whatever
>she makes like a new video every day about nonsense and dumb shit
>keeps whining that shes not popular
>her videos have 1-6 views at best after like 90 videos
>literally no audience except old ass pedophiles who she happily even gives her phone number to in the public comments
>still keeps going with it regardless
Guys, I don't know. I thought letting her fail at this youtube biz shit would show her that you don't get anything out of it if you're looking for popularity, but it's just sad. She doesn't seem to learn from it and we have to listen to her whining about not being popular on youtube all the time. Her sister doesn't even bother to try and understand her most of the time either and just hangs out with me instead to talk to. Like, what does it take for her to learn? Fuck.
are there people here actually supporting the brother?
link her channel so i can fap to it
Why the fuck would anyone do that?
yeah the same people who post twitch raid threads.
Give some creepy looking old fuck $5 to knock on your door and say he found her on YouTube. Would probably scare her shitless.
Let him find his way. If he sucks at it he'll notice.
very clever joke that didnt go unnoticed my friend
Lessen your support to her. She is the reason why this world is getting worse. She needs to figure out herself
>blame shit on everyone else
Good luck user. She'll probably be in her 30s before she realizes that she is doing that and that's if she even does. She's going to have a very lonely life because of it.
t. I did that
I'm not looking for her channel, but what games does a 13 year old play? Is it just the MMOs like you said?