Why haven't you quit yet, user?

Why haven't you quit yet, user?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because I'm still having fun in normals.

because it's a shit game and I never played it

Because I unironically appreciate the meta

cause I dont care about desperate dotards

even the shitposting died down by now

It's something quick and easy to play when I am bored of everything else

Aram is the only reason I stay, if they ever got rid of it I would uninstall so fast

I did.

fuck meta fags, anything can work if done right.

>you can't play X champion as supp

Well I enjoy X champion and wiill do ok with him,

I quit in 2015 when the server move was being announced and it was clear they were keeping NA LCS in Cali while moving the servers to Illinois.

The game had been casualizing since late 2011, but it was still kind of fun and the ladder wasn't in horrible shape. But that move spelled instant death for NA high elo so I decided to move on.

you shouldnt assume this is a dota thread user, it's obviously a lel thread

What are some good cheesy champions to play on top? I'm doing good with Mundo and Nasus so far. Saw a Rammus wrecking shit the other day.



I personally played almost nothing but Dominion after it came out. I've come back to play for a bit just to try out some of the new characters (kled and rakan looked cool) and jesus christ do I fucking miss Dominion. Farming and laning and shit is just so ungodly boring.

I like aram

I hate league and like arams, of course if you get someone lame it sucks

Guys listen to me.

Quit this fucking game for good. It will make you feel like a free man and you will find that you have much more time for other vidya. This game is a classic skinner box trap.

Break the fucking cycle bros.

That's not really the meta.

The meta is top utility, mid carry, jungle utility, and duo carry/support bot

Doesn't really matter what you play if you adhere to those roles and don't double jungle or duo carry bot or some shit. The only reason that ever works is because someone on the other team let you get away with it, which in low elo matches is easy to get away with.

I did 5 years ago after playing DOTA for 10.

The only people who haven't quit are mobabbys who never played DOTA.

despite all the hate, I'm still trying to figure out why they make a billion dollars a year from this game.

Sup Forums, we have to spread awareness of this game being shit. Get our friends off of it. Then, just maybe the chinks might actually start making it better or interesting

DotA is trash as well.

Mobas are the reddit genre.

i quit when that one patch came out that got rid of AP yi. it was the only reason I was still having fun with the game.

of course, ARAM cuts out all the bullshit that makes league terrible.

Just came back for after a year just for Rakan. His kit feels so amazing holy shit I wish the entire game felt as polished as he does.

ikr, been playing Quinn mid since season 3, seen that "i can't play her mid" hundreds of times

Its the only fun multiplayer game on PC

>haven't seen relative in years
>found out he dumped over 10,000+ hours into League by age 21, spent what seems like a large amount of his youth into it
>he's regularly in challenger though

was it worth it Sup Forums? he's since quit the game and moved onto WoW lmao

Jesus christ play something other than smite please

My friends won't fucking leave

i remember abusing triforce ali on the patch he was broken on
got a hexakill with him on dominion just holding bot point by myself as the monkeys trickled in one by one

Mordekaiser, even in his terrible bugged lets remove spellvamp for actually no reason current form is more fun than most DotA characters bar pre-change Faceless.

>Sup Forums, we have to spread awareness of this game being shit. Get our friends off of it.

not your personal army

Time spent on having fun is never wasted. Hope he atleast streamed and made some beer money back.

I miss hexakill on summoner rift...

Because League of Legends is a solid game with good balance and a decent free to play model.

having a toxic playerbase doesn't change any of that. Just mute people.

because it's a legitimately good and fun game

but only if you git gud


I quit during the Tank meta. There is only so much abuse a self respecting individual can take.

Also the time spend on this game is Not worth the fun and frustration. Even with friends. Break the cycle you idiots. Riot games has failed horribly. I remember thinking in s2 "what great potential this game has" fuck that.

I quit when Galio's rework was shown because the VO part made me ask "What's the point of this game anymore"

Because the reward loops are many and very strong. Especially in the beginning.

I did, back in 2015 but you likely don't care.

This user here is exactly right, you will never be as happy with your life as when you quit League for good. You will be a free man, free of anger, depression and stress. Sure for a while you will feel as if you need to go back (this is your addiction kicking in again) but if you are strong enough then at the end of the tunnel you will find happiness and never look back on those days you spent locked up in front of your computer being sad and angry other than with disgust.

It's fucking scary how this game is like crack cocaine.

Holy shit user, it's just a fucking game lol. Most people play a few matches a week, usually with friends.


most people I know that play this, do for hours on end. Nobody plays "just 1 game" anymore.

but i did in 2010. I tried to play it, spent couple of days and havent launched it ever since.

lol no they dont

im glad you claim to have self control but that doesnt mean other people do.

I actually reinstalled last week. Only played 2 games because leaverbuster or whatever the fuck makes you wait 10 minutes before searching for a match

if you didn't stop playing mobas period in like 2011 you're way behind and way retarded

Frequently updated, fun and interesting gameplay, can play it repetitively without the boredom seeping in.

Why quit now when I can quit 3 years later when I'm a jaded neet who thinks he knows it all?

I'm happy if that's the case for you but it wasn't for me. I started playing back in 2010 and got so addicted that I neglected all other aspects of my life. At some point I thought the only thing that could save was me becoming a pro and I started to get really serious about the game, learned all the ins and outs and was decently good, always hovering around 2100 Elo/low Diamond at the time.

Worst part was I had just begun college when the addiction kicked in. I became depressed, quit university and became a 24/7 playing LoL hikkineet junkie. Most people I knew in game were like that, connected 24/7.

I uninstalled a few weeks ago when I heard they were going to FORCE you to install the unstable new client. Game balance has been an utter atrocity for almost three straight seasons, every other new champ is a fucking overdesigned eyesore, and they have absolutely no idea what they're doing with champ redesigns. It's small, but the new client was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

user we aren't telling you to leave because we're jaded, we're speaking from experience. If you're actually having fun that's fine just don't fall into the skinner box shit.

This game is just time consuming as shit and other games give me more enjoyment for far less investment. I still regret all the time I wasted playing this game.

i quit league a few years ago when i realised i wasn't really having any fun.

1. teambased games are frustrating if i'm not any good at them
2. i don't like the last hitting mechanic, it is boring
3. i am incredibely mediocre at this videogame

sometimes i'll play a game of SMITE

Trying to get my friends to quit but their shitty attitude is contain to that game so I'm fine with it. got one friend having some elitist attitude with the game. he's good but extremely arrogant.

calls his teammates shit when they're doing bad.
never calls his mistakes.
lectures people on everything.
plays off meta because it require more skill. whenever he loses lane he would say " could have beaten his ass anytime with a meta champ.
expects people to play a certain way.

but this is literally every moba player I know. fuck this cancerous game.

I don't understand how this is game is so popular. I tried playing with some of my friends with toasters so shit, they can only play league now, and I never had an experience that was interesting. At best, I felt like I was just following orders. How do people get addicted to this game? How do people have fun?

But I did user.

friends cancer flaming and i`m pretty addicted to the game

Are MOBAs that addictive? I played 27 hours of dota because my friends wanted me to but it never drew me in.

The new client is a piece of fucking garbage.
>PC can reliably run BF3, Metro 2033, and Crysis 3 at high settings, 1080p
>Crashes every other time I get into champ select

You're stronger than me, I fucking gave up months ago when they claimed to be working on it only for fucking nothing to happen. LoL is basically a fucking scam, Riot constantly promises new features and then NEVER implements them, or takes literal years to get around to the most basic of concepts. They've been deliberating on 10 bans for years even though Dota, a game with 30 fewer characters, has had it since conception.

And the fucking "fun" game modes. URF is literally the only good one, and they had to shit it up with "all random" bullshit.

This. League is worse than cocaine with how much time is wasted

People have died playing mobas

I have fun

But I did, 2 years ago.
When I try to get into it again, it just doesn't click.

I bet his team was mad

there is a difference between meta and trolling

meta is that it works, for example Gragas is good at Top and Jg, but he can also supp because he has CC, it's very rare but it works because he has CC and works as a front-line tanky supp, not trolling, makes sense

However if you go some retarded shit like ap braum mid without any kind of function or strategy you are ruining the game for your team

>130+ champions
>Only 3 bans per team
>The balance is so miserable that even if you do successfully ban out the six most broken champs (Ivern, Kog'maw, Lulu, Ahri, etc.), it still leaves shit like Graves, Leblanc, and Katarina, who are all mind-numbingly annoying to play against.




Already spent £300-400 on it, been playing for 3 years so I consider the investment worth it. And it's us "skinner boxxes" keeping the game free to play. Imagine if everyone stopped buying skins, LoL can't get by on just the worlds tournament each year.

who the fuck buys all these skins man?? do you fuckers have too much money?

i have 1000s of hours on different videogames and have never bought a cosmetic item for any game. you are fags

There's a good 20+ champions in the meta right now, if we're talking about the highest levels of play then there's always a strategy or a composition that can win you the game, 6 bans or 10 it doesn't change anything besides lower elo not getting salty that Yasuo or Lee got through.

>playing chink shit
>thinking of playing chink shit
>downloading chink shit onto your computer
>giving the chinks money
>supporting chinks
Braindead retards

>Not dicking a dude in lane with a skin that lets you BM after killing them
It's a tactical purchase with in game benefits.

I inted about hundreds of games so I could get Bronze V elo now I either troll or get 42 kills a game on quinn.

Exactly. Riot relies on goys like you to eat up all their RP so you can feel like you "invested" something, then you feel obligated to spend and play more.

Of course, if Riot had designed an actual fun game they wouldn't have to rely on shit like their cancerous F2P model, but we all know "fun" and Riot don't mix.

I actually have quit since they keep changing the heroes I enjoy playing. Why did they have to make Ryze's Q a "skill"shot or get rid of GP's level 1 cheese? Those changes were anti-fun.

I want 10 bans solely because I'm tired of seeing Lucian EVERY SINGLE FUCKING GAME

There are 136 champs in the game and only two of them are ever played in each position. I fucking love trying to play "off-meta" stuff like Nocturne or Azir and getting fucking dumpstered every game because the enemy team picked a team of overtuned champs like Ahri and Lee Sin that are always relevant and always strong regardless of how well or poorly they do in lane.

i haven't even started. fucking shite game.

I pretty much did over 2 years ago. Any games I play are maybe like 2-3 a month with friends, I never play it alone or even for long with friends anymore.
Its far from something I can play exclusively for a long period of time any more, I play more than 3-4 matches in a day and I'm already bored.

>of 130+ champions, less than a sixth of them ever actually get played
bravo riot

>i havent even started
>fucking shite game

so this is the state of Sup Forums huh

>regardless of how well or poorly they do in lane.
Yeah this is what made me uninstall back in season 5.
>Pick Maokai/Sion
>Take smite/tp into top lane
>Build cinderhulk
>Go 0/5 in lane
>Doesn't matter because you're hardwired to shit damage, be unkillable, and your immaculate waveclear for almost no mana has guaranteed that you're still farmed enough to be a fucking nuisance in every single fight

If anything I feel like I've done my part, promoting a game I enjoy playing feels good man.
>F2P model is cancerous
Would you rather pay to play the game?
Earning points to unlock champions and runes adds to the longevity of the games userbase, keeps them in game circulations and keeps the divisions in constant activity, so buying to unlock all champions, skins and runes isn't feasible.

Considering the alternatives for F2P it makes sense they didn't go with p2p or subscription model.

>playing chink shit
Get the fuck out.

Always gonna be a cookie cutter composition.


>it's another scripted league of legends marketing thread

step it up shareblue

>Would you rather pay to play the game?
And get an game that's actually fun and doesn't give me a migraine? Absolutely.

>unironically defending runes and masteries
>defending having to unlock every fucking champion individually

right now champion diversity is higher than in any previous season though

also in soloq who the fuck cares anyways
if you're good enough you can win with anything in any kind of elo

LMAO the desperation is insane

>haven't played in like a year
>still watch imaqtpie play on YouTube

Sometimes I just wonder how hilarious it would be if there was a little icon on each post showing if the person played the game or not

Because this fucking cutie right here

It's the very heart and soul of the chinese.

>downloading chinese knock offs
Fuck off micro dick, your shit doesn't go on my computer.

Instead of that, we should just learn from /vint/ and have flags on each post again. It would be much more effective at identifying shitposters since it's mostly just Canadians on Sup Forums that do it.

i've played a couple of games and it's legitimately the most boring game i've ever played. even myst 3:exile was more fun.

>biggest game in the world
>thinking they need to market on Sup Forums

>A-anyone who disagrees with me just hasn't played the game!

I remember when he used to post here

Biggest game in china you mean, the land of censored internet, why anyone else would play it, I have no idea.

Jesus you league faggots are cancerous to each other. In Dota the meta is literally just whatever is really effective in the current patch, and it branches off during tournaments when one team starts using something unexpected that works even better. Then it changes next patch.

You can play any hero in any lane though, though icefrog has been seeing to it that diverse lanes are a thing of the past