This fight was so intense, holy shit. Why is BB so good so far, Sup Forums? It's like the magic I got from DaS1 all over again
This fight was so intense, holy shit. Why is BB so good so far, Sup Forums...
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Yeah that fight is good. Too bad it's the peak of BB and everything is slowly but ever so surely downhill
It's good because it's not Dark Souls, so it's a new different experience.
>walk left
woah so intense
You can only do that during his first phase, I found myself having to dodge many times
Did people actually find BSB hard? It was so fucking easy.
>comparing BB to overrated garbage like DaS1
AHHHHH why are there so many BB threads recently?
name one (1) fight in BB that can't be beaten by just going berserk and attacking the boss recklessly before it kills you
Headless bloodletting beast
That fight? The peak? Did you even play the rest of the game?
Amelia. I suppose Amy too, but he can be cheesed more easily. Uh... Gascoigne's third form if you don't know how to parry. Logarius if you didn't do enough damage during his phase transition. All of the DLC fights except Maria.
It's hard if you are still playing defensively by that point and don't have anything to counteract the poison.
All of those can be beaten by mashing circle and r1 simultaneously except for ludwig.
Amelia is full unga mate
No game is bad until pc port.
make a video of it
show me the teapot circling the sun
>implying BB is not overrated
>explain my opinion to me
I'll never understand this shit. I just assume it's bait at this point
literally look up any video of someone fighting a bloodborne boss, and that's all they're doing, it's the most casual shitfest ever released
>all my knowledge of BB comes from cancerous youtube videos because I'm too poor to buy a PS4 for one game
I played through the entire Dark Souls series (Demon Souls is not part of that mind you.) with all the DLC included, and I recently made a friend who let me borrow his copy of Bloodborne.
I really don't think this game is as hard as others have previously started. Pretty, impressive, and thematically grand it is, but this boss fight didn't give me the chills like fighting Gael did.
Maybe it's because the fight vs. Gael was a long awaited "US VS THE DARK SOUL" title.
Maybe it's because I can name off boss fights twice as good as Orphan of Kos.
For example, Sulyvann - First part of The Nameless King - Champion Gundyr - shit even the Dark Souls 2 DLC Sir Aloone was better than BB's final boss.
You can't compare really. They are completely separate games. In all actuality, the BB series has the potential to even out do Dark Souls (if this is truly the end for DD) by making 2 more sequels. But it has to give room for further improvement. The speed BB inspired to let DS3 borrow was very welcomed.
I literally platinumed the game in 10 days retard.
You can't overrate GOAT Bloodborne.
What else can be expected from PC plebs but try and poke any hole they can in BB because they are sad that it's better than anything on the PC.
It's a simple but spooky looking boss who can still fuck your shit up, what's not to like
>Bloodstarved Beast
>The peak
Yeah and Taurus Demon was the peak of Dark Souls
It's definitely the wake-up call fight for people that were previously playing BB like the more defensive oriented DaS.
Yeah, if the beginning to the BSB is gold, then the rest of the game is silver.
BSB is more like capra demon. Early boss that gives shitters trouble.
did you even play the Old Hunters?
this is the peak right here
Not even close. DaS peaked with O&S and then quality tanked. BB drops quality at a small pace after BSB, most people don't notice until Rom, even
Except BSB is a real threat and not requiring the small room and it's minions to trick you into believing it's tough
Or, your opinion is shit.
If you need someone to vouch for it who's played the game, then yeah, it is just button mash your face against the back of the enemy while they attack in front of them in a left/right sweeping 3-5 hit combo after having dodged into them or simply run behind them.
The game is way more designed around that than any kind of individual dodge-and-punish like Souls usually is. Enemies have too much health for that to outdo mashing, and the rally health regain system + low stagger threshold on enemies both promote just mashing at them. That, and stamina regains incredibly fast, dodge dashes have tons of i-frames, and you don't have as many defensive or offensive options as Souls games to deal with enemies.
Easiest fight in the game, just dodge forward left or parry easily. Whenever he comes up in the chalices im thankful.
This is not just the peak of BB, but the peak of all boss fights in all video games. There has never been a better one.
Such exciting gameplay. Truly the best game of our generation.
>Not even close. DaS peaked with O&S and then quality tanked
What a meme opinion.
Overrated fight. Old Hunters is the opposite of the main game in that it starts weak and finishes strong.
It's rather poetic when combined with the main game come to think of it, since they mirror eachother.
Ball and chain Undead Giant
Pthumerian Descendant
Bloodletting beast
Abhorrent Beast
Shadows of Yharnam
I felt the exact opposite OP. This boss has 4 moves and a poison gimmick. Nothing more nothing less. I first tried it without much trouble. The beginning of BB was shitty, and I've farmed the chalices after that and they are also shitty, full of OHKOs bosses.
It only gets better after Amelia desu senpai.
sonynygger btfo
If you started gaming in 7th gen sure lmao.
Almost every action boss from 6th gen was better than Ludwig. Go look up anything from DMC3, NG, God Hand. They blow Ludwig out of the water.
So what counts as an exciting game in your opinion then?
Wow so exciting.
>click on tiny army
>watch them fight for you
Woah so exciting
All of those games are mediocre at best compared to BB. Stop being mad that you have to buy a PS4 to play the GOAT.
Wouldn't that be Gascoigne right out of the gate?
Not really, Gascoigne is like the asylum demon of Bloodborne. Only people with 0 experience with action games struggle on him.
Name one (10) boss in Bloodborne that you can't easily beat just by memorizing their attack pattern and mashing dodge until they have an opening you can safely attack.
This. He's by far the hardest boss in the main game - took about 12 attempts to beat him and passed all others except the shadows in 1-4 goes.
Hardest total boss is lower loran darkbeat with an arcane build.
Literally every boss in BB
>they charge
>you dodge
>go in for attack
>step back
BB is good because its actually a good game. You have probably played the sequels to dark souls which are just poor imitations of good games so playing this reminds you of playing a game that isn't a 6/10 poor imitation of a game you really like.
Have you never played an action game or something?
Oh yeah, gotta watch out for Rom's charge attack.
literally every boss in every game
>they attack
>you attack
Not really, a lot have ranged attacks, AoD attacks, some have multiple mobs or support, some wait for your coming in etc.
Bosses in BB have all shitty movesets because they hit like a truck and because you die with 2 hits. So far it's a deception for me. Gascoigne was a glorified humanoid with a beast form, Cleric beast was shitty, chalices are padding full of bosses which OHKO you. And I'm stuck at Rom in the lower pthumerian chalice with my SL39 character because the boss is so badly designed.
Also the giant with a boulder is the worst boss I've ever seen in a video game. At least Pthumerian descendant was great.
>thought he just had a curtain or bedsheet drapped over his head.
>it was actually the skin from his flayed back.
>dodge left beast
Literally garbage boss, what are you talking about.
>use magic in DS or other games
>dozens of different attacks and strategies
>teaches you not to over rely on them
>use quicksilver bullets in BB
>same limited expenditure shit every time
>teaches you never to even use them, everything can be physically assaulted to death by going psychotic on them
The soundtrack is magnificent. There is your reason why it's intense.
You should try playing a pure arcane build some time.
Using the hunter tools like executioner's gloves and call from beyond was pretty fun. Especially after you snag the kos parasite.
literally every video game ever
>press buttons on some kind of input device
>pixels change colour on a screen
wow amazing, fuck this entire medium
You'd think a game about hunting beasts would be inventive about the ways you kill them but no, literally just run up to them and hit them.
ludwig is definitely the peak.
What did you want? Monster Hunter gameplay where you have to set traps and shit?
But I already did
I just kept spamming Blood Vials. I had so many at that point they were practically infinite.
>hardest boss means best boss
This fucking fandom. Also where are all the internet badasses claiming that they beat Ludwig first try solo with the cane whip? I thought this was Sup Forums.
DS1 > DS3 > BB > DS2 > DeS
And I mean it. The only thing BB has over DS3 is its level design (even though Cathedrale of the deep outshines everything else in the series, even Latria). BB offers so few variation in the gameplay department and shits the bed with its balance that it is quite under DS3 for me. DS3 has excellent bosses in the vanilla game and in the DLC while BB has so many shitty bosses in the vanilla game and a few good ones in the DLC.
I beat him solo with cane whip like all the other bosses because cane whip is the patrician weapon, but not on my first try
>>hardest boss means best boss
I think people like him because the fight is fast paced like BSB and the music is cool. Not to mention the second phase where he whips out Moonlight Greatsword if you weren't expecting it.
Kek. Just wait until you get to the Orphan of Kos, assuming you have the dlc.
You don't like Demon's Souls?
Play the game, boy.
Cane whip is an underpowered piece of junk.
Not if you apply git gud paper
Depends what order you play it. Either way the game goes to shit right around the one reborn.
I think most people went to BSB first unless they used a guide to read that they could get 10k souls for the gate key
> all these posts
> all these posts telling people to dodge/walk left
> not one person linked the video
Anyway, BSB is a mediocre boss. His damage is weirdly scaled for when you are meant to fight him, the grab will one-shot any player within the recommended level range unless they exclusively leveled vitality (and even then it's a maybe). But he's also the easiest thing in the game to avoid. It's a thrilling first encounter boss, but one that offers no satisfaction from repeat playthroughs. Wheras Gasgoine, Ludwig, Gehrman, Logarius, Orphan, Maria and even stuff like Amelia, Eribritas, Amygdala and Cleric Beast are always fun to fight.
The joke had been made like 3 times already.
BB peaks early and gets worse and worse until the last boss.
Old Hunters has the best bosses though.
>i never played the game or own it but here is my opinion
Gascoigne got pretty boring once you realize his only difficulty comes from how fast he can fire his blunderbus. It doesnt even do much damage, its just annoying for the first 2/3 of the fight. All his moves have huge windup and the beast form is even easier to deal with because you dont need to worry about a random shot that you cant react to throwing off your pace
Git Gud
Also, that shit looks badass when you swiftly dodge attacks.
That BB plat better not have taken more than 10 days.
Is anyone else surprised how fast you feel in DeS when you go back to play it?
Makes it hard to even replay DS1 and 2.
this desu senpai
Demon's Souls has 3 fifths which are very flawed and quite underwhelming. Valley of Defilement and the shrine of storms are either bland or way too linear for too little pay-off. Especially considering how short the game is.
Stonefang tunnel is average at best and feels like a forgettable level of a generic action RPG. I thought of Baldur's gate Dark alliance all along.
Only two worlds are really great and have an excellent level design, Latria and Boletaria, but even Boletaria has shit design with the dragons. It was a good first game, but the other games that came after it were way better, and even Dark Souls 2 has quite a few moments where it shines brighter and its length makes it a good adventure, a not so memorable but comfy journey that I can see myself replay in a few years, while DeS is too short for too little pay-off.
DeS has best maiden
My 100% effective strategy for Amelia is
>Fire paper
>Run up
>Attack her till she's dead
Any time I get dodge happy is when I eat shit. The majority of her moves focus on punishing dodging, if you keep close and just run around her the only attack that'll really hit is the little jab that barely does shit. She's such an easy boss when you don't be intimidated.
Wow you guys are all garbage. I never have had a single issue playing any video game on any difficulty either, and I only have one hand and 3 fingers. Whatever game or boss gave you issues, I did blindfolded. Whatever level took you more than one try I did on my first playthrough. If you are hit by any trap in the Souls series you are a trash player and should kill yourself. I saw every trap, every hidden enemy and found every single item on my first playthrough.
You guys call yourselves video game fans? Please, you guys are truly pathetic.
git gud or go home
10 days
I liked Shrine of Storms.
But One Reborn leads to the Nightmare. Micolash sucks but the preceding area is great, and Mergo's Wet Nurse and Gehrman coming afterwards cap off the game pretty well. Moon Presence is kind of a push over though.
Plus you're more than likely going to do Upper Cathedral Ward after the One Reborn, which is my personal favorite area in the game.
Ludkids need to stop. The kino meme was never funny, even as a meta commentary how the best moment in fromsoft history is just called "movie" because the actual gameplay is mediocre, it isnt funny.