Yakuza thread?

Yakuza thread?

I'm really enjoying this so far, but how essential are the business parts? Is it really worth the time to grind all of the properties if I'm not a completionist? Obviously the money is useful for upgrades, but it seems like more effort than it's worth. I like doing side quests, but it feels more like work than fun.

If you don't want to make a truckload of money, the rest of your moveset for your different styles, and unlock the fourth style for your characters then I wouldn't really bother with them.

Seriously though, it's pretty important that you do them.

Completing it unlock Kiryu's classic fighting style

Aside from that, no

I see. It's just a pain in the dick that the money comes in so fast that before you do anything you feel that you have to go back and collect it. I have upgraded the speed to the second fastest level though. I don't see the point in putting points in to running faster.

Make a new video fag.

Yeah I know what you mean, shit just drags on but I feel like it's definitely worth it for the moves you unlock from it.

you should donate

>should donate
Sure, if you do all the mini games for me in Y0.

Ok, I'll do them.

Who are you, and what videos do you make? I haven't been here in months and don't remember you from old Yakuza threads.

Genocide the Mr Shakedown race with zap guns for unlimited yen.

Why is the disco mini game so hard Sup Forums?

Just fight him in Beast mode on Legend.
Zap guns take way too long.

Because there are bright colors everywhere, and the button prompt is hard to see. It's easier if you turn up the music and press the buttons to the rhythm.

Race? I avoid him at all costs and am only on chapter 6.

It's ridiculous fun to play, but I'm awful at it. It's one of the things that makes me love the series. Somebody is in trouble, but first, a dance and a spot of karaoke.

>Challenged to fight with Media King
>The other kings were pushovers so I'll just take care of this real qui----FUCK
>Forced to quit and reload, lose 3 hours of progress

Currently playing through 1, but fuck it, it´s obtuse sometimes. First when they tell you nothing and expect you to realize that you should not be seen in the funeral, expend like an hour doing that, and then when that fucking kid Haruka runs away and there´s no indication about where to look for her (uuuh, maybe Aiko knows something, but who the flying fuck is that Aiko guy). How much does 2 improves this shit? because I wanted to play the ps3 ones before I started 0, but holly shit, this is getting boring

also the combat is being shit, most of my punches go to the air, because I can´t redirect my attacks mid combo and the character always seems to face in the opposite direction of an enemy

Please do not speak ill of Haruka.

2 is an improvement, 3 an improvement on 2. 4 is less interesting narratively, but great fun. 5 has pacing issues, but still great. 0 is much more streamlined than all of them and feels like a much tighter experience.


I forgot how absurd the story in 1 is. "Here's a fuckload of money. If you can punch your way through Japan you can have it".

Such a ridiculous way of tying the story in to the gameplay, but it works.

Haven't played any of the Yakuza games before, but I picked up 0 the other day and am enjoying it. I'm still at the point where you're looking for more information on the Tachibana company because I'm just running around the map grinding money and doing random substories and playing the minigames. Got a triple win (frilled gecko figures) over in the crane game. Without spoilers is it safe to assume that I'll get more money in fights for progressing the story? Those 30 million yen upgrades take a good while to grind out.

Yeah, but if you spend your points at the shrine you can increase it further. Also, minor gameplay spoiler, you take over businesses and 30m will be fuck all. It costs billions to upgrade them all.

The business and side stuff is some of the most fun stuff to do in the game faggot.

I figured out the business part of it through the shrine already, so not that big of a spoiler. The reason I'm still running around in chapter 2 aside from just having fun with random battles and such is because I'm afraid of missing out on any substories that may or may not be locked to certain chapters. Is that something that happens, substories that you can only get during certain chapters? Am enjoying the game either way though.

the business parts are a bit of a grind but you make tons of money and unlock the hidden legendary fighting style for kiryu and majima at the end

I enjoyed it, but also felt the pacing was all over the place. I never understood the point of getting costumes but couldn't equip any of them until after you've beaten the game..??

I believe you can miss some sub stories (but I'm not certain) but most of them stack. I only did three of Kiryu's until chapter six. Now I'm doing all the ones I can.

Can't you purchase the upgrade at the shrine to change?

>Please do not speak ill of Haruka.
We hate Haruka here now. She's pretty much Daigo tier now, after what she does in 6.

Only thing that improved Haruka is the KHHsubs guy's gag sub of the first game and she's a budding serial killer in it.