The makers of Chinese video games are looking to take advantage of the ‘pink economy’ by creating more LGBTI content

>The makers of Chinese video games are looking to take advantage of the ‘pink economy’ by creating more LGBTI content.
>The pink economy is estimated to be worth about $300 billion annually as Chinese society becomes more accepting of LGBTI people.
>China is the third largest LGBTI consumer market in the world behind the United States and Europe.
>Beijing based video game designer Zhu Qiming has always wanted to make an LGBTI friendly game as gamers, on average, are gayer than the general population.
>He is developing ‘Rainbow Town’ which is a life simulation game for smartphones. In the game users dress up their avatars in stylish clothes and interact with other online users.

How would Sup Forums make a gay game?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just make a game about Sup Forums

What does the I stand for? And where is the Q?

China is so based. I can't wait until they overtake America as the world's superpower


Proof that fags never know anything.

China isn't dicking around in the middle east fighting for Israel and they provide healthcare for their citizens

China: 2
Murica: 0


why do they change the fucking acronym every god damn day?

Japanese video games are becoming more gay.

>providing state healthcare
>a good thing
fuck off commie

>What does the I stand for?


Last time I saw it there was a Q and fucking + in it.

China fabricatred climate change and healthcare is socalism, trump will stop all that.

Because there are many LGBTQIA groups. It's not like we're a great big gay hivemind

>chinese videogames
wow I can't wait to play Legacy of Welda, Bloodboom and Hallo 5



China is also an oppressive communist state. Look up Tienemen square, underage commie faggot.

>gamers, on average, are gayer than the general population.
>meanwhile cucks here complain about gay characters in video games

It's LGBTQIAF nowadays user, fucking learn to leave your problematic lazyness behind

Stop normalizing anything past the T, otherwise you'll encourage faggots to keep adding more snowflake disorders. If they had their way, it's already up to LGBTIQQP2+ or something.

>amerifats want to destroy their environment and not give healthcare to their own people

Not even mad. It just makes China's ascension that much easier

And now you know why so many games have SJW shit in them. It's not agena pushing, shit just sells.

> Tibet

They also don't take care of seriously injured people on the streets because you can be sued due to their fucked up laws.

Also killing female babies and torturing dogs and cats.

>How would Sup Forums make a gay game?

Why not just queer? Wouldn't that cover every non-hetero sexual identity for the sake of discussing the group as a whole?

I'm glad china provides healthcare for the workers that get paid 2 dollars an hour for dangerous factory work and for the people who have to use poorly constructed and poorly regulated Chinese infrastructure and the people who have to breathe smog in every day in their cities

>lecturing others over civil rights

How many unarmed citizens have your police shot today?

Why do we need laws stating you can't do mining operations by rivers? It's pure communism.

That law changed, dumb Amerifat. Go eat a hamburger

China makes games?

I stands for intersex.

Which is kind of strange because most people would agree it's a spectrum of medical conditions and not completely related to lgbt.

There are serious human rights issues with intersex babies and toddlers being forced to have "normalization" surgery even if the sex parents and doctors assign doesn't match their chromosomes or leaves them infertile.

It's obviously a huge problem but the lgbt community doesn't care about it and a lot of intersex people don't want to be lumped in with trans issues.

>be bi
>be in homosexual relationship

i don't associate with this retarded group at all. besides my boyfriend, i have like... one LGBT friend, and she's a lesbian that hates the LGBT community. regardless of the fact that i'm fucking another man, i think these people shouldn't have rights.

Look dude they artificially inflate their GDP by building giant cities and then these cities are left abandoned.

China is not riding high like you think.

N-no! Only cis-white male games sell at all! The only reason anyone would put a non-cis white male in their game is because they are jews trying to contribute to white genocide!

statistically like .27

Massive amounts of freemium pay2win shit.

t. black man in the kkk

Lemme guess youre one of those people that think police arent necessary.

Fact is is that blacks commit more crimes and we need police. Get over it.


t. straight white male

Nothing to hide nothing to fear, anyone who got shot got what they deserved.

>every crime warrants a death sentence by police
>inb4 le Ferguson meme man

Let's get this out onto a tray

half nig half white


there is no kkk, dingus.

1. Not even an amerifat
2. That sure brings back all the thousands of dead people. Just because you changed something doesn't mean you don't have to attone for it.

Take a one way helicopter ride you commie fuck

you forget that China blows up a lot

Tell me why communism is bad.

Don't know about China specifically but public healthcare in developing countries might as well not exist. Good luck waiting months for an appointment.
People only use them for serious shit like cancer.

>all this replies

Why do American get offended so easily?

Fuck donald trump.

100 million dead people.



>Unironically being an ancap
Enjoy having your house burn down because the fire department couldn't make an instant profit off charging you for services.

because China is a shithole filled with the scum of the earth

That strawman got decimated. Good job.

He didn't say anything about black's or policemen being unnecessary

Being a nigger warrants a death sentence.

I don't give a shit what race they are. You're all Amerifat citizens so as a whole you're a violent, filthy, obese people. I'm glad your government is cutting environmental regulations and healthcare. The more dead Amerifats, the better

Oh I don't know. Maybe because every implementation of it resulted in the brutal death of millions? Mao / Stalin / Khmer Rogue ring a bell?

Or because Karl Marx was a fat fuck that lived off his rich friend Engels while simultaneously complaining about how bad the working class is being treated.

Communism is based on a utopia that can only function if you defy human nature and force people to adhere to it.

And billions have died at the hands of centralised governments in general, guess we should all be anarchist?

Tell me why communism is bad not the crimes of dictators who practiced it.

Sounds like you're violating the NAP, buddy

You know what that means

I'm fine with cutting environmental regulations. More iron or whatever in my water supply isn't going to kill me.

>tell me why something is bad with no evidence

The constant expansion of the acronym is to fold more people into a groupthink mentality. It's a standard political play.

Every communist country is a shit hole with a terrible human rights record.

Name one that isn't

How bout you tell us why it's good and give us five examples of major successful communist states.

It's too idealistic. It assumes people are nice and generous and will kindly allow the slow descent into communism when it gives a dictator the perfect advantage to rise up.

>Video games


wtf I hate China now!

>Maybe because every implementation of it resulted in the brutal death of millions?
I've never read the Communist Manifesto but I'm pretty sure there's not a chapter on setting up a brutal regime that murders the working man willynilly while the elite live in ridiculous wealth and comfort

Maybe that's why they started using terms like "Marxist-Leninist" over regular old "Marxist". Like maybe, it wasn't the same thing at all

>make a game
>add a coupla gay fags

bada bing bada boom youre done

I bet those faggots eat pink rice as well.

Communism inherently leads to dictatorship.

And anarchism inherently leads to warlordism.

>Killing your females
>Getting a country of faggots


>blacks deserve to die because I don't like them

Yeah man just look at all those democratic communist countries

Gender sliders with coloring tools, filters and cropping tools.
You literally paint your character's gender instead of clicking radio buttons or check boxes.
It shall be called Adobe Gendershop and it will be the most confusing thing extraterrestrial beings will ever discover on our then barren planet.

There is literally nothing wrong with Communism. Sup Forums shitposts and biased infographics are not a valid measure.

>yea they failed but they weren't REAL communism

Sup Forums is right again.

Asians arent people.

So that the politician in charge of enforcing that rule can let his brother break it without any concequences.

What chinese game are there?

>I've never read the Communist Manifesto but I'm pretty sure there's not a chapter on setting up a brutal regime that murders the working man willynilly while the elite live in ridiculous wealth and comfort

Doesn't matter, that's what it fundamentally leads to.

But this post is perfectly good evidence.

I didn't say blacks, I said niggers.

I really like reading about infighting among the lgbt community. I had a good laugh at the cotton ceiling.

Communism is evil, but your average american doesn't even know what communism is to begin with. It's a big complicated word so it's been simplified to any government that does anything other than fight wars for israel and kill all dissidents that disagree with you.

Gooks and faggots; earth's most repulsive ''people'', it's a match made in heaven.

Make a gay videogame. Just gay/lesbian, not add a single thing from the other letters.

In fact maybe throw some offensive trans character for the laughs.

Real communism hasn't been tried yet

Real ancap hasn't been tried either but we know its a fucking retarded idea from the gate.

Because it's an ideology for autists who pretend the second industrial revolution didn't happen and try to (poorly)apply a 150 year outdated ideology to societies(developed Western world) where it's no longer useful or even relevant. Which is why everytime it gets tried it gets coopted for malevolent purposes or just fucking sucks for everybody but a few. There are already communes out there and nobody but a handful of hippies want to be a part of them.

They wouldn't understand the difference. Sheltered whites only experience with black communities is in the form of token half-breeds.

We should just nuke them fucking chinks desu
Japs had a right idea during WW2. Subhuman chink scum doesn't deserve to live

It has. What you mean is that you personally weren't in charge of it therefore it didn't work? It would work if you were supreme dictator, obviously.

>chinese video games

I haven't tried really fucking a porcupine but I'm pretty sure it's a bad idea.

user, Intersex is generally infertile in the first place, due their gender tendencies being too weak in the first place.

Most armies trough out history has already experienced that.
Inb4 somebody posts the painting of the turks walking in a ring.