I would play the shit out of Persona Q2 and you fags would, too...

I would play the shit out of Persona Q2 and you fags would, too. You know you are looking forward to some of the shitty spinoffs. Don't lie.

Other urls found in this thread:


I loved Q and I absolutely want a Q2. Why would I lie about that?

I am. I really liked the cast and would love to see more of them. I know yusuke is fated to be bastardize as the art-man but I just want more SOL hijinks with this party.

I don't like EO gameplay, sorry.

And I'd honestly prefer no more milking and a new Persona game instead or a mainline spinoff.

I really think an arena shooter with each character using their unique guns would work.

I know japanese can't into first person shooter but I trust Atlus.

>tfw it will be for 3DS

I am definitely looking forward to them. I am expecting:

Rythym Game
Fighting Game

Same. The best part is my favorite characters from p5 are largely phys based so I have nothing to worry about when it comes to them being good or not

As long as it isn't for the switch or new 3ds only I don't care. I still have my old 3DS hacked and ready to pirate games on the rare occasion something good gets released.

Now magic characters are superior.

Naoto is factually the most broken character on PQ and she's a magic char. (Aigis is broken too but not at that extend)

I hope they bring magic up to par with physical if they do make Q2. I didn't really suffer from magic being shit because Kanji and Junpei are my favorite characters from their respective games so they never left my party and those two alone can wreck anything.

For Q2 they'd be joined by Haru and Labrys (a man can dream) so physical being superior wouldn't be a hindrance, but I'd like magic to be viable to make repeat playthroughs with different party compositions enjoyable.

I thought PQ was pretty boring and would rather they go a different route with a P5 spinoff.

Fuck PQ, it shat on all that make EO great. I'd welcome a Persona 5 Ultimax though.

I can't even finish Persona Q so not really.
I just want persona 5 Rouge.

PQ is persona w/out the shitty weekly planner, if something is among the best Persona games.

Yeah, I definitely would prefer another fighting game. Non canon in my dreams so there are no roster limitations but Atlus seems pretty adamant about everything being canon

Naoto is good because of high luck and agility and instant kill and status being super strong. Magic has nothing to do with it really.

I never finished PQ, dunno why for sure, I think I didn't get into the story stuff which bogged down the dungeons too much for my taste.

If they do a new Arena/Ultimate though I'll get that, especially if they do a Switch version so I can play it portable. Biggest disappointment I had with P4U was no Vita version.

Persona Q was fucking garbage

Just play the series it rips off.

I am going to buy every single piece of gaming related Persona media and I'm going to adore it aswell. I'll even buy the special editions I'm the goodest goy when it comes to this series, that's not to say I dont play SMT I do and I've played every game in the series and bought some of them.

Fuck, why did this make me laugh?

My copy of PQ keeps crashing in the 3rd dungeon that I've not been able to play at all.

3rd dungeon is the best dungeon

A p5arena would be glorious. Seeing how the P3 cast grew up was the biggest selling point for me with P4A.
>Police academy Chie
>Full amagi-hostess Yukiko
>Detective long-hair Naoto
>Kanji being a shopkeeper or something
>Teddie embracing the drag
>Rise embracing the slut as she's becoming a old-hag idol by japan standards.

>Brotag remains exactly the same to the point where his P4A assets are reused

How would they flanderize the cast?

>Kanji being a shopkeeper or something
>not a teacher
I'd like to believe that though the memories of Q's events were erased, he eventually went down that path anyway.

No, I want Persona 6.

>dude Ann lmao
>dude art lmao
>dude autism lmao
>dude white girl lmao
>dude Lady Ann lmao
>dude memes lmao
>dude gardening ohoho
>dude i'm not the traitor lmao

What I want is P4A2 with redesigns for the P4 cast

I'd understand if it was the Pyramid of Cavum for introducing the best girl

I liked the ruse cruise the most because of how many minibosses it threw at me, and also for COGNITION, SON, playing back and forth with the buttons got tedious as fuck after the first room with it though, the larger areas really should have had a second button just so I didn't need to spend so much time backtracking to the same area after opening a door


>FOEs that don't null Hama
oh baby!

I think the game could use more minigame activities.

Pretty sure you're the same user from yesterday who made a post exactly like this. Or maybe this is just pasta

PQ is terrible. will never play those type of rpg ever again.

I'm intersted, if they can fix the dire game speed.

the question is would they drop p3 and/or p4 for these hypothetical spin-offs?

>Our cat turns into a van
>Oh yeah, well our bear turns into a fabulous faggot!
>Our dog... is a dog.

They do have a robot though two if they give us Labrys

They have Makoto who is a robot inside beep boop.

This thread got me in the mood to replay this game. Which side has Kanji's heart to heart with Ken?


Thanks. Gonna try using characters I avoided like Teddie. Apparently he has a gimmick sleep circle build or something that sounds interesting.

Q isn't a shitty spinoff, it's a good Persona x Etrian Odyssey crossover.
Dancing all night is a shitty spinoff.

is that pic in this book


Play P3 side instead for Ken's heart to heart with Shinji
It's heartbreaking

just give me a dancing game with p3 characters and music

>Dancing is what inevitably saves Door-kun.

>SEES saves the MC from having to be the door through the power of ritualistic dance

Fuck Q, give me my P5 Arena. I need my Makoto bike combos.

>Consistency with Attributes

P3 side is seriously lacking in events like the P4 side. I understand they wanted to keep a more serious feel, but they outright remove lots of lenghty scenes and replace them with like 2 lines.

I just need Mitsuru and Makoto talking about motorcycles.

I want to see Mitsuru and Haru bond over the similarities of circumstance and coming to appreciate their differences as people. Although they have very different personalities and made very different decisions, I think they could have some really cute bonding moments together.

Q2 is happening (P5 cast gets added, secret dungeon a la EO, new character which at the end of the game gets revealed to be the cause of everything, I wish it would be on 3DS but its totally going to be for Switch)

-P5 Arena (Entire cast added except Goro, Justine and Caroline like Ice Climbers, and for DLC Zen and Rei and maybe Dojima, PS4)

P5 Crimson Edition (Shiho SL, new month added with new palace, 3rd tier Personas, Switch)


Why are people begging for fucking side events like P4?

Do people not realize that P3 and P5 take place in the big city where the pace of life is much faster and it's harder to get people together to just hang out/chill? The only reason P4 had all those side things was because it was a rural setting.

P4 protagonist goes full Edgelord and inherits Tsukiyomi

He's talking about persona q. It's a crossover game so the big appeal of it is seeing characters interact with each other and fucking around, which is somewhat lacking on the 3 side.

>old hag by Japan standards

She's starring in a movie in P5 and is 20 years old. Not even cake territory yet.

His wild card isn't just for Sho you know, it's only appropriate that he use more than one persona in an Arena game.

I was talking about Persona Q, in which you can decide what side (P3 or P4) do you want to play as at the start of the game.

And it takes place in a school festival lol

He doesn't even have to go edgelord, he's a wildcard user.



I'd main Shido in a P5Arena

Fuckin nanocognitions

What the fuck did Yosuke went on to be?
A bum?

Running walmart I guess

I love P3 through P5 and honestly I couldn't stand Persona Q personally. The dungeon-crawling was just mind-numbingly repetitive to me even compared to other JRPG's, and the only reason I kept playing was to see more of the character interactions and cutscenes, but eventually even that wasn't enough to warrant the tediousness I felt of the gameplay, so I ended up just stopping entirely after the 3rd or 4th dungeon. That type of dungeon-crawling just isn't for me, I guess.

If we get some actual sprites sure. BB and P4A are so ugly.

>P5U with the Xrd Engine

I'm not sure if its even possible but man would that look sweet as fuck

Would it be possible to day one purchase any harder?