You're buying my friend's game may 3th, right?

You're buying my friend's game may 3th, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

No. I got about 20 hours into FC but stopped playing because it was too easy, the battle system was unengaging, and the story wasn't particularly interesting.



still waiting for SC to get an actual discount

Calvard when?

Don't forget about Juna's game.

Its worth full price, I'd be surprised if it doesn't get a sale when the third releases or in the summer sale.

I'm buying Ries and Kevin's game, not yours, you brainless bimbo.

>may thirth

is that so, how is the music, is there anything as good as the forest theme and battle themes?

>supporting xseed

>Nioh DLC and Kiseki 3rd almost at the same time

The themes for areas from fc are mostly the same but the new stuff is pretty good too. Even if nothing is as good as Hollow Light of the Sealed Land.

The House of Albarea issues a formal decree that its current head, Lord Jusis Albarea is best Cold Steel.

>Even if nothing is as good as Hollow Light of the Sealed Land.
But SC's last dungeon theme better. Well slightly

Also SC overworld theme > FC's

>my """friend's""" game
it's her game!

I like the pillar music but hollow light is just so good.

>may 3th

Stop posting okuyasu

No, it's not.

Fuck no.

I have too many goddamn RPGs to play through right now.


Back off

If you have avita just hack it

whacha got on your backlog senpai?

I really want more games with Kevin.

>Thomas is stronger than Not-Vash with Gate of Babylon

Is number of Dominion directly relates to his power?

Never even played the first two they any good?

I always imagined Thomas being more of a reality-breaker -tier rather than raw strength

I'd assume so, based on Kevin saying that he's 5th best when he's the 5th Dominion.

I mean, Thomas can make a timeless pocket dimension with a snap of his fingers.


Top song of 3rd is probably Overwhelming heavenly bless

It uses parallel 5ths chords, which usually is only used in jazz in the typical falcom JDK fashion. So fucking good.

Gate of Babylon sure looks cooler though.
And Kevin probably doesn't have the full control over his power as well given whatever giant laser beam he fires in Crossbell games.

I sure hope Sen 3's gonna show us what kinda bullshit Barkhorn has under his sleeves other than how he travels real fast.

I hope Sen 3 stops the holding back meme


>CS3 only holds back most of the time

Would you say you hope Falcom have been holding back on not using the holding back meme?

I hope they can properly characterize Rean

Holding back happens in every single kiseki game though. Pretty much no one's going all out.

I'm playing SC now, and while I don't care about most of the cast and the troupes, the bad guys, the whole Jusoha story and that lame ass guy. I do enjoy playing it. I am amazed of how much the world building is making me look past the points that I don't care much for.

It's neither of those irrelevant sluts' game.

Rean will be the one holding back in the next game.

Semi-related note, but how much holding back is there in Tokyo Xanadu?

Yeah, the anime-trope filled characters are common-place, it just happens that the world and inner politics is interesting enough to keep playing.

Brainless bimbo

I like this art style. Looks like a newer ragnarok online

I'm on a similar boat, but I've only played FC. Most of the characters are not likeable, but the world is so well done and the game is fun enough that I am really enjoying it.

Though I ship Joshua with Kloe but the game is forcing him with Estelle so hard it is disgusting. I hate incest.

I put in for fucking leave to play the game! Finally managed to beat Loewe on Nightmare, just gotta get through the final boss this weekend and I'll be set to play the 3rd.

Aside from growing up together, I still found their romance acceptable. I think they give Kloe someone to rebound onto.

They barely even grew up together, wasn't Estelle like 11 or 12 when Cassius brought Joshua home? I thought they'd only been together for like 5 years.

Easy? I played on hard and thought that some of the fights were quite hard. It's not really a matter of skill but you have to carefully manage your MP.

I died quite a bit in the later parts.

Something like that. Joshua was only there for a few years at best. Not long enough for the brother/sister effect to kick in.

Exactly, only 5 years, even if it was an enormous developmental time for Joshua to live life normally again.

Lila and the Mayor were really hot.

Out of the FC cast, Schera was so fucking uninteresting.

>bring strapping young lad home
>hasn't been shown human compassion in years
>suddenly introduced to normal girl his own age
>must now go through learning to live his life again at her side
Cassius knew what the fuck the outcome of this was, the man won't make a cup of coffee without bringing a metric fuckton of keikaku down on a secret organization.

She was a more fun choice in the first few SC chapters than fucking Agate

Okay that much I can agree with.

But the Agate Olivier moments were 10/10

So are the Schera Olivier moments. Actually pretty much all Olivier moments are 10/10

>Favorite characters in Sky and Cold Steel are both blonde
>They're both great Arts users


A rare case of a game I actually look forwards to.


Agate's dub voice sounded so fucking nerdy, it was hilarious.

Is there romance in this? Is the nun Kevin's waifu or just a friend?

Childhood friends but apparently it's not as direct and up in your face as Estelle x Joshua

The forest theme is the same, the normal battle music is worse, but the boss battles are MILES better

A friend

If I remember to buy a PS4.

I did the Renee seal tower fight without instant death protection and the opening of Fateful Confrontation is drilled into my mind from how many attempts it took.

>forgetting one of the best fight themes

The overworld theme is way better too..

>the normal battle music is worse
this kills the comfy hopes

It also had the best airship theme
Nothing was as comfy as the airship segments.

alright now i'm interested

It was alright, I didn't find those scenes all that amazing but I still enjoyed them.

This was surprisingly catchy as fuck, but only played once in the game, IIRC

Man. I still sorta like SC normal battle theme.

Instead of walking everywhere you travel between cities using the airships and the airship scenes serve as the interludes between chapters. Comfy as fuck.

Best ship

Nothing really tops Sophisticated Fight.
The first seconds of Silver Will is still my favorite. That and Blue Destination

except for fucking chapter 8 hey go get some fucking fuel I sure hope you brought a cloak rune


this... this is not bad at all
music truly is the best part of this series

Great taste, Maybelle and Lila were top tier.

I'm going to buy SC when it goes on sale. I heard there's something really difficult right in the beginning of the game that I should prepare my anus for?

>I got about 20 hours into FC but stopped playing because it was too easy
So... you made it through the prologue, and wondered why it wasn't hard yet?

It's 1/3 off right now on gog. Stop whining and just fucking buy it so we'll get crossbell, too, retard.

The prologue segments only has Estelle and one other character and the fights are kind of tough. Once you get past it, you only have a handful of boss fights that are tough.

Oh and avoid using AOE on these things called Abyss Worms.

You're getting new orbal gear right off the bat, so you start with a really basic orbal setup. That combined with a couple pretty tough bossfights can be hard, especially on higher difficulties.

Small party, whole inventory gone, all orbs gone, that's trouble. Later you have more options again, and it gets more comfortable again.

Prologue is always the hardest part in Kiseki games actually.


Yeah, not in that one. Difficulty scales fairly well over time.

Thank you friend.

But I already bought Rean's game.

But Millium is the best cold steel, she is the only Ironblood in your party after all.

You mean Jusis' game.

But this time, you will be the one to hold back user.

post literal sluts

The twins are pure you enormous jack ass

>Rean will never romance the twins
>Rean will never romance Instructor Mary
>Rean will never romance Mint
>Rean will never romance Rosine