There's been a Castlevania game every year since its release, EXCEPT for the past two years. Why?
konami got out of gaming and into pachinko?
bullshit. Konami always had a pachinko branch, a fitness device production branch, a casino software/gaming branch and of course the video games they do.
Castlevania was outsourced and it's overplayed now. Iga left Konami as well so I don't even know what they're doing.
I wish companies would just go back to their roots. Give us a 2D side scroller again.
pretty sure they announced that they where no longer doing gaming
That just shows how tired the franchise was before. Not to mention that all the 3D games were shit and most of the later 2D games were like a shit version of Metroid.
Konami hates video games and they had been unsure of what to do with CV since the GBA titles. Just look at AoS's main character, the anime stylings of PoR, and that shitty western reboot - they were desperately trying to figure out how to make the series sell and they just couldn't do it.
Anyways they're out of gaming except for garbage like Metal Gear Survival so CV is dead.
Even if they revive Castlevania, there's nobody at Konami that would make it, let alone make a good one.
And we all saw what happened when the series got outsourced.
Konami hates video games, its fans, and anything that isn't pachinko or cheap mobile games.
Just put Bloodlines on PS4
This makes me sad
I would really like a sequel to Harmony of Despair
It was clearly more of a proof of concept and was basically entirely reused assets, but I think it worked overall and there's not many games like it. I think a game like that would do very well as budget/sale game on steam whre you buy 4 packs for friends and shit although that probably would require japs to have some kind of western market awareness.
I feel like there's unexplored potential for that kind of multiplayer setup.
What are you going on about, OP? There was a new Castlevania last year, and there's going to be one this year as well.
I'm looking forward to the Netflix show
I keep hoping we'll get some sort of HD re-release of LoS2
I don't get the appeal of these, it seems like the chances of you not losing each of the 'fights' is so low and I really don't want to pay money to see Trevor jobbing over and over
It's probably going to get revived for Switch.
>Not to mention that all the 3D games were shit
after all this years people still parrot AVGN shit
90% of fags that say that never actually played the ps2 games, they are not amazing but they are not shit either
Where the fuck is Grant?
Oh fuck
Classicvania R
>Masturbating furiously
all i hear is feet trotting from the "game' and a i see a bunch of flashing lights and a bunch of jojo stances
Castlevania is already perfected with lord of shadow... so no need for a new game.
>Not to mention that all the 3D games were shit
>he never played curse of darkness
i will forever defend this game from meme shitters like you.
it was a great game.
Holy....I want more
>Iga had plans to make a sequel for OoE on the 3DS
>The plans were rejected and the game got scrapped as a whole
>Could have likely had another trio of Igavanias for the 3DS like we had with the GBA and DS, or at the very least had a kick ass sequel to OoE
How lame.
Lords of shadow 2 was such a failure it made them not want to touch the series again.
lament of innocence was the only good 3d castlevania
>Went to get my copy of OoE signed by Iga at Pax Prime 2015
>Realize I don't actually own OoE and that I've just been playing it on a flash card
I got my copy of Dracula X Chronicles signed instead.
Iga was so drunk he could barely sit in his chair.
My negro! The crafting was fucking amazing. Although the ID evolution paths became somewhat of a grind at some point imo.
LoI and CoD get way too much shit. The Innocent Devil system in particular was very nice.
Konami doesn't care about Castlevania anymore, only pachinko and anything that guarantees significant profit.
Does Super Bomberman R count? It has Belmont Bomber for free.
This comes out in 2 days, and it's absolutely free.
>inb4 shilling, the game looks like shit, blah blah blah etc. etc.
Because for some reason, most game studios decided to shoot turds all over their best franchises for the past 4 years. Also Konami got out of the AAA gaming biz because they're the only AAA company honest with themselves enough to accept AAA game development can't be sustainable, successful and actually put out annual professional-grade content, all at once.
Because Konami is Konami and Konami is the worst.
Fucking love Iga
>Alucard wakes up
>His coffin just breaks
Kek. Looks alright, it would have been nice to see a map to gauge the relative size and complexity of the castle or other areas though.
Also reminded me of another CV fan game:
if there is a game in the works, which i doubt, they would probably want to try to launch it with that Netflix series
also this. Konami has realized the outsourcing thing doesn't work. now they're trying to handle it internally, and that's how we got Meta Gear Survive because there's no one on the team with the pull or the balls to tell the suits to fuck off with their retarded ideas.
Lecarde Chronicles 1 was pretty big so I imagine this one would be as well.
This looks amazing! Why doesn't Konami do this?
wow thanks for sharing this user this looks amazing.
i hope it feels fine to control and not clunky because this seems the only thing that could kill this game for me.
Do you happen to have an image showing a map of the castle or anything? I ask because exploration is my favorite part of Castlevanias, and well-designed or large castles are always nice to have.
Looks neat but some of that spritework is garbage ugly.
I would if I could, but I've just been following the game. I have no access to any assets other than media like the trailer I linked.
He's about 10 mins in in the 8 bit segment.
But user, what are you saying, this year they will release a new game :^)
What's everyone's favorite Castlevania game and why?
Althought, my first castlememe was Mirror of fate,
my favorite is still the Super Castlevania IV, not becuase muh diagonal weep, but because its atmosphere, its fucking ebic.
objectively-3 and rondo were the best.
personally -dracula x and aria of sorrow because of nostalgia.
I'm still playing Dracula's Curse after all these years. Best part is the soundtrack. Listened to the jap version for the first time last week and got goosebumps.
If only there was a spiritual successor I could perhaps fund in some manner which would take advantage of my nostalgia and rob me of my hard earned money.
Castlekino: Rondo, SoTN, Belmont's Revenge, Akumajou Densetsu, Aria of Sorrow, X68000, CV1, DXC
The rest are great but those are my favorite. Super CV4 is horribly overrated but still good. Simon's Quest is the only actually bad Castlevania and 3D Vanias fuck off.
too bad the new iga game seems to be shit.
i really hope they manage to make it look more polished by release because its looks really sluggish.
It's already trash
>go back to their roots
Just like they said with Dead Rising 4.
they're doing mgs and bomberman lately
and more pachinko, keep up
There hasn't been a castlevania game since 2009.
It's dead, Jim.
Is this supposed to prove my point?
Whatever you say, faggot.
Looks fun but my god is the color pallet and sprite work straight dog shit. Will still probably check it out though.
Happy we can agree.
It's not perfect, but for fan game that looks and sounds fucking great. Why haven't I heard about this sooner? You guys need to shill this more.
This is why I clicked the thread, I asked for this.
Gimme the shot doc, lemme die.
I have no idea why it isn't shilled too hard. The first game pretty much was released quietly 4 years ago and is still pretty unknown.
Trailer & download link (under the video) for the first one.
It was a really fun game.
That's what indie devs are for
Just HOW can you fuck up this hard?
Well. That actually looks pretty neat for a fan title.
Never even heard of it.
Why do the sprites look so shitty?
Rebrith and Castlevania 64. 64 mainly for the story, atmosphere, and music.
If you actually decide to play the first game in this series.
Easy: bad ending, final boss is death
normal: bad ending but get to play the entire game
Hard: True ending
Just play on hard.
Ralph I know you're in this thread, you should give me a discord invite, I miss the vent guys
All they needed to do was introduce a dating sim system with monster girls and that shit would fly off the shelves.
>has a problem with Castlebania
I miss old Konami. ;_;
Zip bang zippity dead get this stalker outta my thread
I'm interested in this..
So I haven't played Portrait of Ruin yet because I wanted to wait until I actually beat Ecclesia which I did yesterday. Is it good?
>... YOU...
It's alright. It's sorta like Ecclesia in the sense there's a bunch of smaller mini areas to go though unlike Ecclesia though. You're actually the castle the whole time while you're at it.
The tag team system is kinda neat even if the game doesn't use it well all that much.
it's because DmC did a better job at combat mechanics they assume the ps2vanias are shit which they really aren't.
hi burg
PoR is a good mix of everything but doesn't quite exceed in any particular area. It has fun combat with two characters to switch between (whip/physical weapon user and a magic user), and it has a variety of areas (paintings) to explore but some of them are pretty linear and the castle itself is very straight forward in progression. It's also got a sudden difficulty jump half-way through, but it's nothing unmanageable. It's a pretty good game though that breaks away from the usual design decisions in a few ways, though.
>You're actually the castle the whole time while you're at it.
Dude, what?
As in the castle while you're doing the mini areas which are various paintings you come across.
there is the main castle and you get the stage variety from jumping into paintings mario 64. style.
Lords of Shadow were perfectly good games
Oh okay, for a second there I thought I was in for an acid trip story.
>New Castlevania tries to reimagine the series
>Instead of playing a Belmont traversing Castlevania to kill Dracula, you are now Castlevania itself and have to kill the Belmont
>It's a dungeon-builder style game where you build the castle one area at a time, place enemies and bosses around, and have to kill the Belmont as they become more and more powerful before they reach Dracula
>Also features an online mode where you can build and traverse castles and share them with other players
I used to like Curse of Darkness, but I played it again last year and my opinion changed a lot. The game is way too focused on the combat, and while having a bunch of weapons with different movesets is cool, 90% of the game being locked into samey rooms until you kill all enemies isn't. The level design is just trash all around and like Dawn of Sorrow it also suffers from all the warp points being in completely useless locations.
Lament of Innocence is the opposite, the combat is a lot worse but the level design is far better.
I have a tough call deciding between Super CV4, SotN, and PoR.
People give PoR a lot of shit but holy cow does that game have content. 7 fucking playable characters, the whole extra boss rush dungeon at the end, the fact that you could fucking make simple enemy gauntlets and have people run them for rewards, an online shop...
So many cool things in that game. The anime portraits look bleh but they're a step up from DoS, and honestly the game plays like a better version of DoS with how your skills upgrade.
So yeah, PoR gets way too much shit, that game is probably the best DS Castlevania.
>7 fucking playable characters
Jonathan and Charlotte, Stella and Loretta, presumably Richter for a Belmont mode... Who else is there to play as that I'm unaware of?
There's the Axe armor mode.
Speaking of Rebirth, here's a link to the Wiiware version: rutracker.org
Just need Dolphin emulator to play it
Shanoa had so much potential. Would' ve bought Ecclesia 2-3.