Will you buy their game on Wednesday?

Will you buy their game on Wednesday?

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They're making another one? I thought their game came already like three hours ago.

I already have it.

why do the big boobs look so weird in BB? also, nu13 is best girl, then litchi

Remix heart needs its own full visual novel

Either that or a dating sim.


there needs to a doujin about her slowly turning into a cumslut after starting as a guy

Oh boy, a Mai thread. Somebody post the girlification chart.

nah because the PC version won't be any better running due to CF already only being about 1f of console lag. it'll just be buying the same game again but without the lobby which is all people use in BB really.

I think I'm starting to like bb girls more than gg girls

And, once again, the red haired girl is the best.
I need a name guys

Will the PC version let me sniff Mai's sweaty, unwashed butt?

Good taste

The PC port is coming on the 26th, DLC included.

She's Tsubaki

Boys turning into sexy girls and succumbing to cocklust is the best.

Tsubaki Yayoi


That's fine.

That hair is pink and that makes you gay faggot

Nah, pirate till summer sales

i agree 100%

Should of added the better Alucard

You haven't even read BE

It's red and always has been

This doujinshi is a great example of that:


time to fap, thanks :D

I always thought that it was a joke that Mai is transgender. I just looked up the wiki and holy shit how is this even possible? Is it explained how does a guy look like this??

Mai was transformed into a woman by a book or something. Biologically Mai is 100% female and didn't transition or anything. Even his inner ego is female now and has accepted living life as a woman or w/e so any trace of the "male Mai" is gone.

Mai is a biological woman.

Stop swallowing bait.


I'm not joking it's actually magic. No she can't turn back into a guy.

How did Mai react to her first period?

What's next for the future of the series6

>Fighting game
No thanks. The only fighting series I need is Street fighter. I don't like subpar attempts at fighting games with a whole roster movesets / characters to learn to stand as a medium to tell a story

We won't know until 5+ years when they decide to continue the franchise. Right now it's on hold with CF being the finale for this part of it.

I think she'd have expected it and reacted sensibly to it.

>some weeb trash about little anime girls that are just a copy of a copy with different hair colors


Reminder that Mai isn't even a person anymore, Mai is nothing but a book!

No dub, no buy.

You are wrong.


action game with the muramkumo units Mori keeps drawing that have no purpose yet.

Nope, she's the NoName Grimoire now.

What a filthy fucking book, I'm glad she took two cocks up her ass.

Books can still be lewd.

Mai is a pure girl, it's why she's embarrassed by the outfit Kajun gave her.

Why doesn't she just keep the jacket on then?

She has to take her cape off when she fights as it would get in the way.

Could have refused it, some part of her probably likes it.

If we're going by that logic, wouldn't her fuckhuge ponytail get in the way too?

I want to stuff all of her holes with tentacles and cram her innards with eggs~

Didn't Relius call her a Grimoire at the end of her arcade route?

I bet Mai didn't want to make her friend sad by rejecting the clothes she gave her.

The ponytail is completely behind her and doesn't restrict the movement of her arms the way her cape does.

That was a good one

>best girl actually won

And she couldn't do a fucking thing about it, so much for her grand debut where she accomplishes literally nothing.

>getting knocked out, mindwiped and never seeing the guy you love again

Take off your shipping goggles.

nope, waiting for unist in june

yes, i am ready and my dick is also ready

She guarded a shota. That's something.

Mai's debut was in Remix Heart which revolved around her, as does Variable Heart.

My fucking nigga, I wonder how Not-Azrael is going to play.

Praying that they add in Erika Wagner for western release.

They pretty much made it guaranteed that Rachel is the only one for Ragna now.

Also, couldn't someone just grab her by her long ponytail? She should look into covered hairbuns. Might even look cute on her.

But her addition to the playable cast amounted to nothing

Cutest OTP.

>Variable Heart
Speaking of that, did they ever confirm if Bell was Platinum, and if so, what happened to the original Bell persona?

>Their Game
>Where only Noel is important
>Where Tsubaki just tags long wanting to suck Jin/Hakumen's dicks
>Where Makoto lusts after Naoto's bloodedge
>Where Mai gets blown the fuck out by Hazama and Relius
>Their game

So what? Almost the entire roster is unimportant to the story of Blazblue.

i'm hype for top tier akatsuki and mid tier gordie


Bell is Platinum's body. We don't know what happens to Bell's personality yet.

Years of manga "development time" and Mai's story just has her losing like an absolute weakling and adding nothing to the story like the useless rabble she is.

Reminder that Mai was drawn and designed by a fujo

Unless western release is a new version I doubt they'll add Wagner. Sucks I was actually expecting her over Enkidu.

The thing is, they added both Nanase and Byakuya in the console version's release so I'm hoping they add one extra character in the translated ports.

Your problem is that you think the two manga need to lead up to something in the game instead of treating them as stories of their own. By that logic all the BB spinoffs are irrelevant.

To be fair Relius blew EVERYONE the fuck out and just went in the boundary because he literally was bored with this world.

And gave Mai really puffy nipples

Already have it on console, so nope. Need to play it a bit more before Rev 2 comes out though.

I never expected anything out of her but found her inclusion into the game just to be thrown into the garbage pile hilarious. At least Naoto and Es are contextually important while Mai was absolutely irrelevant.

Fujos do nice work.

They might announce another character before launch because yeah, generally two characters happen for big version updates like UNIST was. Just hope they aren't counting Mika and Phonon.

Best Girl

I'm all about Rev 2. That's my May game for sure.

Mai vs. May, who is better?

I'm not cool enough to be Johnny so I'll go with Mai.

>acts as the guardian of a gate but gets blown the fuck out by the first person to try to cross it; a scarecrow would have been as effective as her

>there's all this talk about his existence overwriting Ragna's in his arcade route but none of that is ever brought up in the story and his contribution is acting as Ragna's punching bag to help calm him down

Only adding Enkidu would also leave the roster at a weird odd number, which hasn't happened for any release of UNIB yet.

And Hazama is an Azure Grimoire and can kick almost everyone's ass too. I bet all the people who call Mai a jobber for losing would be bitching that she's a Mary Sue if she had actually won against two of the strongest characters in the game.

As opposed to Mai who shows up when the most relevant time to appear to reinforce the power of academy girl friendship already passed and showed up to helplessly lose to villains way fucking beyond her caliber.

May has better mixup options in the corner, and isn't braindead unga shit, so May.

Enkidu was apparently the most worked on after both Phonon who was due to be a real character since the series' beta period while Mika was someone the development team found fun to work on.

We got the big Re-Birth characters but I doubt they'll be added. The 3rd girl in Orie's team got some work done on her and stands in the same development process as Erika is in, except Erika is already foreshadowed to hell and back with Gordeau and Chaos' storylines. I want my masked red pyro knight with sword and shield already.

Mai brings Noel back to civilization and allows her to rejoin the other good guys. And by guarding Homura she frees up the other characters to fight Izanami.

Naoto was handled great, throughout it he pretty much had one goal and had nice dialogue with other characters as a result of it. He meshed much better than I had first thought he would.

I hear the game is 40 bux? is that true and the 20 percent loyalty discount?

>Mai doesn't fight in the ballroom dress

Missed opportunity

Having fantastic voice-work helped him a lot for me. Hype as shit.