Should i skip DS2 and go straight to DS3?

I've played DS2 and it didnt manage to keep me interested i cant exactly pinpoint why ,ive played the shit out of bloodborne (since everything literally clicks with me) so i do know for a fact that i really really enjoy FROM design philosophy ,ive heard that ds3 is a lot faster and i do know that ds2 had a different director which probably is the reason why it didnt feel as good.

that being said ,should i play ds 2 ( played originally on ps3 now got a ps4 so thats quite the upgrade) or is it really beginning to end trash and just skip to ds3 and get ds1 maybe afterwards? I dont mind the plot since in those kind of games its kind of massive and you learn it from wikis anyways so i shouldnt feel too much if any parts missing

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Skip it

Just don't play any. Souls games as a whole are empty and shallow, especially ds3.
Play Nioh, Bloodborne, or Demon souls. Those games do the souls formula better than dark souls. Thank me later.

Idk man i picked up nioh right after bloodborne and so far i dont enjoy it that much ,maybe i must give it time and itll grow ,maybe im too stuck on bloodborne still

It's definitely worth a playthrough, even to just have more to compare what you like about Bloodborne

It's my least favorite for visual and tonal reasons but it does have a good amount of viable weapon variety

No, its better than DaS3, don't listen to the bandwagoners.

DaS3 is almost entirely linear and PVP is completely fucked. I could play 1 and 2 over and over again but 3 just gets fucking boring halfway through every time, and its because its too linear and has fewer areas to visit and explore.

You can break sequence and kill Dancer any time, but all that does it allow you to access a couple late-game areas early. You can do a couple of the lords of cinder in either order, but most areas either just lead you from A to B with your next linear destination at the end, or they're just dead ends entirely. Nothing is interconnected like it was in DaS, there are maybe two branching paths giving you a choice of where to go next while DaS2 had half a dozen and allowed you to tackle many areas in more or less any order you wanted.

>ive played the shit out of bloodborne (since everything literally clicks with me
So, you wanted a character action game instead of an action-RPG?

I see this mentioned all the time, and it always just seems like people who gush over BB but don't like the other games as much just don't want the game to be an RPG, they want a fast action game.

Ds3 has references to DS2 in it with the entire final area of the series being hosted about an iconic shithole of Dark Souls 2.

DS3 is just as lifeless storywise as DS2, except at least in DS2 covenants mean something and the npcs are somewhat fucking competant to not run off an die immediately after being resqued the third time, or just spontaneously die while in fucking firelink for no discernable reason.

Hm kind of true but not quite,nioh is a lot faster than bloodborne but i dont like it as much , even tho nioh is heavy on rpg its not the reason i havent liked it as much either.

Excluding my own bias towards gothic style i really like bloodborne cause of the weapon design,the fast combat (in comparison),the really strong start of the game (central yharnam is great),honestly at times i felt it fell,i didnt particularly love the endgame (dlc was probably the best part but im talking the basic game endgame) especially mico and wetnurse,even tho it picked way up with gherman.chalices were okay but not particularly great.

the problem with rpg elements probably is entry lvl vs replayability to me,if you have a lot of options for builds and armors the game can keep you interested for a serious lot but the breaking point is harder to reach,in case of bloodborne tho if you go for a pure quality build you wont need to do more than an arcane and a bloodtinge build ,so in total solo wise bloodborne got a lot less replay value than a game like souls ,for sure.

That all sounds perfectly reasonable.

DS2 has good weapon and playstyle variety compared to the others. It was made by a different team than the other games and has many differences because of this which make it more distinct but also many changes which feel unsouls like or just stupid.

You could skip it for now since there is basically no important story in it. Play 3 after 1 and then play 2 with the expectation that it is its own thing. Go play Bloodborne and Demon's Souls too. They are their own things as well.

Honestly you can skip it if you're not enjoying it. Looking back it wasn't a particularly great experience gameplay wise and even lore wise there isn't really a significant amount of references to it in DS3.

it's okay
just treat it as a slower bloodborne and you're good to go
(don't use a shield)

I think the optimum playing order is DS1->DS3->BB->DeS with DS2 last if you really feel like playing it. Seeing that I think you may as well go straight to 3.

Dark Souls 2 is a fucking good game, especially if you play scholar.

I say stick it out, and move on to 3 if you REALLY don't enjoy it. However I'd implore you to go back to it after 3 at least.

I had more fun with ds2 but that was back when I was in high school so I had a lot more time to dick around with

Vanilla DS2 was bad.
DS2: SotFS is a fantastic game.

One thing I actually liked about the vanilla game over SOTFS was the availability of the items to access the DLC areas.

I started the game with them, had no idea what was DLC and what wasn't, and wound up getting lost in the Sanctum City thinking I was supposed to go there. Too few games allow the player to do this, to actually make mistakes and go somewhere you're not supposed to be yet and I thought it made playing through the game the first time more enjoyable.

DS2 is dogshit and DS3 barely references it at all. Only DS1 matters. Just skip it and pretend this disgrace of a game never even existed.

>skip best game in the series

Sure, if you're a retard

Whilst I respect your opinion, surely you realise that's a minority opinion right there?

>entire final area of the series being hosted about an iconic shithole of Dark Souls 2.
>entire final area
Earthen Peak is a fraction of it

My fav reddit buzzword

Someone post the "fun is a buzzword" screencap

>fantastic is now a reddit buzzword

Is the minority right, though?

If you don't like it don't bother. Its a no brainer dude

It's worth giving a try, SoTFS has so much content to offer it would be a shame if you just dismissed the game outright

Why don't you respect yourself as a human being? Are you a phone poster?

Play demons, 1, 3, and bloodborne so that when you finally get to 2 it's the most disappointing shit ever

Quality>quantity. I did enjoy my SOTFS run, but that was more towards the end and dlc with only occasional good patches for the early and mid game.

It may not be worth trudging through 30 hours of this just to reach that.

I havent played ds3, but having played ds1 ptde, and ds2 scholar, I would suggest you skip ds2 and go straight to scholar as I read it improves/adds a number of things.

i think it goes something like this

>wanna play a game thats fun

>wanna play dark souls
play it. even if you dont like it, its interesting to see what a b-team did

That's just a buzzword

only if youre depressed


Of course

I'm just saying that he should give it a try

If you already tried it and disliked it there's no reason to pay for it again and retry it.

Skip to III. Or Dark/Demon's Souls.

Its not just the worst souls, its actually a bad game.

Dark souls 2 is fucking infuriating.
The enemy placement and sheer number of them is ridiculous, its absolute bullshit, it has nothing to do with getting good, its just cheap
The adaptability stat is bullshit too and it just serves as a means to keep you down because you have to put like 20 points in it to make the game playable.
Also its so fucking slow and sluggish, its incredible how shit it plays during your first 1/2 of the game until you become not-shit because of your attributes.

Id still say to play it, but be prepared to rage at bullshit encounter with 6 bazillion enemies. Also be a ranged character, being melee is basically hard mode
If you really want a sword then go pure INT and pick up the moonlight sword later in the game

The DLC areas are fantastic and the pvp is the best in the series. If you're the type to play a souls game offline then skip it. Otherwise grab some pyromancies and a greatsword and defend the bell for the princess.

>be prepared to rage at bullshit encounter with 6 bazillion enemies
Or grab a wide sweeping weapon or one of the dozens of aoe spells designed to cleave through crowds instead of raging like a babby.

is it that bad
my mate beat it with keyboard only
not sure if i should try after finishing the ds3 dlc

Yeah enjoy using your poleaxe 2handed R2 in what are usually cramped rooms

Skip it, DaS2 is the worst game of all time, a sharp contrast to BB being the greatest game of all time. That said I'd skip DaS3 too because it's also shit. Just play BB again, since it renders playing other games pointless.

meanwhile getting shafted by the archers/designated ranged red phantom/magic user enemy. Of which there are 3 in every clump of melee enemies.
Also not even the ultra greatswords do enough poise damage to late game enemy mobs to halt their attack. No mater what you hit them with the still chip at your health

No, DS2 is legitimately the best game in the series. Don't fall for the Sup Forums memes.

Yes if you want to have FUN.

No if you are seeking a life changing experience.

If you're not enjoying dark souls 2 just skip it. You're not going to magically start enjoying it.

I do think dark souls 2 can feel better over time, I think it's pretty decent now while when i got the game on release I was fucking disgusted by it.

Skip it, play dark souls 3. Give dark souls 2 a chance again later, you might enjoy it with a fresh start once it's out of your system

as i said, it gets better in the late game because your attributes actually make the controls not shit.
You HAVE to be prepared for slow sluggish movement, i came to the ps4 version (already platted ps3 ver) right after nioh and it was like hitting a brick wall

>shitposting this hard
Everyone knows DaS2 is irredeemable garbage and no one could possibly enjoy any part of it.

Skip DS3 it's trash

it's the worst in the series but still a great game. you'll miss out on some good stuff if you skip it, like Singh the dragon and Alonne

all dark souls games are "fantastic" because they're fantasy

If everyone knows that then why does DS2 and DS1 have the same user ratings on steams while DS3 is 6% lower?

It's the best, quantity and quality wise.

Dark Souls 2 fags need to die

Dark Souls 1 knight battle

Dark Souls 2 knight battle

DS1 > DS2 >>> DS3

Don't fall for the memes, DS2 actually requires to hone your DS1 rolling skills unlike DS3 where mashing roll and R1 works for everything up until the endgame areas.

PC fatties giving them high ratings because they are mad about BB

That's a samurai not a Knight, Fume is DS2's Artorias and a way better boss.

and for posterity

dark souls 3 knight battle

playing virtually any vidya that gives you a modicum of movement speed and you'll find any Dakku Soru geimu to be slow and clunky, and that you need time to readjust to its timing and mechanics

eventually you (re)get gud, everything clicks, and then you wind up being overly cautious and slow in the fast paced games you were playing before

not sure what these two videos are supposed to prove
they're both great boss fights

>spinny anime shit

This is why DS3 belongs in the trash.

Common DS1 fanboy complains


BB has that too though, and it shits all over the Souls games.

ds2 may not be slow when compared to dk1 and demon souls, but it certainly is waaay more sluggish

Its not that bad, SOTFS was a vast improvement.

Fucking Undead Burg in DaS1 throws just as many enemies at you in succession.

Sir is the title of a knight. Alonne is obviously built up as the artorias fight of dark souls 2

BB never had magic Link tornado spins like DaS3

>and it's shit

Here, moved that s to the right spot

anime shit was even in demon souls

I never understand this complaint tbqh. DS2 has almost exactly the same encounter design as 1 and 3. It's a bit sloppier but DS2 is still an easy 7 or 8 out of 10. Just be aware of your surroundings, engage cautiously and when in doubt, shoot something with an arrow.

There's a few rooms where the entire shtick is to fight slightly more enemies than normal, and the ancient dragon shrine can be a piece of shit but everybody acts like you're constantly being surrounded by a half dozen knights spamming great sword aoes. And that only happens if you suicide dash!

That's fine, BB is a different franchise, anime dex shit all day every day in that game makes sense.

Turning DS into a Frankenstein BB-lite was garbage though.

>asking Sup Forums for game advice
when will they learn

I liked DaS1 & 2's idea of weapon arts consuming weapon durability better than the bullshit mana bar and double bullshit ashen estus flask of DaS3.


>may not be slow
>waaay more sluggish
I don't understand

>A character-action game is better than an action-RPG when its in a series of action-RPGs


Explain the order
I might get ds3 before bb before des

If it you played bloodborne already just fucking skip it. DS2 has the slowest combat by far and you will just be unable to enjoy it after playing the fastest game in the series.

Don't let these retards force you into playing a game you're not going to enjoy dude.

This 2bh. DS1 is an instant classic, a game that will be remembered for 100 years. DS3 feels really smooth and has a great camera and cinematic effects, but it's too influenced by bloodborne to be perfect and there are dumbass things like a bonfire that is literally 10 feet away from another bonfire. Everything in Dark Souls 1 feels intentional and fell thought out. The short cuts in the other souls games just feel like they put them there just because of tradition. DS1 level designed is crafted around the idea of cool shortcuts.

Bros do I play in order:
pls help

DS1 is way slower than DS2, besides stamina regen

Try reading the whole sentence next time, context clues are very helpful.

Dark Souls 2 is just 90% like every other souls game.

All Souls games are more or less the same game. You dont like this title because you are a person that is easily influenced by propaganda and the voice of majority.

if your stats arent high enough the game feels like it has lag, the inputs have a delay and you cant connect actions one RIGHT after another (thanks, adaptability)

>Fast is always better
Just admit you wanted an action game and not an RPG

not him but i think the most optimal

des > das so you can see the obvious improvements on how a low-budget game turned to an AAA title. then das2 if youre curious what a B team did, then das3

the fast enemies and roll is a lot better developed in BB, so i would play it as last

>Final DLC is a love letter to DS2
>Barely references it



That is a legitimate complaint though. It's fucking retarded as fuck.


You have to do that in all Souls games. In all the other Souls games you die because it was your own mistake 99% of the time. In DS2 you die because you want to get over with the boring ass game so you overextend.

Yeah, turning all the weapons into crystal weapons sure was a design choice instead of a programming error they didn't fix until several months later. Oh wait.

Because in the real world people can't attack while standing on a spinning plate that targets you automatically.

Or, prepare to stand there bored for 30 minutes at a time, because Bell covenant is dead as fuck, on ps4 atleast.

No, ADP only affects iframes.
And if you have more than 8 ADP, you basically have a DS1 midroll.
Only 3 classes have super bad ADP that gives you only 5 iframes instead of 8-9 at the very start.

Play DS3 after DS1 if only because you will recognize the areas and items. A lot of DS3 is throwbacks to the rest of the series (mostly DaS 1) because they knew it would be the last one.

I haven't played bloodborne but I hear it's quite good as well. And DS3 combat seems to have cribbed quite a bit from BB.

Demons' souls you should play last because it does feel quite dated at this point, but it's still interesting to see the roots of the series.

That I can agree with, there's been too many times to count where I'd swing a greatsword one way, then I'd try to move but another swing would be queued and I'd have to waste an estus or lifegem.

There's your problem.

defend the kings gate
defend the rat authority boss
defend the vanilla dragon shrine
defend the ng+ black gulch
defend the gargoyles
defend the iron keep
defend the spider filled chapel
defend the huntsmans corpse

ds3 and bb game design share very similiar things and bb does a better job at it. i would go 1-2-3 then bb

tbqh senpai it was pretty fucking weak

>hey, it's the Earthen Ruins
>no, no enemies from them or anything
>and well, to be honest all of the architecture is smashed into ash and the entire area is kind of a neat but ugly vertigo clusterfuck
>here's the pyromancer titty set
>DS2 existed, OK?


This, more than anything, completely fucked the game up.

> need backup weapon to get through every area after No-Man's Wharf, because your main weapon will break between bonfires

>That is a legitimate complaint though.
How? It's even more absurd when you realize it only takes like 10 skill points to be comparable to DS1.

>In DS2 you die because you want to get over with the boring ass game so you overextend.
Maybe you.

>Yeah, turning all the weapons into crystal weapons
Wasn't an issue on the console versions. I'd also argue the durability mechanic is pointless in every other Souls game and shouldn't exist.

>Because in the real world people can't attack while standing on a spinning plate that targets you automatically.
But they can be beaten by walking around to their back and backstabbing them.