Sup Forums when did you BTFO someone in a game with a single sentence?

Sup Forums when did you BTFO someone in a game with a single sentence?

Killed some guy during humiliation in TF2
He wrote a paragraph telling me how much of a faggot I was because I targeting him instead of the other dudes that had a head start in running away and I should noose myself for the betterment of the world.
I said 'K'
He then told my to fuck my mother, hoped all of my sperm cells died so I could not procreate and called me a retard.
Then he left

playing Overwatch with retarded enemy team
i just typed ___________gg ez___________ and he went apeshit

You are still retarded though

no u

>someone says "lol u mad?"
>anything you say will sound like you are mad

be this mad, thanks for (You) tho



I randomly in a rage screamed "I HOPE YOUR MOM DIES"
The guy I screamed that at...turned out his mom died the week before.
He started crying everyone else laughed at him and I felt bad.
CSGO can be brutal.

This is the one situation where ironic shitposting is appropriate

>"Lol you mad?"
>"Haha lol yeah I totally am" in as sincere a voice you can muster

>Not saying anything also makes you seem mad
Truly, the apex of online arguments.

gg ez

lol u mad

>"lol u mad?"
> No I'm horny

This meme needs to die out already.

If this bothers you it's even worse than being mad. Stop being emotionally invested in video games.

It bothers me more that people think im even mad to begin with and resort to such a petty line.

Why, though? If you're retarded enough to worry about some inconsequential shit you might as well be mad.

I don't interact with people in video games I just pretend they are bots and mute voices.

I exclusively play single-player games, so no, never.