Overhyped pieces of shit you got tricked into buying

Pic related.
Even worse because I KNEW it would be shit. Taro has never released a good game, ever.

Combat is easily platinums worst
Story is pretty much a carbon copy of the previous game
Even added in the same "delete ur game lel" again
Added in a shitty ending that makes no sense for the pissbabs that cant accept that some stories dont end happily,

I only felt sad for A2 and popola/devola.

I cried and yelled at the screen, "dont throw your life away for some edgy shit just because his personal executioner asked you to" and "you dont need to do this, its not your fault, you are not responsible for the actions of similar models"

>I knew it would be shit
>but I still bought it
Then you only got yourself to blame, you fucking retard

>I cried and yelled at the screen
Why would you care? dont you hate this game?

Seems like Yoko reTARdO is worse than a broken clock, because he never gets it right

You still only have yourself to blame, for buying a game you obviously wouldn't like

>Never bought the game says he played it.
>Wants attention because fat, sad and alone.
>Shitposts in Sup Forums
>Same guy shit posting about Vanquish.

Here's the thing though, there arent any other games coming out for a while now. And we wont even know when until E3. You have a lot of time to learn to love the game, or even get over the fact that you bought it. And yes, Im trying to validate how I feel because I just bought this piece of shit too.

projecting much kiddo?

Exactly why I'm waiting until it's out on torrent. I just know it's overrated.

>tricked into buying
>i'm too retarded to form my own opinion even when I have access to internet and demo / STEAM refund
OP is a retard.

>I didn't like thing

It´s not overhyped, it´s actually really damn good

Its really not.

>game comes out made by someone known to have never made a good game
>everyone suddenly goes OMG THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER
>buy it
>its the same trash as always

Yes, its your fault. Sup Forums is never right.

>just keep playing the game only REALLY starts on your third playthrough of an open world rpg!!
>please our game is good believe us!!1!1!!
Now that I think of it, this is Sup Forums's Undertale.
>really overrated
>multiple playthroughs required
>Undertale is loved on Tumblr and hated on Sup Forums, Nier is loved by Sup Forums and hated by Tumblr
>shitty 'this could only work as a video game endings
>joke character turns out to be the edgy final boss
>easy bullet hell sequences
>bad graphics
>shooting at the end credits
>le feels slowly revealing text segments
>"don't give up XD!!!!1!
>gender-fluid characters (Frisk and Pascal)
>humans are soooo bad message
>low budget
>quirky creator
>spiritual successor to another game
>some RPG elements, but not enough to actually matter
>sad ending
>lots of grinding required for true ending (ending Y)
>awkward dialogue
>quirky shopkeeper (Emil and Tem)
>pretty good music
>both deal with themes of existentialism
>no hard bossfights (except Ness and Emil)
>both have emphasis on flowers
The similarities are astounding

>caring about the most underdeveloped characters in the game. Weow

>Seen this pasta 3 times already
It's way too soggy already.

this is a trap

Thats just how bad the game is.
Side characters are better written than the "main" characters

A2's ending is literally kains ending regurgitated

you havent bought it or played it

This is the 5th time Ive seen this pasta in the past 24 hours.

what's the point of these threads?
sure, it's way overhyped, just like witcher 3, but the crowd of rabid fanboys (or hormonal neckbeards drooling over a digital ass) surpasses normal people by a large margin.

>Even worse because I KNEW it would be shit.

You bought it anyway, dumbass. Don't buy games you know you won't like. Also, this game has a demo.

>Added in a shitty ending that makes no sense for the pissbabs that cant accept that some stories dont end happily

Or maybe the creator just wanted a happy ending.

>Added in a shitty ending that makes no sense for the pissbabs that cant accept that some stories dont end happily

Clearly, you were emotionally invested into the story.

Actually, NieR: Automata has a huge following on tumblr. I'm assuming you don't go on tumblr and just assumed they would hate it because clearly the entire website is nothing but "SJW's".


Remember when Sup Forums wasn't shit?

if you didnt want people to shit on your favorite game (it seems you're too emotionally attached and take any criticism towards the game personally) you should've keep threads to a minumum instead of shilling 24/7

Eh it was alright. I give it 8/10. Its obvious flaws would normally be slammed but it's babby's first taro game.

At least it was cheap.

I enjoyed it. I liked the story, fun gameplay and overall satisfying after getting all of the main story endings.

A shame you didn't like it.

I like the plug in system and the story. Also I've always liked platinum styled combat even if this wasnt the deepest they've ever made.


remember when v didnt pretend to like shitty taro games in a pathetic attempt to fit in?

Drakenguard back in the days was so shit that we made it into a meme by pretending it was good. Now you newfags actually think that taro makes good games.

Funfact: taro made a phone game that was so dogshit square enix had it removed from the app store

>Drakenguard back in the days was so shit that we made it into a meme by pretending it was good. Now you newfags actually think that taro makes good games.
I unironically think Drakengard 1 is a good game.

Furiae. Furiae. Furiae. Furiae. Furiae.
Fu. Ri. Ae. Fu. Ri. Ae.

>i liked it even if it wasnt the deepest

its literally as shallow as it could possibly be. THe only way to make it even worse, is by making it into FF15, aka one button combat

Seems like taro KNEW the game was shit so he added a trophy shop so you wouldnt have to replay the game to get 26 shitty endings

>I unironically think Drakengard 1 is a good game.

Ok, delusional Tarofag

Nice try Op you are not baiting me.

Your point? Wether or not his old games were mediocre doesn't mean automata is bad.

Kek, i bet you also suck your boss's dick

Gameplay might be bad, but the atmosphere and story is unparalleled.

So, the most important part of a game is shit. Sorry, the rest can't redeem that.

It gets good 26 hours in Sup Forumsro. On a serious note art is not for everyone since its not exclusively for fun

Perhaps, but it doesnt change the fact that automata is bad.

Taro has never, and most likely will never, make a good game.

I wonder how he even got permission and funds to make this shitheap. He must have some blackmail on the CEO or something.

>its literally as shallow as it could possibly be
Now you're just shitposting. It has several weapon types and plugin chips that add different abilities during combat. Also the different pod mods. On top of all that you have three different characters to play as, admittedly only 9s is really different, A2 just gets the overclock and taunt. Reminds me of jetstream sam.

If gameplay is what you prioritize, then sure. I bet you read books for the plot, retard.

After playing the demo I knew the game would only be popular because of the nonstop upskirt. It did nothing unique and looked like a game I could play on PS3.

Well it payed off because the game sold pretty well.

Little under 300,000 on steam alone

dont change the shallow combat at all.

>muh chips
dont change combat at all, they dont add abilities you lying sack of shit, they're literally the edgy verssion of "leather belt of the bear"

>muh pods
waste of time.

they all play the same. hacking got old after 2 times, and berserk mode is a fucking joke because you cant exit it at will.

so it flopped? kk

I guarantee it was platinum that decided to add 2B, and Yoko reTARdO wanted to make the game only about edgelord 9S.

Not an argument, have a (You)

>Story is pretty much a carbon copy of the previous game
>Even added in the same "delete ur game lel" again
>Added in a shitty ending that makes no sense for the pissbabs that cant accept that some stories dont end happily,

If you genuinely believe this you would have to be retarded. Seek professional help.

If you're not baiting with these posts mind telling me how old are you?

Who keeps making these threads? They always have
>reddit spacing
>Sup Forums lied to me, this game sucks fucking dick
>uses the cover art for the thread
At least you didn't mention "muh ass", so maybe it isn't a single butthurt shitposter

Cheap (you)s, those people are like drug addicts, man.

>"I don't think I'll like this game"
>Buy it anyway

Just because you type in all caps and stutter doesn't make me any less right spears, heavy swords, light swords, all have different move sets that play off eachother
>dont change combat at all, they dont add abilities you lying sack of shit, they're literally the edgy verssion of "leather belt of the bear"
Ok so you just proved you didnt play the game. Some chips would slow time after a dodge, speed up your movement, increase the range of your dodge, recover hp by dealing damage. Thats just the surface.
>waste of time
Your opinion, i liked using them they added just a little more depth. You need to upgrade them to truly make them usable.
Yeah i pretty much said they play similarly, but the point still stands they are different. Also controlling bots as 9s was fun.

>shit I got rekt hard
>wait, if i post "not an argument" i can still win

Not how it works sweety, kk?

I think it's ok game
also it has nice metal case

How about you suck my cock, sweetie?

he's right though.

A2's ending is literally the same as kains ending and ending E makes no sense, its literally impossible for it to happen. 2B was completely and utterly destroyed, internally and externally, and th bunker is gone, so her data is gone, not even mentioning there arent any repair parts left

I remember when Sup Forums wasn't filled with retarded faggots. But that was long ago.

Her memory was in her sword, its why A2 has her memories of killing 9s repeatedly. Admittedly kind of an ass pull, but it's explained.

>passive stat increases change the gameplay
this is how desperate tarotards are to defend their trashy games.

The only chip that was good was the one that auto picks up shit

It's a great game, though.

Her conscious was transferred into the sword, retard. And machine's Tower had plenty of spare android bodies.

>2B was completely and utterly destroyed
She stored her memories in her sword. This was mentioned about half a dozen times in C.

>>passive stat increases change the gameplay
So you're just going to ignore the chips that change the dodge mechanic and increase your movement?

Why dont you address my other points?

No, it isnt. if they used her swords data, the virus would still be in there. and you conveniently ignored the plot hole about their bodies being destroyed with no way to repair them.

Devola and popola where the only ones left who could repair yorha androids, and guess what, they're dead.

Just admit that the ending is literally just there for crybabies who have to have their happy ending. The pods confirm this. They talk directly to you, the player, asking if you want them to live, you say yes, and they go "kk they lived happily ever after"

Because you didnt have an argument to begin with. Increasing dash range or slowing time doesnt change the shallow gameplay, it just makes an already piss easy game even easier.

>No, it isnt. if they used her swords data, the virus would still be in there
It was an older back up I assume
>and you conveniently ignored the plot hole about their bodies being destroyed
Their bodies get destroyed all the time
>with no way to repair them
Androids repair themselves all the time like the merchants leg.

All my points were absolutely valid and playing on the highest difficulties can be difficult. Its plain as day that you're just shitposting and baiting so this is your last (you)

YoRHa androids store their memories in their weapons, ya dunce
The weapons trader in the resistance camp tells A2 to "take care of 2B" if she walks up to him with her sword equipped.

Sounds like you didn't play it and you only read Sup Forums posts.

No they dont. Stop talking when you clearly dont have a fucking clue.

2B uploaded her memories into her sword when she was about to die as a last resort. and again you're ignoring the no spare bodies fact

There is literally nothing more pathetic and sad than autistic fanboys autismally screeching YOU DIDNT EVEN PLAY IT when their mediocre game gets shat on.

>you're ignoring the no spare bodies fact
The map is littered with android vending machines filled with spare bodies.

No they dont you fucking inbred retard.

They're stored in their bodies, and when they know they're going to die, they attempt to upload their data to the bunker, which is gone. Which is why dying in route C D E results in a game over. Because the bunker is gone and you cant get a new body and couldnt upload your memories.

Uploading into her sword is a massive asspull.

Sure they are. I'm sure those small boxes contain LOADS of android parts, each weighing about 100 kg each

They are you stupid fuck. Everytime you respawn or fast travel you are getting one of the new bodies stored inside. How are you this dense?

No, your data gets uploaded to the bunker, put into a new body there, and that gets teleported to earth.

Did you even play the game?

Sweet bait, jackass explains it uses a surrogate body.

>westacuck gets BTFO in several threads
>makes this one to get BTFO yet again\

This can't be healthy for you, dude.

Furiae. Furiae. Furiae. Furiae. Furiae.
Fu. Ri. Ae. Fu. Ri. Ae.

While Sup Forumss hype/shitting was as always out of any proportion i actually enjoyed Nier Assomatismo.
Wasn't the best thing ever but I enjoyed that it actually knew it was a game and never wanted to be anything else.


opinion discarded. Shes a literal crackhead.

And even if there were bodies in the boxes, the way they work is by uploading your data to the bunker and then into the hypothetical bodies stored "somehow" in those small boxes".

Guess what, the bunker is gone, which means no more uploading, which means no more spare bodies, and the game confirms this by forcing you to reload when you die, instead of the usual respawn at box and collect previous body

>the bunker is gone
Doesnt matter the boxes have android bodies in it wether or not you believe it doesn't make it untrue.

He's right you know.

The story in this one is just a poorly mashed together mess.

The music wasnt that great either. The only track that got me was the one that plays near Kain's shack. It perfectly conveys what the character is about. Someone who stands proud despite a tragic life

>if i conveniently ignore the second half of the post stating that you need to upload your data to the bunker to transfer into a new body, maybe people will think I'm right

not how it works honey.

As an fyi, there's an operator npc in the bunker who explains how fast travel works. Essentially, every transporter has materials stored inside that can create android bodies, that has to be replenished by the resistance, every time you fast travel, the transporter creates a new body using the materials stored in it. And here's proof.

It's funny you said that because you did the exact same thing to Again her backup memory was in her sword that was explained awhile ago.

I have a feeling that people who strongly hate Automata and then turn around and praise Nier haven't played either of them, and pretend that playing the first one gives them a more valid opinion. Because if you hated Automata, then you would logically also hate Nier, since the plot can be summarized with "muh daughter" and the MC being the "bad guy" the whole time. I played and loved both, but you can't be serious if you don't think that Roc and Beepy's quests weren't fucking retarded and tried way too hard to paint you as the bad guy, when Nier as a whole was very nuanced on how it painted its characters.


Asspull in a sad attempt to glue together a mediocre story, completely ignoring that her data was already completely corrupted beyond repair

What about 9s' memory? A2? Let me guess, they uploaded it into their swords too behind the scenes?

Yeah, and those materials are sent from the bunker, guess what, bunker's gone and so is most of the resistance.

Didnt play nier because I knew it would be shit, and there rightfully was no artificial hype or autistic shilling for it like there was for shitomata

No the pods saved it.

It really is.

The pods were always capable of backing up memory, dumbasses. They back up the memory to themselves and then upload it to the YoRHa server. They were also in on the plan to eliminate YoRHa and hiding a lot from their masters.

>playing automata without playing Nier

>so is most of the resistance.
Nope, the resistance camp isnt all of the resistance, they have battleships and carriers for christs sake.Just because the bunker is destroyed doesn't mean the supplies magically disappear.

Your points were shit brah. He's right no matter how autistic he sounds, slowing down time isn't a cool new ability, it just...slows down time. There are no chips that completely vary up the COMBAT. You don't get any combat skills to expand your already minuscule combos.

Ending E doesn't matter because Taro ruined it on the side materials like he always does
9S never wakes up and 2B ends up alone

I didn't get fooled. This and Yakuza 0 will be PS store discount purchases as they should be

>the pods saved it

Asspull with zero proof.
Tell me kiddo, if pods were capable of that, then why upload it into a sword?

This is why you always go PC, user.

You can always pirate a game to see if you enjoy it first.

Literally said in the picture it's restocked by the resistance. You're either a shit troll or legitimately retarded; either way talking to you is a waste of time, even for people who browse Sup Forums all day.