Why the fuck would I feel bad for killing shades when they're the ones attacking me first?
Why the fuck would I feel bad for killing shades when they're the ones attacking me first?
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Because they are people and you are not.
This they are human and your a blade runner style replicant. Your the bad guy of the game. A killbot that wipes out true humanity.
Ludonarrative dissonance too strong in this game
>Random person enters your territory
>Try to scare them off
>They start to slaughter off your family and friends.
You don't actually have to feel bad, you know.
actually some of them dont attack you first
also know that killing a shade is killing a relicant
name one (1) thing comfier than fishing with this playing
The first shades you fight don't even attack you though. You're the one who decided to kill your way through the Lost Shrine and start this slaughter quest.
more like
>someone breaks into your home
>try to scare them off
>they kill you, your family, your extended family, your friends, your neighbors, and your dog
honestly how does this game compare to automata
So Fatheru or Brotheru?
game itself is garbage compared to automata but the story and music are GOAT
So you're a robot in this game too?
Was humanity ever a thing in the Nier universe?
Yeah, Shades
I haven't even finished A route in Automata yet, so I have no clue what Automata is like from a story perspective, but the gameplay in Automata isn't a gigantic step up from the original Nier, despite that being the reason everybody shits on it so much.
If Automata is comparable to Bayonetta (but dumbed down), the original Nier plays like God of War (but dumbed down).
The story, characters, and music are all great. If you liked Automata, you would be doing yourself a disfavour by not playing the original.
>So you're a robot
You are replicant dude
You're technically a "shell" without a soul that the shades (humanity) are trying to return to due to a disease nearly wiping out humankind, forcing people to separate themselves from their bodies in order to survive.
Basically it's revealed in Nier 1 that you're playing as replacement bodies for humanity, who had to turn themselves into spooky shadow creatures to avoid dying from a world ending disease. But the replacement bodies gained sentience and think that they are the real humans and the shadow monsters are just shadow monsters.
By entering their territory without their express consent you are violating the NAP. You are in the wrong here.
>they're the ones attacking me first
Yeah, about that....
Both are cool and pretty different. Brother had a cool backstory (selling his boipussi to a fat old rich guy, so he could afford Yonah's medicine, and then murdering the dude in the chaos of a shade hunt), and goes much more visibly unhinged during the second half of the game.
Father is a more held-together character by fact of being older, more mature, and more ready for everything that happens. I prefer the father/daughter relationship with Yonah, but the unhinged nature of Brother is genuinely great too. I prefer Father's design and his relationship with both Kaine and Emil (being gay for a burly old man is funnier than being gay for a young pretty twink).
>You don't actually have to feel bad, you know.
This. I think a lot of people are missing the point of Nier. It's not FEEL BAD FEEL BAD WHY AREN'T YOU SAD YET, it's "this is why a 100% good guy could commit horrific atrocities and good people end up slaughtering good people".
There's like two or three actual villains in Nier, and they're all minor characters. The whole game is heroes killing heroes due to irreconcilable differences in perspective.
The gameplay in the first one is extremely dull and doesn't even feel smooth and responsive. Automata is in an entirely different class, the first one doesn't even deserve the comparison with GoW.
If i remember correctly, the first shades you find after the epilogue don't even attack you until you attack first.
did Bro Nier also fall in love with Kaine?
>Why the fuck would I feel bad for killing shades when they're the ones attacking me first?
You are missing the point.
You are supposed to think that you are in the right to kill them, feeling bad for them was never intended.
If you consider Yoko Taro's philosophy on the type of games that have a "hero" going around committing mass genocide, it's less that he's saying Papa/Bro are 100% good guys, and more that he's saying there's no such thing as a hero that does such a thing.
Nier's motivation isn't heroism. He's trying to help himself and his daughter, and he will help others if that will further (or at least not distract from) that mission. The main message of the game is: Getting so caught up in your own self-interest to the point where you refuse, or can no longer, communicate with others will create an endless cycle of vengeance and hurt.
Shades and replicants could have lived together in hamorny, wolves and humans could have lived together in harmony, but everyone was too concerned about themselves to communicate with the other, and this results in the death of everything.
The game is supposed to make you feel bad and sad. Not necessarily because of the actions of your main character that you must do to finish the game, but because you, the player, are an outsider who can see what the characters aren't able to, and you can despair in the fact that none of the killing needed to happen.
And, like in Drakengard, if you're the type of person who enjoys killing faceless, nameless, enemies in mass, you should feel like the genocidal maniac you are.
Taro isn't necessarily telling you that you're a bad person for enjoying the slaughter of enemies in a video game, but saying "isn't it weird that we enjoy this" and "would we enjoy doing this style of game if we were able to see the pain that slaughtering thousands would cause?"
I think MGS does it better when it comes to violence as a theme.
Of course. Who could resist falling in love with that hussy?
>Both are cool and pretty different
Wait, do they have actual different dialogue and characterization in the game itself? I thought the only differences were that they basically swap out daughter/sister and dad/brother in the script and that's it pretty much.
so the endings to replicant and gestalt are the same?
>Wait, do they have actual different dialogue and characterization in the game itself?
No and yes. Yes and no.
The dialogue is like 98% same, but delivery and context changes a lot and makes them feel like different characters.
So where is it mentioned that Kaine is intersex because of a glitch within the Gestalt system?
They don't. You're the one who attacks them first.
The overall story is exactly the same. Some of the dialogue is slightly different, and the delivery of that dialogue by the voice actors is a bit different. That's where a lot of the unhinged-ness of Bro Nier comes from. He doesn't sound nearly as sane as Father Nier.
They literally don't attack you when you go out to the northern planes the first time
Nier kind of pulls a trick on you. In the prologue you fight shitloads of relapsed Gestalts, then you start the game proper and the first little Shades you see don't attack you, but at this point you only know them as enemies attacking you in huge hordes.
I believe it was directly mentioned in Grimoire Nier, which you must read if you are a fan of the game. It has a lot of really important backstory, and actually continues the story of the game as well.
I don't think the game actually says it, it hints at it (you'll see in her VN segments that Kaine was shunned as a freak and cursed her "mutant body" even BEFORE she became a half-shade) but IIRC it's never stated in the game. The data/artbook Grimoire Nier says it outright, and spells out a lot of stuff that the game only alluded to.
The artbook also contains the weapon stories, which were supposed to be in the game but were left out for some insane reason (time?). And that's fucking Bull. Shit. Because the weapon stories are fantastic.
any chance of it getting an english release? i mean they are reprinting the first game after the success of automata after all.
Hope springs eternal.
>there is no KainexZero doujin
No, those don't ever attack.
And they drop school books.
Nature of her "mutation" is not mentioned in the game, but considering she's practically naked and there's nothing wrong with the parts that we can see, that doesn't leave a lot of options. It's either the forearms, soles of her feet, or the fun zone.
Oh right, I forgot. One of the bullies in the flashback says "why are you pretending to be a girl".
Anybody kind of really unsatisfied by Automata's story? It just feels like nobody changed except 9s and the pods, there was no real antagonists, nobody knew what they were doing and nobody had a reason to do anything
Better gameplay, worse story
Fucking how? It's so ham handed and devoid of meaning or choice
>there was no real antagonists, nobody knew what they were doing and nobody had a reason to do anything
That's... that's kind of the whole point, user.
Only part I was dissatisfied with was that 2B and A2 were both rushed through, they deserved the same level of development as 9S but didn't get it.
Isn't the fact that her shade is a dude enough of a clue
that's not her shade, just a random one that possessed her.
Taro said she was a normal married woman before everything went to shit
>tfw can only find 1(one) zero doujin
there's gotta be more out there somewhere right?
I mean yeah but I needed to care about something to give a shit about. 9S was meh and pointles in the end while A2 and 2B didn't really have consistent personalities or development
>honestly how does this game compare to automata
Original Nier is weaker than Automata but still totally worth playing.
There's some actual details that the original does better. Party dialogue doesn't cut itself off if you move over multiple triggers, it instead queues the dialogue so you never miss any, and there's a lot of high-quality banter between your party members (seemingly more and better than in Automata).
Emil wasn't gay for fathernier Emil just admire him.
I feel like Automata would have been immensely improved with a party and banter
Its kinda like Death Wish, maybe they are attacking you first but going around trying to kill people in self defense does make you a bit of a sociopath.
>This they are human and your a blade runner style replicant. Your the bad guy of the game. A killbot that wipes out true humanity.
This is wrong and Nier is not a bad guy. Shades are already insane.
Because it gives you the opportunity not to kill instead of forcing you to kill
So I beat Nier: 2B's ass. Never played the original game. Is it even good? I keep hearing that the story and soundtrack are virtually the only thing it has going for it.
It's competent enough to play through. Go play it and stop being a faggot who doesn't play the earlier games in the series and then complains they might miss something.
No, Grimoire Nier states that Kainé's Gestalt is a normal girl.
Much like real life. Makes you think, doesn't it?
>Shades are already insane.
Hey, look! Another guy who didn't play past ending A. LOL
It's decent. Gameplay is okay and the fetch quests are tedious. Story really starts to take off during route B and the OST is god-tier.
If you're feeling lazy, just switch to easy mode and blast through the game.
So does that mean she has a benis? She isn't wearing much down there so I guess she's just really good at tucking then
Fuck off you fucking newfag if you don't even know what relapse is.
Next time you pay attention to youtube you watch because it's obvious that you've never played the game.
The first shades you meet after the prologue don't attack you, actually.
I want to hold hands with 5!
>"Shades are already insane"
If all shades had relapsed, they'd all be automatically hostile. As a variety of people have pointed out, many regular ones aren't and all of the boss shades aren't.
If you want to be snarky, try not being totally wrong first. Just a suggestion.